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Fabricius, David +David Fabricius: The Minister-Astronome…Astronomers
Fabricius, Johann +Johann Fabricius: A Pioneer in Sunspot …Astronomers
Faculse of the Sun +Faculae: Bright Spots on the Sun's Surf…Galactic Astronomy
Falcated +The Falcated Moon, Mercury, and Venus: …Solar System Astr…
Fallows, Fearon +The Pioneering Spirit of a Stargazer: T…Astronomers
Fauth, Philipp Johann Heinrich +Philipp Johann Heinrich Fauth: A Lunar …Astronomers
Ferguson, James +From Shepherd Boy to Astronomical Pione…Astronomers
Field of View +Peering Through the Cosmic Window: Unde…Galactic Astronomy
Filar Micrometer +The Filar Micrometer: A Wire-Based Tool…Galactic Astronomy
First Quarter +The First Quarter Moon: A Celestial Qua…Galactic Astronomy
Flammarion, Camille +Camille Flammarion: A Stargazer Who Bri…Astronomers
Flamsteed, John +John Flamsteed: The Architect of a Star…Astronomers
Flat +The Flat: A Tiny Mirror with a Big Role…Galactic Astronomy
Fleming, Wilhelmina +Wilhelmina Fleming: A Pioneer of the St…Astronomers
Flora +Flora: A Tiny World in the Asteroid Bel…Galactic Astronomy
Foca +Foca: A Stellar Name with a Touch of Hi…Stellar Astronomy
Foci of an Ellipse +The Foci of Ellipses: Guiding Stars in …Galactic Astronomy
Focus +The Stellar Focus: Where Light Converge…Galactic Astronomy
Fomalliaut +Fomalhaut: The Mouth of the Southern Fi…Stellar Astronomy
Fontana, Francisco +Fontana, Francisco: A Lawyer's Glimpse …Astronomers
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