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Circles of the Celestial Sphere +Navigating the Cosmos: Understanding th…Galactic Astronomy
Circle, Transit +Circles, Transits, and the Stars: Unvei…Galactic Astronomy
Circumpolar Stars +The Unsetting Stars: A Look at Circumpo…Galactic Astronomy
Civil Year +The Civil Year: Earth's Calendar and th…Galactic Astronomy
Clairaut, Alexis Claude +Alexis Claude Clairaut: A Mathematical …Astronomers
Clamp +Clamping Down on the Cosmos: The Unsung…Galactic Astronomy
Clavius, Christopher Klau +The Shadow of Clavius: A Jesuit's Influ…Astronomers
Clepsydra +The Clepsydra: A Stellar Timekeeper of …Galactic Astronomy
Clock, Astronomical +The Celestial Clock: How Stars Tell Tim…Galactic Astronomy
Clock Stars +The Timekeepers of the Cosmos: Clock St…Galactic Astronomy
Clusters, Star +Stellar Neighborhoods: Unraveling the M…Galactic Astronomy
Co-latitude +Deciphering the Celestial Sphere: Under…Galactic Astronomy
Collimating Eyepiece +Collimating Eyepieces: Essential Tools …Galactic Astronomy
Collimation, Error of +Collimation: The Alignment that Makes S…Cosmology
Collimation, Line of +Collimation: Keeping Stars in Line In …Galactic Astronomy
Collimators +Collimators: Guiding the Light in Stell…Galactic Astronomy
Coloured Stars +The Rainbow of the Cosmos: Unveiling th…Galactic Astronomy
Columba (the Dove) +Columba: The Dove Takes Flight in the S…Constellations
Colure, Equinoctial +The Colure: A Celestial Bridge Between …Astronomical Inst…
Colure, Solstitial +The Colure: A Celestial Guide to Solsti…Astronomical Inst…
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