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Dark Glasses +Seeing the Sun Safely: The Role of Dark…Galactic Astronomy
D'Arrest, Heinrich Ludwig +Heinrich Louis d'Arrest: A Stellar Hunt…Astronomers
Darwin, George Howard +George Howard Darwin: The Son of Evolu…Astronomers
Dawes, William Rutter +William Rutter Dawes: The Clergyman Ast…Astronomers
Day, Apparent Solar +The Day We Live By: Exploring the Appar…Galactic Astronomy
Day, Lunar +The Lunar Day: A Celestial Dance of Tim…Cosmology
Day Numbers, Bessel’s +Day Numbers, Bessel's Day Numbers, and …Galactic Astronomy
Day, Sidereal +The Sidereal Day: A Stellar Perspective…Galactic Astronomy
Declination +Declination: Charting the Stars' North-…Galactic Astronomy
Declination Circle +Declination Circles: Navigating the Cel…Galactic Astronomy
Declination Parallel +Tracing the Stars: Understanding Declin…Galactic Astronomy
Degree +Degrees in the Stellar Sky: Measuring t…Galactic Astronomy
Deimos +Deimos: Mars' Tiny, Distant Moon Deimo…Solar System Astr…
Delambre, Jean-Baptiste Joseph +Delambre: A Giant of Astronomy and Hist…Astronomers
De la Rue, Warren +Warren de la Rue: A Pioneer of Astronom…Astronomers
Delaunay, Charles +Charles Delaunay: A Titan of Lunar Moti…Astronomers
Delphinus (the Dolphin) +Delphinus: The Celestial Dolphin Leapin…Constellations
Democritus +The Atomist Who Saw the Stars: Democrit…Astronomers
Deneb +The Star with Two Names: Deneb and β Le…Stellar Astronomy
Deneb Adige +Deneb: The Tail of the Swan High above…Stellar Astronomy
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