Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Electrical: η t

η t

Understanding ηt: The Total Efficiency in Electrical Systems

In electrical engineering, efficiency is a crucial parameter that quantifies how effectively a device or system converts input energy into useful output energy. The total efficiency (ηt), often represented by the Greek letter η (eta) with a subscript t, provides a comprehensive measure of the overall energy conversion process, encompassing both electrical and non-electrical losses.

Common Symbol: ηt

Definition: ηt is the ratio of the useful output power to the total input power, expressed as a percentage.


ηt = (Output Power / Input Power) x 100%

Understanding the Components:

  • Output Power: This refers to the power delivered to the load, the intended recipient of the energy. In a motor, for instance, it would be the mechanical power output.
  • Input Power: This represents the total power drawn from the source, encompassing all forms of power consumption, including electrical losses within the device or system.

Factors Influencing Total Efficiency:

  • Electrical Losses: These include losses due to resistance in wires, transformers, and other components, resulting in heat dissipation.
  • Mechanical Losses: Friction in rotating machinery like motors and generators contributes to energy loss.
  • Magnetic Losses: Hysteresis and eddy currents in magnetic materials cause energy dissipation.
  • Other Losses: These can include radiation losses, leakage currents, and losses due to stray magnetic fields.

Significance of Total Efficiency:

  • Performance Evaluation: ηt serves as a key metric to assess the effectiveness of a device or system in converting energy.
  • Energy Conservation: Higher ηt translates to reduced energy waste, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.
  • Design Optimization: Engineers utilize ηt analysis to optimize system design, minimizing losses and improving energy efficiency.

Examples of ηt in Practical Applications:

  • Electric Motors: ηt of electric motors, typically ranging from 80% to 95%, determines the efficiency of converting electrical energy into mechanical work.
  • Power Supplies: The ηt of power supplies, ranging from 70% to 90%, indicates the efficiency of converting AC power to DC power for electronic devices.
  • Solar Panels: ηt of solar panels, typically around 15% to 20%, reflects the effectiveness of converting solar energy into electricity.


Total efficiency (ηt) provides a crucial understanding of the overall energy conversion process in electrical systems. By accurately quantifying energy losses, ηt serves as a vital tool for performance evaluation, energy conservation, and design optimization, ultimately contributing to more efficient and sustainable energy utilization.

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