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Hour Angle +The Hour Angle: Timekeeping in the Stel…Galactic Astronomy
Hour Circle +Navigating the Cosmos: The Hour Circle …Galactic Astronomy
Howse, Derek +Derek Howse: A Stellar Navigator Derek…Astronomers
Hubble, Edwin Powell +Edwin Hubble: A Giant Among Stars Edwi…Astronomers
Huggins, William +William Huggins: A Pioneer in the Dawn …Astronomers
Humason, Milton La Salle +Milton La Salle Humason: A Self-Taught …Astronomers
Hunter’s Moon +The Hunter's Moon: A Celestial Spectacl…Galactic Astronomy
Huygens, Christiaan +Christiaan Huygens: A Master of the Ski…Astronomers
Hyades +The Hyades: A V-Shaped Family in Taurus…Stellar Astronomy
Hydra (the Female Water Snake) +The Hydra: A Serpent of the Stars In…Constellations
Hydrus (the Male Water Snake) +Hydrus: The Water Snake of the Southern…Constellations
Hyperbola +Hyperbolas in the Stellar Cosmos: A Jou…Galactic Astronomy
Hyperion +Hyperion: Saturn's Oddball Moon Hyperi…Galactic Astronomy
Iklil, or Iklil-al-Jebhah +Iklil: The Crown of the Scorpion In th…Stellar Astronomy
Illumination of the Field of View +Illuminating the Cosmos: Techniques for…Cosmology
Immersion +Immersion: The Celestial Hide-and-Seek …Galactic Astronomy
Inclination of Orbit +Unveiling the Tilt: Understanding Orbit…Galactic Astronomy
Indiction +The Indiction: A Forgotten Unit of Time…Galactic Astronomy
Indus (the Indian) +Indus: A Southern Constellation Unveili…Constellations
Inequality, Moon’s Parallactic +The Moon's Dance: Understanding Paralla…Cosmology
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