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Centripetal Force +The Cosmic Dance: Centripetal Force in …Galactic Astronomy
Cepheus (the King) +Cepheus: The Monarch of the Northern Sk…Constellations
Ceres +Ceres: The Queen of the Asteroid Belt …Solar System Astr…
Cetus (the Sea Monster) +Cetus: The Whale of the Cosmic Sea C…Constellations
Challis, James +The Man Who Almost Discovered Neptune: …Astronomers
Chamseleon (the Chamelion) +The Chameleon: A Tiny Constellation Hid…Constellations
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan +Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar: A Stellar L…Astronomers
Chaph +Chaph: A Stellar Name Lost in Time In …Stellar Astronomy
Charlier, Carl Vilhelm Ludwig +Carl Vilhelm Ludwig Charlier: Mapping t…Astronomers
Cheliab +Cheliab: A Lost Star in the Constellati…Stellar Astronomy
Chimah +Chimah: The Ancient Name of the Bull I…Stellar Astronomy
Chinese Annals +A Window to the Cosmos: Exploring the C…Galactic Astronomy
Christie, William Henry Mahoney +William Henry Mahoney Christie: The Mod…Astronomers
Chronograph +The Chronograph: A Revolutionary Tool i…Galactic Astronomy
Chronometer +Navigating the Stars: The Role of Chron…Galactic Astronomy
Circinus (the Drawing Compass) +The Circinus: A Compass in the Southern…Constellations
Circle, Great +Circles in the Sky: Exploring Great Cir…Galactic Astronomy
Circle of Perpetual Apparition +The Circle of Perpetual Apparition: Sta…Galactic Astronomy
Circle of Position +Navigating by the Sun: Understanding th…Galactic Astronomy
Circle, Small +Small Circles in Stellar Astronomy: A C…Galactic Astronomy
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