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Calendar (Julian) +The Julian Calendar: A Stellar Legacy …Galactic Astronomy
Calendar Month +The Month in the Sky: A Celestial Twist…Galactic Astronomy
Camelopardalis (the Giraffe) +The Gentle Giant of the Northern Sky: C…Constellations
Campbell, William Wallace +William Wallace Campbell: A Stellar Pio…Astronomers
Cancer (the Crab) +Cancer: The Crab, a Constellations of A…Constellations
Canes Venatici (the Hunting Dogs) +Canes Venatici: The Hunting Dogs of the…Constellations
Canis Major (the Great Dog) +Canis Major: The Great Dog of the Night…Constellations
Canis Minor (the Lesser Dog) +The Faithful Companion: Canis Minor, th…Constellations
Cannon, Annie Jump +The "Cannon" of Stellar Classification:…Astronomers
Canopus +Canopus: The Southern Jewel of the Nigh…Stellar Astronomy
Capella +Capella: The Brightest Star in Auriga, …Stellar Astronomy
Caph +Caph: The Star that Holds a Queen's Thr…Stellar Astronomy
Capricornus (the Sea Goat) +Capricornus: The Sea-Goat of the Zodiac…Constellations
Cardinal Points +Navigating the Celestial Sphere: Unders…Galactic Astronomy
Cards Major (the Great Dog) +Canis Major: The Great Dog, Home to the…Stellar Astronomy
Cards Minor (the Little Dog) +The Little Dog: A Bright Beacon in the …Stellar Astronomy
Carina (the Keel) +Carina: The Keel of a Ship Lost to the …Constellations
Carrington, Richard Christopher +Richard Christopher Carrington: A Pione…Astronomers
Cassegrainian Telescope +Peering into the Cosmos: The Cassegrain…Galactic Astronomy
Cassini, Giovanni Domenico +Giovanni Domenico Cassini: A Pioneer of…Astronomers
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