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Alfeta +Alfeta: The Bright Star in the Northern…Stellar Astronomy
Alfv´en, Hannes +Hannes Alfvén: A Pioneer in the Realm o…Astronomers
Algeiba +Algeiba: The Lion's Mane and a Star wit…Stellar Astronomy
Algenib +Algenib: The Star with Many Names …Stellar Astronomy
Algol +The Enigma of Algol: A Star that Blinks…Stellar Astronomy
Algol Paradox +The Algol Paradox: A Starry Tale of Rev…Galactic Astronomy
Algorab +Algorab: A Stellar Beacon in the Ra…Stellar Astronomy
Algores +Unveiling the Secrets of the "Algores":…Stellar Astronomy
Alhazen (Abu Ali al Hassan) +The Father of Optics: Unveiling the Uni…Astronomers
Alhena +Alhena: The Bright Star of Gemini High…Stellar Astronomy
Alioth +Alioth: The Guiding Star of Ursa Major …Stellar Astronomy
Alkaid +Alkaid: The Guiding Star of Ursa Major …Stellar Astronomy
Alkalurops +Unveiling the Secrets of Bobtis: A Look…Stellar Astronomy
Alkes +Unveiling the Secrets of Alkes: A Journ…Stellar Astronomy
Allen, Clabon +A Lifetime Dedicated to the Sun: The Le…Astronomers
Allen, David +A Starlit Legacy: David Allen, Pioneer …Astronomers
Almack +Almack's Stars: Unveiling the Secrets o…Stellar Astronomy
Almagest +The Almagest: Guiding Stars for Centuri…Galactic Astronomy
Al-Ma'm un, Abdalla +Al-Ma'mun, Abdalla: A Caliph Who Champi…Astronomers
Alnilam +Alnilam: A Stellar Giant in Orion's Bel…Stellar Astronomy
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