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Binocular +Binoculars: Your Window to the Night Sk…Galactic Astronomy
Binuclear +Unveiling the Double Heart: Binuclear N…Galactic Astronomy
Bissextile +Bissextile: The Leap Year's Astronomica…Cosmology
Black Drop +The Black Drop Effect: A Phantom Limb i…Galactic Astronomy
Bode- Johann Elert +Johann Elert Bode: The Man Who Populari…Astronomers
Bode’s Law +Bode's Law: A Curious Pattern in the So…Galactic Astronomy
Bolides +Bolides: The Fireballs That Illuminate …Cosmology
Bolton- John +The Bolton-John Legacy: A Journey Throu…Astronomers
Bond- George Phillips +George Phillips Bond: A Pioneer of Astr…Astronomers
Bond- William Cranch +William Cranch Bond: From Watchmaker to…Astronomers
Boötes (the Herdsman) +Boötes: The Herdsman Guiding the N…Constellations
Borda’s Principle of Repetition +Borda's Principle of Repetition: A Stel…Cosmology
Bouvard- Alexis +Alexis Bouvard: The Shepherd Boy Who Ch…Astronomers
Box Sextant +Navigating the Stars: The Box Sextant i…Galactic Astronomy
Bradley- James +James Bradley: The Astronomer Who Mappe…Astronomers
Brorsen- Theodor +Brorsen: A Danish Pioneer in Cometary a…Astronomers
Brown- Ernest William +E.W. Brown: A Lunar Pioneer Ernest W…Astronomers
Burnham- Sherburne Wesley +A Sky Full of Pairs: The Legacy of Sher…Astronomers
Caelum (the Engraving Tool) +Caelum: The Sculptor's Tool Among t…Constellations
Calendar (Gregorian) +The Gregorian Calendar: A Foundation fo…Galactic Astronomy
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