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Cassini, Jacques J +Jacques Cassini: A Legacy of Stars and…Astronomers
Cassiopeia (the Seated Queen) +Cassiopeia: The Queen of the North I…Constellations
Castor +Castor: A Stellar Tale of Two Stars In…Stellar Astronomy
Catoptrics +The Celestial Mirror: Understanding Cat…Galactic Astronomy
Cavendish Experiment +The Cavendish Experiment: A Legacy Beyo…Galactic Astronomy
Cebalrai +Cebalrai: A Celestial Name with a Myste…Stellar Astronomy
Celestial Equator +Celestial Equator: A Cosmic Mirror of E…Galactic Astronomy
Celestial Globe +Unveiling the Universe: A Journey with …Galactic Astronomy
Celestial Horizon +The Celestial Horizon: Our Window to th…Galactic Astronomy
Celestial Latitude +Celestial Latitude: Charting the Stars …Galactic Astronomy
Celestial Longitude +Charting the Stars: Understanding Celes…Galactic Astronomy
Celestial Meridian +The Celestial Meridian: A Guiding Line …Galactic Astronomy
Celestial Poles +Guiding Stars: Understanding the Celest…Galactic Astronomy
Celestial Sphere +The Celestial Sphere: A Window to the U…Galactic Astronomy
Celseno +The Celestial Beauty: Unveiling the Sec…Stellar Astronomy
Centaurus (the Centaur) +Centaurus: The Mighty Centaur Gracing t…Constellations
Centre of Ellipse +The Center of the Ellipse: A Key to Und…Galactic Astronomy
Centre of Figure +The Centre of Figure: A Fundamental Con…Galactic Astronomy
Centre of Mass +The Center of Mass: A Stellar Balancing…Galactic Astronomy
Centrifugal Force +The Unseen Force Shaping the Cosmos: Ce…Galactic Astronomy
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