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Pallas +Pallas: A Giant Asteroid in a Tilted Or…Galactic Astronomy
Parabola +The Parabola: A Cosmic Curve Tracing Co…Galactic Astronomy
Parallactic Angle +Unveiling the Universe: Understanding t…Galactic Astronomy
Parallactic Inequality of the Moon +The Parallactic Inequality of the Moon:…Galactic Astronomy
Parallactic Instrument +The Parallactic Instrument: A Historica…Galactic Astronomy
Parallax +The Cosmic Yardstick: Parallax and Meas…Galactic Astronomy
Parallel +Parallels in Stellar Astronomy: Navigat…Galactic Astronomy
Parallel Wire Micrometer +Unveiling the Secrets of the Stars: The…Galactic Astronomy
Parameter +Parameter in Stellar Astronomy: Guiding…Galactic Astronomy
Parmenides of Elea +Parmenides of Elea: A Pre-Socratic Phil…Astronomers
Partial Eclipse +When the Sun and Moon Play Hide and See…Cosmology
Pavo (the Peacock) +The Pavo: A Peacock Among the Stars …Constellations
Pegasus (the Winged Horse) +Pegasus: The Winged Horse of the Northe…Constellations
Penston, Michael Victor +Michael Victor Penston: A Life Dedicate…Astronomers
Penumbra +The Penumbra: A Realm of Partial Shadow…Galactic Astronomy
Periastron +Periastron: The Dance of Binary Stars …Galactic Astronomy
Perigee +When the Moon Gets Closer: Understandin…Galactic Astronomy
Perihelion +The Sun's Embrace: Understanding Perihe…Galactic Astronomy
Periodical Stars +Periodical Stars: A Glimpse into the Rh…Galactic Astronomy
Period, Julian +Time's Unending Cycle: The Julian Perio…Galactic Astronomy
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