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Van Maanen, Adriaan +Adriaan Van Maanen: A Pioneer of Stella…Astronomers
Variable Stars +The Flickering Cosmos: Unveiling the Se…Galactic Astronomy
Vega +Vega: The Celestial Harp Star Vega, th…Stellar Astronomy
Vehrenberg, Hans +Hans Vehrenberg: A Stellar Legacy Captu…Astronomers
Vela (the Sails) +Vela: The Sails of the Ship Argo In …Constellations
Velocity +Unveiling the Universe's Speed Limit: V…Dark Matter and D…
Venus +Venus: The Brightest Star in Our Sky V…Solar System Astr…
Vernal Equinox +Spring's Arrival: The Vernal Equinox T…Galactic Astronomy
Vernier +The Vernier: A Precise Tool for Stellar…Galactic Astronomy
Vertex +The Vertex: A Point of Intersection in …Galactic Astronomy
Vertical Circles +Navigating the Celestial Sphere: Unders…Cosmology
Vertical, Prime +Navigating the Celestial Sphere: Vertic…Galactic Astronomy
Vesta +Vesta: A Bright Beacon in the Asteroid …Galactic Astronomy
Via Lactea, or Milky Way +The Milky Way: Our Galactic Home Gazin…Galactic Astronomy
Vindemiatrix +Vindemiatrix: The Star of the Grape Har…Stellar Astronomy
Virgo (the Maiden) +Virgo: The Maiden of the Night Sky V…Constellations
Vis Viva +Unveiling the "Living Force" in Stellar…Galactic Astronomy
Vogel, Hermann Carl +Hermann Carl Vogel: Pioneering Stellar …Astronomers
Volans (the Flying Fish) +Volans: The Flying Fish Taking Flight i…Constellations
Vulpecula (the Fox) +The Fox in the Night Sky: Exploring the…Constellations
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