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Longitude, Heliocentric +Charting the Stars: Longitude and the H…Galactic Astronomy
Longitude of Perihelion +Mapping the Solar Dance: Understanding …Galactic Astronomy
Longitude, Terrestrial +Longitude: Navigating the Celestial Sp…Galactic Astronomy
Loop of Retrogression +The Loop of Retrogression: A Celestial …Astronomical Inst…
Lowell, Percival +Percival Lowell: Pioneer Astronomer and…Astronomers
Lucida +Lucida: Guiding Light in the Starry Sky…Stellar Astronomy
Luculi +The Sun's Sparkling Surface: Exploring …Astronomical Inst…
Lumiere Cendree +The Gentle Glow of Earthshine: Unveilin…Galactic Astronomy
Lunar Cycle +The Lunar Cycle: A Dance of Light and S…Solar System Astr…
Lunar Distances +Navigating by the Stars: Lunar Distance…Solar System Astr…
Lunar Inequalities +Unraveling the Moon's Dance: Lunar Ineq…Galactic Astronomy
Lunation +Lunation: A Dance of Light and Shadow …Cosmology
Lune +The Celestial Crescent: Understanding t…Solar System Astr…
Lupus (the Wolf) +Lupus: The Wolf Among the Stars In t…Constellations
Lynx (the Lynx) +The Elusive Lynx: A Constellation Hidin…Constellations
Lyot, Bernard +Bernard Lyot: A Legacy in the Sun's Sha…Astronomers
Lyra (the Lyre) +Lyra: A Tiny Constellation with a Giant…Constellations
Lyrids +The Lyrids: A Cosmic Fireworks Show in …Solar System Astr…
Maclear, Sir Thomas +Sir Thomas Maclear: Charting the Southe…Astronomers
Maculae +The Dark Heart of Sunspots: Exploring M…Solar System Astr…
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