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Jansky, Karl Guthe +The Man Who Heard the Milky Way: Karl J…Astronomers
Janssen, Pierre Jules César +Pierre Jules César Janssen: A Pioneer o…Astronomers
Japetus +Japetus: Saturn's Mysterious Moon Jape…Solar System Astr…
Jeans, Sir James Hopwood +Jeans, Sir James Hopwood: A Pioneer in …Astronomers
Jeffreys, Sir Harold +Beyond the Earth: Sir Harold Jeffreys, …Astronomers
Jones, Sir Harold Spencer +Sir Harold Spencer Jones: A Stellar Leg…Astronomers
Jovicentric +Jovicentric: A View from Jupiter's Thro…Solar System Astr…
Julian Calendar +The Julian Calendar: A Foundation for S…Galactic Astronomy
Julian Period +The Julian Period: A Universal Timekeep…Galactic Astronomy
Juno +Juno: A Giant in the Asteroid Belt Jun…Solar System Astr…
Jupiter +King of the Planets: Exploring Jupiter&…Solar System Astr…
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