Tutorials | General


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    S1. Purpose

    This guide describes the commonly recommended lists of standard definitions of terms used in process projects .

    The terminology is based on and or derived from international industrial standards and codes.

    The institutional abbreviations :


    American Petroleum Institute


    American National Standards Institute


    American Society of Mechanical Engineers


    American Society for Testing and Materials


    American Welding Society


    British Standards


    International Atomic Energy Agency


    International Organization for Standardization


    Norsk Standard

    Definition is an exact duplication of the definition contained in the standard or code, a parenthetical reference to the code or standard is appended to the definition.

    Definition is an equivalent in concept to the definition contained in the standard or code, but is not an exact duplication of the wording.

    The definitions norms are in general as follows:


    • ASME
    • ISO 8402/6215
    • BS-4778


    S3. Specific Abbreviations


    Specific abbreviation can be adopted and used when required or mitually agreed.

    S4. Specific Terminology




    Approved for Construction


    Approved for Design


    Above Ground


    Authorized Inspection Authority


    American National Standards Institute


    Advanced Process Control


    Automated Piping Design


    American Petroleum Institute




    Acceptable Quality Level




    American Society of Mechanical Engineers


    American Society for Testing and Materials


    Avoid Verbal Order


    American Welding Society


    Business Development


    Basic Design Engineering Package


    Basic Engineering


    Basic Engineering Package


    BedrijfsHulpVerlening (Enterprise Assistance Service)


    Battery Limit


    British Standards


    Bulk Take Off


    Change Alert


    Chemical Analysis


    Computer Aided Design


    Computer Aided Engineering


    Construction Accident Risk


    Corrective Action Response


    Commercial Bid Analysis


    Cost Center


    Current Cost Outlook


    Closed Circuit Television


    Conformité Européenne (Conformity European)


    Company Funding Request




    Company Improvement Team


    Company Material Management System


    Construction Management Team


    Certified Mill Test Report


    Change Notice


    Change Order


    Construction Procedure and Execution Manual


    Cost Plus Fixed Fee


    Cost Plus Guaranteed Maximum


    Cost Plus Incentive Fee


    Cost Plus Not To Exceed


    Company Six Sigma


    Cost Plus Open Ended


    Corporate Standards


    Carbon Steel


    Control Systems Application


    Control Valve


    Controlled Wiring Systems (program)


    Design Basis Memorandum


    Document Classification Number


    Distributed Control System


    Design Development Allowance


    Document Distribution Schedule


    Design Engineering Practice (Shell)


    Documents Received


    Enterprise Assistant Service (bedrijfshulpverlening)


    European Economic Community


    Engineering Flow Diagram


    Environmental, Health & Safety


    Engineering Procurement Construction


    EQuipment Data Management System


    Emergency ShutDown


    Enterprise Self Defense


    Executive Summary Report


    Extra Work Authorization


    Firm Fixed Price


    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis


    Fixed Price with Reimbursable Expenses


    General Arrangement (drawings)


    Gross Order Receipt


    Glassfiber Reinforced Epoxy


    Gas Tungsten Arc Welding


    Heat Affected Zone


    HAZard Analysis


    HAZard and Operability study


    Health, Environmental and Safety


    Home Office


    Hand Operated Valve


    High Pressure


    Human Recourses


    High Voltage


    Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning


    International Atomic Energy Agency


    Inside Battery Limit


    Integrated Control System




    Inside Diameter


    (Intergraph) Instrument Data Manager


    Interconnecting Flow Diagram


    Inspection Release Note


    Information Systems


    International Organization for Standardization




    Information Technology


    Invitation To Bid


    Job Prospect Analysis


    Job Safety Analysis


    Large Bore


    Line Designation Table


    Lower Explosion Limit


    Line LiST system


    Low Pressure


    Long Radius


    Lump Sum Services


    Lump Sum Turn Key


    Local Time Administrator


    Lost Time Accident


    Low Voltage


    Lost Work time Incident


    Metal Active Gas


    Main Contractor


    Mechanical Completion


    Managing Director


    Mechanical Data Sheet


    Metal Inert Gas


    Minutes of Meeting


    Motor Operated Valves


    Magnetic Particle Inspection


    Management Quality Team


    Material Receiving Notice


    Mail Station


    Management Safety Committee


    Material Selection Flow Scheme


    Material Take-Off


    Medium Voltage


    Not Applicable


    Non Acceptance Notice


    Non Conformance


    Non Destructive Examination


    Niet Destructief Onderzoek


    Non Destructive Testing


    Norsk Standard


    Outside Battery Limit


    Outside Diameter


    Open DataBase Connectivity




    Object Linking and Embedding


    Ondernemings Raad (Works Council)


    Over Short & Damage (report)


    Occupational Safety & Health Act (US)


    Oil Water Sewer


    Piping & Instrument Diagram


    Personnel Assignment Notice


    Pre- Assembly Units


    Profit Before Tax


    Personal Computer


    Project Change Bulletin


    Project Cost Code


    Project Construction Manager


    Plant Design System


    Process Data Sheet


    Project Execution Control system


    Process Engineering Flow Scheme


    Project Engineering Manager


    Process Flow Diagram


    Process Flow Scheme


    Pre - Inspection Meeting


    Project Manager


    Piping Material Control


    Positive Material Identification


    Project Management Services


    Purchase Order


    Purchase Order Amendment Request


    Project Procedure and Execution Manual


    Project Quality Plan


    (welding) Procedure Qualification Record


    Pipe Support


    Process Safeguarding Flow Diagram


    Process Safeguarding Flow Scheme


    Pressure Safety Valve


    part time


    Pressure Temperature Profile


    Poly Vinyl Chloride


    Post Weld Heat Treatment


    Quality Assurance


    Quality Control


    Quality Control Memorandum


    Quantitative Risk Assessment


    Required At Site


    Revamp Flow Diagram


    Request For Purchase


    Request For Quotation


    Rough Order of Magnitude


    Required On Site


    Relief Valve


    Restricted Work Incident


    Shell and Tube


    Small Bore






    Safety Checklist Contractors


    Supplier Performance Evaluation Report


    Spare Part list and Interchangeability Record


    Safety Policy and Site Regulations


    Short Radius


    Stainless Steel


    Structural Steel


    Time and Materials


    Time and Materials Open Ended


    Technical Bid Analysis


    To Be Assigned


    Total Investment Cost


    Tungsten Inert Gas


    Utility Distribution Diagram


    Utility Engineering Flow Scheme


    Utility Flow Diagram




    Uninterupted Power Supply


    Veiligheids Checklist Aannemers


    Vendor Furnished Document


    Volatile Organic Compounds


    Variation Order Request


    Vice President


    Vendor Print Control


    Vendor Performance Evaluation Report


    Work Breakdown Structure


    Word Processing Center


    Welding Procedure Qualification


    Welding Procedure Specification

    S5. Terms & Definition




    Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)


    The AQL is the maximum percent defective (or the maximum number of defects per hundred units) that, for purposes of sampling inspection, can be considered satisfactory as a process average .



    An act of acknowledging that an activity or item has been reviewed per established requirements without noting any non-approved nonconformances. Acceptance does not imply assumption of responsibilities, endorsing or adding positive authorization.

    Acceptance Criteria


    A limit is placed on the variation permitted in the characteristics of an item expressed in definitive engineering terms such as dimensional tolerances, chemical composition limits, density and size of defect, temperature ranges, time limits, operating parameters and other similar characteristics.



    An occurrence or chain of occurrences whereby injury or illness and/or damage (loss) to materials/assets or the environment is sustained.


    (distinguished from: Precision)


    The degree of conformity of a measured or calculated value to some recognized standard or specified value. This concept involves the systematic error of an operation, which is seldom negligible .

    Adverse Condition


    A condition not conforming to procedures, codes, standards and/or other documents applicable for a project.



    Any material whose P number is three or higher as defined in ASME, Section IX.

    Alloy Verification


    Verification of the presence (qualitative) and if required quantities of specified elements in alloy materials or consumables used in construction of an item using an accepted analyzing method.



    Statement that the product, document or service is in accordance with specified requirements.

    Approved Bidders List


    A procurement document prepared by Procurement Department, reviewed by Engineering and approved by the Project Manager. This list is the sole basis on which bids are invited.

    As-Built Data


    Documented data that describes the condition actually achieved in a product .



    A documented activity performed in accordance with written procedures or check lists to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality assurance program have been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance with specified requirements. An audit does not include surveillance or inspection for the purpose of process control or product acceptance .


    Note:The examination and evaluation can cover quality in general, product quality, process quality, as well as quality assurance system itself.



    The individual, organization or part of an organization being audited.



    An auditor is any individual who performs any portion of an audit (including lead auditors). He/she is qualified to perform the audit, is not necessarily a member of the QA Department (such as technical specialists, and others such as management representatives and auditors in training) and who shall not be directly responsible for the activities being audited.

    Audit Team


    One or more auditors, including a Lead Auditor, who are authorized to perform an audit .



    Any recognized body that has legal jurisdiction over the design, fabrication, inspection, installation or operation of a facility. The legal jurisdiction may result from either governmental acts or control requirements.



    Vested by a person or agency having the power or right to take a decision. Said power or right may be on behalf of Governments, insurance companies with reference to written, legally accepted documents (such as codes, specifications etc.) or whose opinion is accepted or is recognized to be expert on this subject.

    Authorized Inspection


    Inspection by an authorized inspector to confirm compliance with a legal code.

    Authorized Inspection Agency


    An agency authorized to provide inspection services that confirm compliance with a code. The requirements for this inspection is part of the code as well as the requirements for authorizing the agency.

    Authorized Inspector


    An inspector authorized to confirm compliance with a legal code. The authorized inspector must be employed by an authorized inspection agency and qualified as required by the legal code.



    The comparison of two measuring tools or instruments, of which one is a standard with known accuracy and traceable to a higher national or international standard, in order to discover, record and eliminate possible inaccuracy of the measuring tools or instruments which are compared with the standard.

    Calibration Certificate


    A document that verifies the accuracy of the instrument or equipment used in testing in accordance with a known standard.

    Certificate of Compliance


    A written statement, signed by a qualified party, attesting that the items or services are in accordance with specified requirements and accompanied by additional information to substantiate the statement .

    Certificate of Conformance


    A written statement signed by a qualified party, certifying that items or services comply with specific requirements .



    A written attestation that the applicable specified requirements were met, stating the means of verification (e.g. review, inspection, test, witness), which is signed or stamped and dated by the certifying party. Certifications must identify the purchase order and item(s) covered.




    The status of a document for which qualified engineers formally attest by signature, that the document fulfills the requirements needed for detailed design, purchase or construction.

    Certified Mill Test Report (CMTR)


    A document generated by a supplier specifying the requirements as noted in the Purchase Order documentation or codes and it shall include chemical analysis or mechanical, electrical or dimensional properties. CMTR's are not acceptable unless conveying the results of testing by an approved independent testing authority.

    Certified Test Report


    A written and signed document, approved by a qualified party, that contains sufficient data and information to verify the actual properties of items and the actual results of all required tests



    A characteristic is an inherent and measurable property of an item. Such a property may be electrical, mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, electromagnetic, or nuclear and can be expressed as a value for stated or recognized conditions. A characteristic may also be a set of related values of a property, usually shown in graphical form.



    Verification of conformance to a specified requirement by review or inspection. The checks' intensity, varying from complete to random sampling, depends on the specified requirements. These requirements will be specified in advance.

    Checking (Design)


    Is the detailed technical examination of a document to make certain that it is accurate and to ensure that all the technical design inputs, design bases and other design criteria have been correctly incorporated.

    Chemical Analysis (CA)


    A product, check or verification analysis of the semi-finished or finished product, usually for the purpose of determining conformance to the specification requirements .

    Client = Customer


    The organization to which the engineering organization has contracted its services to engineer (design and analyze) designated items or systems. Contract services may also include procurement and construction of the designated items or systems.



    A standard which is recommended or imposed by a regulatory body .


    Note: This definition includes "rules and regulations".



    The initial testing and start-up process by which a plant is put into operation. Activities include preparation for operation or operating the plant or any part of the plant prior to ready for start-up; e.g., flushing, tightness testing, simulation runs, drying of circuits and refractory, catalyst filling, etc.

    Competent Person


    A competent person is one who would be recognized as competent by those normally engaged in or responsible for similar activities. If the task is usually entrusted to persons holding qualifications bestowed by, or recognized by, a professional body, he is expected to possess such qualifications. Where experience is normally required in addition to qualifications, he is expected to have had such experience. Similar principles are applicable where the individual can be expected to be skilled in a particular trade or other activity.




    The fulfillment of a specified requirement by a quality characteristic of an item or service, the assessment of which does not depend essentially on the passage of time.

    Construction Phase


    A period which commences with receipt of items at the construction site and ends when the components and systems are ready for turnover to operations personnel .



    A document which governs the relationship between client and contractor. Within the following types of contracts are used:



    • Cost Plus Open Ended
    • Cost Plus Not To Exceed
    • Cost Plus Guaranteed Maximum
    • Cost Plus Fixed Fee
    • Cost Plus Incentive Fee
    • Firm Fixed Price
    • Fixed Price with Reimbursable Expenses
    • Time and Materials
    • Time and Materials Open Ended

    Contract Documents


    All documents incorporated in the contract or subcontract package and/or referred to therein, which form the whole of the contract or subcontract between and its Contractor.



    Any organization or individual under contract supplying items or services to the client. It may include the terms Supplier, Subcontractor, Fabricator and subtier levels of these where appropriate .

    Corrective Action


    Those planned actions taken to ensure that conditions adverse to the achievement of quality requirements are identified and corrected, such as item and equipment malfunctions, deficiencies, deviations, and non­conformances. For significant conditions adverse to quality requirements, the program shall provide that the cause of such conditions be determined and corrective actions taken to prevent repetition.

    Cost Plus Open Ended (CPOE)


    Cost-plus-open-ended contracts provide for payment of allowable costs plus negotiated burden rates on labor and/or costs, without any funding limitation on expenditures.

    Cost Plus Not To Exceed (CPNTE)


    Cost-plus-not-to-exceed contracts provide for payment of allowable costs plus negotiated burden rates on labor and/or costs, subject to a limitation on the cumulative expenditures. Contractually, the company is not obliged to incur costs and the customer is not obligated to reimburse the company beyond the estimated funding limit.

    Cost Plus Guaranteed Maximum (CPGM)


    Cost Plus Guaranteed Maximum price contracts provide for payment of allowable costs plus negotiated burden rates on labor and/or costs up to a ceiling price. The Guaranteed Maximum price differs from a not-to-exceed contract in that completion of the contract is required regardless of cost. Sharing agreements may or may not be part of the contract.

    Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF)


    Cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts provide for payment of allowable costs plus negotiated burden rates on labor plus a negotiated lump sum fee.

    Cost Plus Incentive Fee (CPIF)


    Cost-plus-incentive-fee contracts provide for payment of allowable costs plus negotiated burden rates on labor and/or costs plus incentive fee amount based upon specific evaluation criteria.

    Critical Defect


    Defect that judgment and experience indicate is likely to result in hazardous or unsafe conditions for individuals using, maintaining or depending upon the product; or an defect that judgment and experience indicate is likely to prevent performance of the essential functions of a major end item, such as a ship, aircraft, computer, medical equipment or telecommunications satellite.



    The permanent retirement from service of a plant and the work which follows in bringing it to a definitive condition .



    The non-fulfillment of intended usage requirements .

    Defective Material


    A material or component which has one or more characteristics that do not comply with specified requirements .


    Note:“Defective Material” to be read preferably as “Nonconforming Material”.



    The technical and management processes which lead to and include the issuance of design documents such as drawings, specifications and other documents defining technical requirements of structures, systems and equipment.

    Design Analyses


    All process which use design inputs and which result in the generation of information necessary for preparation of design output documents such as drawings, specifications and procedures. Design analyses include calculations .

    Design Book


    Provides the design basis of a plant or unit without mechanical details but inclusive of operating aspects.

    Design Changes


    Any revision or alteration of the technical requirements defined in, approved and issued, design documents.

    Design Criteria


    The basic data contained in the design documents to which an item shall be designed. These data can be requirements of the Client, , authorities, suppliers, etc.

    Design Documents


    Drawings, specifications, data sheets, calculations, records, reports, codes, standards and other documents that will be used in design and/or procurement, manufacture, fabrication, erection/installation, testing, and examination.

    Design Input


    Those criteria, bases or other design requirements upon which the detailed final design is based.

    Design Interface


    The boundary between the design related responsibilities and activities of one organization, group, or individual and another organization, group or individual. It includes both the external design interface which is the boundary between different organizations, and the internal design interface, which is the boundary between design units of the same organization.

    Design Output


    Documents such as drawings, specifications and other documents defining technical requirements of materials, parts, components, equipment, structures and systems.

    Design Review


    A formal, documented, comprehensive and systematic examination of a design to evaluate the design requirements and the capability of the design to meet these requirements and to identify problems and propose solutions .

    Design Specification


    A document provided by the Client or , detailing requirements as to the intended operating conditions in such detail as to constitute an adequate basis for selecting materials and designing, fabricating and inspecting the product(s) as required to comply with the applicable Code requirements.

    Design Verification


    The process of checking, confirming or substantiating the design to provide assurance that specified requirements have been met. Acceptable methods include design reviews, alternate calculations and testing.

    Destructive Testing


    Verification of material or component properties by a test which destroys the test piece. Common destructive tests are tensile testing, impact testing, bend testing, compression testing, and proof testing.



    A nonconformance or departure of a characteristic from specified requirements .

    Deviation Permit


    See: Production Permit.



    Any condition that does not conform to specified requirements including procedural, material, documentation, and construction requirements.


    Note:A discrepancy is a difference, an inconsistency.



    An action to determine how a departure from specified requirements is to be handled or settled.



    A drawing, specification, sketch, procedure, item list, or report form containing pertinent data or information.



    Any recorded or pictorial information describing, defining, specifying, reporting or certifying activities, requirements, procedures or results.

    Drawings (Design)


    Plans, which show a design, complete with sizes, sections, and relative location of all items but generally not showing details of joints and attachments.

    Drawings (Shop)


    Shop drawings give complete information necessary for fabrication of the item including details of joints and attachments.

    Endurance (Life test)


    A test in which an item is subjected to specified stress(es) over a specified long period of time or large number of operations, or both, in order to determine its durability.

    Engineering Contractor


    Any organization or individual under contract supplying engineering services to the client.

    Engineering Documents


    Engineering documents are all engineering drawings and specifications, which reflect Code or Users Design Specification requirements such as Material-, Welding-, NDE Specification, etc.

    Engineering Flow Diagram (EFD)


    This document shows all equipment connecting piping, utility piping, complete with control loops and all other instrumentation, all valves and safety measures. It is the main tool for the process engineer to convey information to the piping design office and control systems engineering group for the detailed piping and control systems design.

    Erection Contractor


    Any organization or individual under contract, supplying services for installation of items on the site to the client.

    Equipment Dossier


    Describes the equipment used in a plant or unit without consideration of its position or function in the plant.



    An element of inspection consisting of investigation of materials, components, supplies, or services to determine conformance to those specified requirements which can be determined by such investigation. Examination is usually non-destructive and includes simple physical manipulation, gauging, and measurements .

    External Audit


    An audit of those portions of an organizations quality assurance program which are performed by another organization .



    The occurrence of a defective item while the item is under test or in service.

    Final Documentation


    All documents required to confirm final condition of an item and includes as-built-data, test reports, and certificates.

    Final Inspection


    The final inspection carried out by the contractor to verify that all specified inspection has been carried out and that the delivery satisfies all the specified requirements, including documentation requirements.



    Survey originated objective evidence that a control feature of the approved quality program was not implemented with an acceptable level of reliability.

    Firm Fixed Price (FFP)


    A firm-fixed-price contract provides for a price that is not subject to any adjustment on the basis of the contractor's cost experience in performing the contract. This contract type places full responsibility upon the contractor for all costs and resulting profit or loss.

    First Aid


    Any one time treatment and subsequent observation of minor injuries such as scratches, cuts, burns, splinters, and so forth, which do not require medical care by a physician (even though such care has been provided by a physician or registered professional personnel).

    Fixed Price with Reimbursable Expenses (FPw/RE)


    A fixed price contract which additionally reimburses the contractor for non-labor costs (i.e., travel and repro).



    An indicator of category or rank related to features or characteristics that cover different sets of needs for products or services intended for the same functional use.



    Particular provisions that are considered good practice but which are not mandatory. The term "should" denotes a guideline; the term "shall" denotes a mandatory requirement .

    Hold Point


    Mandatory point in the manufacturing sequence of which the client's quality control organization shall be notified and work shall not proceed until required inspections and tests have been witnessed or waived in writing.

    Incident (near miss)


    An occurrence or chain of occurrences which could have caused injury or illness and/or damage (loss) to materials/ assets or the environment.



    Any injury or illness, regardless of severity, that results from a single event (or a number of events closely together in time) in the work environment.



    A procurement document prepared by the Procurement Department, which is sent to suppliers shown on the Approved Bidders List requesting a proposal for the item and/or service described in the Material Requisition.



    Activities such as measuring, examining, testing, gauging one or more characteristics of a product or service and comparing these with specified requirements to determine conformity.

    Inspection Check List


    An itemized instruction document that defines and prescribes the manner and sequence of performing a manufacturing or construction site surveillance.

    Inspection Point


    Any point during manufacture and installation, which comprises inspection activities, as stated in the routing plan of a quality control program.



    A qualified inspector employed by the owner, or installer whose duties include the verification of quality related activities or installations or both .

    Interconnecting Flow Diagram (IFD)


    This document shows the interconnecting lines between various plant units, e.g. process units, tank farms, etc.



    Organizational Interface — A written description of the organizational relationship between the design groups of various project contractors, sub contractors and consultants.



    Physical Interface — The physical location identified by coordinates and elevation where divisions in engineering responsibility exist.

    Internal Audit


    An audit of those portions of an organization's quality assurance program which are performed within its organizational structure .



    1. \t
    2. A part, equipment, sub-system or system that can be individually considered and separately examined or tested;
    3. \t
    4. An actual or conventional object on which a set of observations may be made;
    5. \t
    6. Defined quantity of material on which a set of observations may be made;
    7. \t
    8. An observed value, either qualitative (attributes), or quantitative (measured)

    Job Instruction


    Description of a certain work procedure and determined pattern of action in given situations.

    Lead Auditor


    An individual qualified to organize and direct an audit, report audit findings, and evaluate corrective action.

    Line Designation Table


    Listing of engineering flow diagram pipelines. It contains additional information including maximum temperature for thermal stress calculations, operating pressure and temperature, design pressure and temperature, testing pressure and medium, insulation code and thickness, paint code and type of heat-tracing.

    Lost Work Day Case


    Any recordable case that results in the person being temporarily unable to perform any regular job or restricted activity on any day after the day on which the injury was sustained.



    The combinations of all technical and corresponding administrative actions intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function.


    Note: The required function may be defined as a stated condition

    Major Defect


    A major defect is one, which reduces the usability of an item for its intended purpose.



    One who constructs any class of components, part, or appurtenance to meet prescribed design requirements .



    Collective term for purchasing, production, inspection and storing.



    A substance or combination of substances forming components, parts, pieces, and equipment items (Intended to include such as machinery, castings, liquids, formed steel shapes, aggregates, and cement.) .



    Equipment, supplies and spares that form the subject of a contract.


    Note: This generic term is often used for large scale procurement purposes and avoids the necessity of repeating items covered in this definition.

    Material Requisition


    A procurement document prepared by engineering personnel which defines material to be purchased with specification, referenced codes and standards and specific quality requirements.

    Material Test Report


    A document provided by the Material manufacturer giving the results of tests required by the basic material specification.

    Mechanical Catalogue


    Provides full mechanical details of a plant or unit such as full sets of specifications and requisitions, design drawings and all major supplier prints. Operating aspects are not covered.

    Mechanical Completion


    Mechanical completion occurs when the plant or any part of the plant has been erected and the systems testing activities are completed as required for the commencement of commissioning activities.

    Minor Defect


    A minor defect is one that does not materially reduce the usability of an item for its intended purpose, or is a departure from established standards having no significant bearing on the effective use or operation of the item.



    A planned change in plant design or operation and accomplished in accordance with the requirements and limitations of applicable codes, standards, specifications, licenses, and predetermined safety restrictions (ASME NQA1).



    To watch over, observe, or examine a work operation. Results of the observations and examination may be recorded.



    A deficiency in characteristics, documentation or process implementation, which renders the quality of an item indeterminate or outside that, required by the specification. Examples of nonconformance include: physical defects, test failures, incorrect or inadequate documentation, or deviation from prescribed processing, inspection, or test procedures .



    A deficiency in characteristics, documentation or process implementation, which renders the quality of an item indeterminate or outside that, required by the specification. Examples of nonconformance include: physical defects, test failures, incorrect or inadequate documentation, or deviation from prescribed processing, inspection, or test procedures .



    An observed (structural) deficiency in the Quality System, which must be solved by:


    - Taking adequate corrective action(s).
    - Taking measures to prevent re-occurrence.



    The non-fulfillment of specified requirements .

    Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)


    Any examination process that determines the quality of a specimen without destroying it, permitting examination of all articles and materials that are to be used. NDE includes non-destructive testing.

    Non-Destructive Examination Audit


    An audit of the results of NDE's and personnel certifications, the verifications of the accuracy of NDE equipment and determination of the adequacy of interpretation of NDE results.

    Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)


    Specific non-destructive examination methods used to detect material discontinuities. Five methods of NDT are currently in common use: magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, eddy current, ultrasonic and radiographic.

    Objective Evidence


    Any fact or documentation containing objective information, either quantitative or qualitative, pertaining to the quality of an item or service which can be obtained by observation, visual inspection, testing, measuring of a feature or quality against applicable specifications, written limits of acceptability etc.



    An observed single deficiency in the Quality System, which must be resolved by taking adequate corrective action(s).

    Observe Point(or: Warning Point)


    An operation, test, or examination for which the purchaser's inspector must be notified in advance and for which he has the right to observe, but without requiring the supplier to alter their production schedule to accommodate the inspector's schedule.

    Ongoing Improvements


    An observed grouping of similar deficiencies in the Quality System to be resolved by improving adherence to requirements.

    Operating Manual


    Describes the operating aspects of a plant or unit without giving mechanical details.



    The person, group, company, or corporation who will have or has title to the facility or installation under construction .

    Packaged Unit


    An assembly of items and parts, which can be disassembled without destroying the integrity of the individual, parts .



    An item, which has work, performed on it and which is attached to and becomes part of a component before completion of the component .



    A document describing or identifying specific practices and procedures relevant to particular items, processes or services .



    The equipment, piping, structures, buildings and property that comprise an installation or facility .

    Positive Material Identification (PMI)


    See: Alloy Verification.

    Pre-Award Meeting


    A meeting between purchaser and supplier before the award of a purchase order bringing in line the purchaser's technical, inspection and commercial requirements with the capabilities of the supplier. The meeting is guided by a checklist and is confirmed in Minutes of Meeting.

    Pre-Fabrication Meeting


    A meeting with a supplier after supplier print review and prior to the start of fabrication to assure mutual understanding and agreement on technical, fabrication and coordination details and review of supplier's inspection plan incl. indication of 's hold points.

    Pre-Inspection Meeting


    A meeting between inspection group and supplier defining document availability, code requirements, fabrication and inspection responsibilities. The meeting is guided by a checklist and is confirmed in Minutes of Meeting.

    (as distinguished from: Accuracy)


    The degree of mutual agreement between individual measurements, namely repeatability and reproducibility .

    Pressure Temperature Profile Diagram (PTP)


    This document is prepared by the Process Engineering Department with the purpose of providing project, control systems and piping engineers with the correct pressure and temperature correlations between the various piping systems, vessels, exchangers, etc. The document ensures that proper values are being used for preparation of data sheets, line tables and other documents, e.g. painting systems, insulation, etc.



    A quality document describing a flow of work processes and also ‘who’ is responsible for ‘what’.

    Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)


    The recording on a form of the specific facts involved in the qualifying of a WPS by the demonstration that welds made by that specific procedure can meet prescribed standards.

    Process Flow Diagram (PFD)


    This document shows the main process equipment, fluid flows, main control loops and critical valves. It is a tool for the process engineer(s) to convey information to project and specialist engineers to design the installation in detail. The Process Engineering Department develops the PFD.

    Process Safeguarding Flow Diagram (PSFD)


    This document shows the correlation of safety devices installed but indicated on separate PFD's. It highlights the final level of protection provided by the safety systems installed.



    The activities performed by a purchaser or his designated representative for obtaining an item or service, beginning with the preparation of specified requirements, and concluding with the purchaser's acceptance of such items or service .

    Procurement Documents


    Contractually binding documents that identify and define the requirements which items or services must meet in order to be considered acceptable by the purchaser.

    Product Audit


    A review of a sample of documents to give the Auditor sufficient insight in the quality of documents produced.

    Product Liability


    A generic term used to describe the onus on a producer or others to make restitution for loss related to personal injury, property damage or other harm caused by a product or service .



    Collective term for that part of manufacturing which concerns forming and machining of materials and mounting of components.

    Production Permit


    Written authorization, prior to production or before provision of a service, to depart from specified requirements for a specified quantity or for a specified time . Examples of production operations are turning, milling, casting, welding, surface treatment etc.

    Progressive Inspection


    Inspection of an item or component at selected stages of manufacture. Progressive inspection is performed on a periodic basis and as necessary to support witness, hold point and observe point requirements.



    A planned series of activities executed by under the contract.

    Purchase Order


    A procurement document prepared by the procurement group authorizing the supply of items or services described in the material requisition.

    Purchase Order Review Meeting


    A meeting with a supplier shortly after purchase order commitment to confirm that supplier has received, reviewed and understood all purchase order requirements.



    Any individual or organization who placed an order for items or services .

    Qualification (Personnel)


    The characteristics or abilities gained through training or experience or both that enable an individual to perform a required function.

    Qualified Party


    A person or organization competent and recognized as knowledgeable to perform certain functions.

    Qualified Procedure


    A procedure which incorporates all applicable codes and standards, manufacturer's parameters, and engineering specification and has been proven adequate for its intended purpose .


    The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs .


    1. In order to be able to assure, control or improve quality, it is necessary to be able to evaluate it. This definition calls for the identification of those characteristics and features bearing upon the "fitness for purpose" of a product or service. The "ability to satisfy a defined requirement" includes economics as well as availability, maintainability, reliability, design and all other characteristics that the need for a product or service involves

    2. The defined requirements for a particular service, product, equipment or unit are as dominated by: Client's and Company requirements (Process performance, equipment life, equipment maintenance and safety). Statutory requirements (such as pressure vessel codes, environmental codes, anti-pollution requirements etc.). Any other non-statutory requirements (such as related to insurance, shipping, etc.).

    Quality (Assurance) Program


    A description of the overall management and procedures covering the quality assurance actions for the execution of a specific contract or project.

    Quality Assurance


    All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for quality .


    Note:The actions have to provide documented confidence that quality control is properly executed.

    Quality Assurance Department


    A specialized group within which is independent of project execution responsibilities and charged with the responsibility ensuring that the Quality Assurance Program is implemented adequately.

    Quality Assurance Procedure


    A detailed procedure which forms an integral part of the Quality Assurance Program, to give written policies and procedures governing quality related functions and activities for the execution of the project.

    Quality Audit


    A systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives .

    Quality Control


    The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality.


    Note:Quality Control is the total of all measures taken within each department to achieve quality. It comprises:


    - Standardization and computerization of design and drafting as much as possible.
    - Selection and use of qualified personnel, suppliers and subcontractors.
    - Execution and logging of extensive and continuous supervisory checks and inspection of work done in the office, in supplier's shops and at site, in accordance with an established quality control plan and accepted quality control procedures.

    Quality Control Procedure


    A detailed procedure which provides a means to control and/or measure the characteristics of a material, facility or work, to established requirements.

    Quality Control Surveillance


    The overseeing of a supplier's quality control organization and methods by the customer, his representative or an independent organization.

    Quality Loop (Spiral)


    Conceptual model of interacting activities that influence the quality of a product or service in the various stages ranging from the identification of needs to the assessment of whether these needs have been satisfied.

    Quality Management


    That aspect of the overall management function that determines and implements the quality policy.

    Quality Manual


    A document setting out the general quality policies, procedures, and practices of an organization.

    Quality Plan


    A document setting out the specific quality practices, resources and sequences of activities relevant to a particular product, service, contract or project.

    Quality Policy


    The overall quality intentions and direction of an organization as regards quality, as formally expressed by top management.

    Quality System


    The organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources for implementing quality management.

    Quality System Review


    A formal evaluation by top management of the status and adequacy of the quality system in relation to quality policy and new objectives resulting from changing circumstances.

    Quality Verification


    The provision of evidence or proof that requirements for quality have been met .

    Ready for Start-up


    Ready for start-up is reached when feedstocks can be introduced in the plant for the express purpose to start the production of products in commercial quantities (this stage is often also referred to as “hydrocarbons-in”).



    Taking delivery of an item at a designated location.



    An advice for a possible improvement/corrective action/ further investigation.

    Recordable Case


    Any work related injury case requiring more than first aid, and all occupational illnesses (including fatalities).



    A legal or authority requirement.



    A nonconformance disposition that states that an item is unsuitable for its intended purpose and cannot be made suitable in a feasible and economical manner.



    The clearance given by an authorized person/body to proceed with the next phase in the line of activities.



    The ability of an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time (ISO 8402).


    - The term reliability is also used as a reliability characteristic denoting a probability of success or success ratio.
    - The word ‘time’ may be replaced by ‘distance’, ‘cycles’, or other quantities or units as may be appropriate.



    The process of restoring a nonconforming characteristic to a condition such that the capability of an item to function reliably and safely is unimpaired, even though that item still may not conform to the original requirement.



    Disposition of a rejected item that can neither be repaired nor reworked.



    Something (document) that gives information for record purposes.



    This document contains the full technical description of the material or work, and the quantities required.



    Determining the disposition of a non-conformance as either use-as-is, repair, rework or replace and the associated instructions.

    Revamp Flow Diagram (RFD)


    This document shows which equipment, lines, control loops etc. must be demolished, modified, removed or relocated etc. in a revamping project. The existing engineering flow diagrams of a plant or unit to be revamped shall be used. In general, two sets of diagrams are to be prepared:


    1. updated existing EFD versions for demolishing purposes, RFD's;
    2. new "as-built" EFD's.



    Examination of documentation, i.e. drawings, specifications, procedures, and/or records, to obtain confidence of conformance to specified requirements.



    The process by which a nonconforming item is made to conform to a prior specified requirement by completion, remachining, reassembling, or other corrective means .



    The Rules are to be understood as being all regulations and requirements decided by the Certification Authorities.



    Those activities related to securing human life and health, protecting the environment and securing material values.



    Pertaining to those structures, systems and components of installations the satisfactory performance of which is important to the prevention of accidents that could cause undue risk to the health and safety of the public, or to mitigation of the consequences of such accidents .



    A group of items or individuals, taken from a larger collection or population, that provides information needed for assessing a characteristic (or characteristics) of the population, or which serves as a basis for action on the population or the process that produced it .


    - The term may also be used to describe a portion of material taken for the same purpose from a larger bulk of material or a sample of observations.
    - Many statistical techniques require that the sample shall be drawn at random.

    Scheduled Audit


    An audit applied on a scheduled basis after contract award. This audit evaluates, but is not limited to, the effectiveness of the QA program, pertaining methods, manuals, procedures and instructions.



    Decision to reject a product or a service.

    Service Liability


    See: Product Liability.



    The performance by a supplier of activities such as design, fabrication, inspection, non-destructive, examination, repair or installation .

    Shop Survey


    Same as supplier evaluation. This term is being phased out of procedures.

    Simulation Runs


    Simulation runs are commissioning activities conducted to allow run-in and operational testing of the equipment.



    The location of both on-plot and off-plot units and facilities which are intended to be constructed

    Software Quality Assurance


    Program Requirements: New QA Professional Field covered by requirements for the development, implementation and maintenance of a Quality Assurance Program for Computer Software.



    The document that prescribes the requirements with which the product or service has to conform .


    Note:The limits of acceptability must be included in the document referred above.



    Binding example of a product manufactured by the contractor's manufacturing equipment.



    A document approved by a generally recognized body which results from the process of formulating and applying rules for an orderly approach to a specific activity or a physical specimen giving examples of professional performance of work.


    Note:This definition includes 's and/or Client's standards.



    The act of holding items at the construction site or in an area other than its permanent location in the plant .



    See: Contractor.



    See: Contractor.

    Supplier Evaluation


    An appraisal to determine whether or not a supplier is capable of producing a component, product or service in accordance with a specified requirement, and providing objective evidence thereof.


    Note:Supplier's QA/QC system to be evaluated as well.

    Supplier Prints


    All of the documents submitted by a vendor to purchaser for either review, approval or record purposes.

    Supplier Performance Evaluation


    Assessment of a supplier's control of quality carried out during and after completion of manufacture.

    Surveillance (Quality)


    The continuing monitoring and verification of the status of procedures, methods, conditions, processes, products and services, and analysis of records in relation to stated references to ensure that specified requirements for quality are being met.

    Surveillance Check Plan


    An instruction document that defines and prescribes the manner and sequence of performing manufacturing or construction site surveillance.



    Formalized collection of mutually coordinated procedures.

    System Audit


    An audit of effectiveness of the quality assurance program and pertaining methods, procedures and instructions.

    Systems Testing


    Systems Testing is performed prior to mechanical completion and includes all non-operating activities such as adjustments, cold alignment checks, hydrostatic testing, water flushing, etc.

    Technical Documentation


    Drawings, specifications, calculations and other technical data, possibly patterns.



    The determination or verification of the capability of an item to meet specified requirements by subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, environmental or operating conditions.

    Time-and-Materials (T&M)


    A time-and-materials contract provides for reimbursing the contractor for actual direct labor hours at specified fixed hourly rates that include wages, overhead, general and administrative expenses and profit plus materials at specified rates on cost.

    Time-and-Materials Open Ended (T&MOE)


    A time-and-materials contract with no funding limitation on expenditures.



    The ability to trace the history, application or location of an item or activity, or similar items or activities, by means of recorded identification.



    A continuous program of learning to gain knowledge and improve one's ability in any subject, art or profession. Developing skills and attitudes through self-teaching, working on-the-job, workshop seminars, or formal classroom instructions.



    When associated with a dimension, means that the dimension applies to all features that appear to be identical in size and configuration. The tolerance stated for a dimension labeled typical also applies to each identical feature.



    A disposition which may be imposed for a nonconformance when it can be established that the discrepancy will result in no adverse conditions and that the item under consideration will continue to meet all engineering functional requirements, including performance, maintainability, fit, and safety.

    Utilities Flow Diagram (UFD)


    This document shows how utilities are generated and distributed from the source or supply point to the various parts of an installation. The diagram shows common control loops, additional equipment that is deemed necessary to supply the utility as required and the safety measures necessary. The diagrams shall be drawn in accordance with the geographical layout of the plant.



    The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, checking, auditing, or otherwise verifying and documenting whether items, processes, services, or documents conform to specified requirements.

    Verified Certified Mill Test Report


    A CMTR whose authenticity is confirmed by positive proof. Photocopies of CMTR's are not generally acceptable without further laboratory check testing to the requirements of the appropriate product specification. Alternatively the supplier validates the photocopy by company stamping and signing in ink on the photocopy that the copy is either an original or stating the actual location where the original is held.



    Written authorization to use or release a quantity of material, components or stores already produced but which do not conform to the specified requirements .

    Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)


    The Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) shall list in detail the various base metal P Numbers to be joined by welding, the filler materials to be used, the range of preheat and post-weld treatment, thickness, and other variables described for each welding process as either essential or non-essential .

    Witness (verb)


    The operation, test, or examination in which the purchaser's inspector must be present during the specified activity.

    Witness Point


    Point of which the QA department shall be notified and work shall not proceed until required inspections and tests have been witnessed.

    Work Standard


    Document or physical specimen giving example of professional performance of work.

    S6. Conclusion

    This concludes this guide for termnolgies usage If you have any questions, post them in the comments below, or in our question response module.


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