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Cor Leonis +The Lion's Heart: Exploring the Sta…Stellar Astronomy
Corona Australis (the Southern Crown) +The Southern Crown: Unveiling the Beaut…Constellations
Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown) +The Crown of the North: Unveiling Coron…Constellations
Cor Serpentis +Cor Serpentis: The Heart of the Serpent…Stellar Astronomy
Corvus (the Crow) +Corvus: The Crow, a Southern Constellat…Constellations
Cosmical +The Universe Unfurled: Exploring the Re…Dark Matter and D…
Co-tidal Lines +Mapping the Tides: Understanding Co-tid…Galactic Astronomy
Craters, Lunar +Unveiling the Moon's Scars: Lunar Crate…Galactic Astronomy
Crater (the Cup) +Crater: The Cup of the Celestial Beast …Constellations
Crepuscular +The Twilight Hour: Unveiling the Secret…Galactic Astronomy
Crux (the Southern Cross) +Crux: The Southern Cross and Beyond …Constellations
Culmination +Reaching the Zenith: Understanding Culm…Galactic Astronomy
Cursa +Cursa: The Front Throne of the Giant T…Stellar Astronomy
Curtate Distance +Unveiling the Secrets of the Solar Syst…Astronomical Inst…
Curtis, Heber Doust +Heber Doust Curtis: Champion of Extraga…Astronomers
Cusps +The Cusps of Celestial Bodies: Unveilin…Galactic Astronomy
Cycle +Cycles in the Stellar Sky: A Dance of C…Galactic Astronomy
Cycle of Eclipses +The Rhythms of the Cosmos: Understandin…Cosmology
Cygnus (the Swan) +The Swan Soars: Unveiling the Majesty o…Constellations
Cynosura +The Guiding Star: Cynosura and Pola…Stellar Astronomy
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