معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Project Planning & Scheduling: Programme Definition Phase

Programme Definition Phase

تعريف النجاح: مرحلة تعريف البرنامج في صناعة النفط والغاز

تعتمد صناعة النفط والغاز على المشاريع الضخمة والمعقدة. لضمان تحقيق هذه المشاريع للنتائج المرجوة، يُعدّ اتباع نهج منظم ضروريًا. هنا يأتي دور **إدارة البرنامج**، وضمنها، تعد **مرحلة تعريف البرنامج** خطوة أساسية.

تُعرف هذه المرحلة أحيانًا بـ "المرحلة الثانية" من إدارة البرنامج، وتأتي بين المفهوم الأولي وتنفيذ المشروع. تُعتبر هذه المرحلة فترة من الفحص والخطيط المكثف، حيث يتم فحص جدوى المشروع بدقة ووضع الأساس للنجاح.

**ما الذي يحدث في مرحلة تعريف البرنامج؟**

  1. دراسة الجدوى: أول مهمة هي تقييم جدوى المشروع. يشمل ذلك تقييم الجدوى الفنية، والجدوى الاقتصادية، والأثر البيئي. تساعد هذه المرحلة على تحديد ما إذا كان المشروع يستحق المتابعة وتحديد أي عقبات محتملة.

  2. التعريف الكامل: يشمل هذا الغوص بعمق في نطاق المشروع وأهدافه ونتائجه والمخاطر المحتملة. يتم تحديد متطلبات مفصلة، وإعداد خطة شاملة تحدد الجدول الزمني والموارد والمعالم الأساسية.

  3. موافقة التمويل: مع الفهم الواضح لنطاق المشروع وتكلفته، يسعى الفريق للحصول على موافقة التمويل. تتضمن هذه المرحلة تقديم الأساس المنطقي للمشروع وفوائده وتوقعاته المالية إلى أصحاب المصلحة وتأمين الدعم المالي اللازم.

ما هي النتائج الرئيسية لهذه المرحلة؟

  • ملخصات المشاريع: توفر هذه الوثائق نظرة عامة مختصرة لكنها مفصلة لكل مشروع داخل البرنامج. تحدد نتائج المشروع والجدول الزمني والميزانية وأصحاب المصلحة الرئيسيين.
  • خطط المشروع الأولية: يشمل ذلك نظرة شاملة لخطة المشروع، وتحديد المهام الرئيسية والتبعيات والمعالم الأساسية.
  • وثيقة تعريف البرنامج: تُلخص هذه الوثيقة الشاملة البرنامج بأكمله، بما في ذلك دراسة الجدوى وملخصات المشاريع وخطة المشروع العامة.

لماذا تُعتبر مرحلة تعريف البرنامج مهمة للغاية؟

  • تقليل المخاطر: يساعد تعريف المشروع بدقة في وقت مبكر على تحديد وتخفيف المخاطر المحتملة قبل إجراء استثمارات كبيرة.
  • ضمان التنسيق: من خلال إشراك جميع أصحاب المصلحة في عملية التعريف، يُصبح الجميع على دراية بأهداف المشروع ونطاقه والنتائج المتوقعة.
  • توفير الوضوح: يضمن البرنامج المُحدد جيدًا فهم الجميع لأدوارهم ومسؤولياتهم والخطط العامة، مما يقلل من الارتباك ويُعظم الكفاءة.
  • تحسين تخصيص الموارد: مع الفهم الواضح لمتطلبات المشروع، يمكن تخصيص الموارد بفعالية، مما يُعظم تأثيرها.

تُعتبر مرحلة تعريف البرنامج خطوة حاسمة في تنفيذ أي مشروع كبير للنفط والغاز بنجاح. من خلال إرساء الأساس لبرنامج مُحدد جيدًا ومُمول بشكل جيد، تُهيئ هذه المرحلة المسرح لرحلة سلسة وفعالة نحو تحقيق النتيجة المرجوة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Defining Success: The Programme Definition Phase in Oil & Gas

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of the Programme Definition Phase?

a) To begin construction and start the project. b) To secure funding and finalize the project scope. c) To identify potential risks and develop mitigation strategies. d) To gather stakeholder feedback and refine the project idea.


b) To secure funding and finalize the project scope.

2. Which of these is NOT a key output of the Programme Definition Phase?

a) Project Briefs b) Detailed Cost Breakdown c) Outline Project Plans d) Programme Definition Document


b) Detailed Cost Breakdown

3. Why is a feasibility study crucial during the Programme Definition Phase?

a) To assess the project's environmental impact. b) To determine if the project is technically viable and economically sound. c) To gather stakeholder input on project objectives. d) To establish a communication plan for the project team.


b) To determine if the project is technically viable and economically sound.

4. How does the Programme Definition Phase help reduce project risk?

a) By ensuring everyone involved is fully trained in safety protocols. b) By identifying and addressing potential risks early in the process. c) By outsourcing risky tasks to external contractors. d) By using risk management software to predict and manage potential risks.


b) By identifying and addressing potential risks early in the process.

5. Which of these is NOT a benefit of a well-defined programme?

a) Clear communication and collaboration among stakeholders. b) Optimized resource allocation and efficient project management. c) Reduced project costs and faster project completion. d) Improved stakeholder engagement and project buy-in.


c) Reduced project costs and faster project completion.

Exercise: The Oil Rig Project

Scenario: Your team has been tasked with defining a new oil rig construction project. The initial concept involves building a state-of-the-art offshore rig in a challenging, environmentally sensitive location.

Task: Based on your understanding of the Programme Definition Phase, outline the key steps you would take and the outputs you would create to ensure a successful project definition.

Remember to consider:

  • Feasibility study (technical, economic, environmental)
  • Full project definition (scope, objectives, deliverables, risks)
  • Funding approval
  • Key outputs (project briefs, outline plans, programme definition document)

Exercice Correction

**Programme Definition Phase for the Oil Rig Project:** 1. **Feasibility Study:** * **Technical Feasibility:** Assess the technical challenges of building the rig in the chosen location (sea depth, weather conditions, soil conditions). * **Economic Viability:** Analyze the project's potential profitability, considering construction costs, operational costs, oil/gas reserves, and market demand. * **Environmental Impact:** Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to evaluate the project's impact on marine life, water quality, and overall ecological balance. 2. **Full Project Definition:** * **Scope:** Define the rig's size, capabilities, and operational specifications. * **Objectives:** Outline the project's goals, such as maximizing oil/gas production, minimizing environmental impact, and ensuring safety for personnel. * **Deliverables:** Specify the tangible outputs of the project, including the fully constructed and operational rig. * **Risks:** Identify potential risks like construction delays, environmental issues, equipment failures, and market fluctuations. Develop mitigation strategies for each risk. 3. **Funding Approval:** * **Prepare a detailed budget:** Estimate all project costs, including construction, materials, labor, permits, and contingencies. * **Develop a compelling presentation:** Showcase the project's rationale, benefits (economic and environmental), and financial projections. * **Present to stakeholders:** Secure funding approval from investors, government agencies, and other key stakeholders. 4. **Key Outputs:** * **Project Briefs:** Create detailed project briefs for each sub-project (e.g., platform construction, drilling operations, environmental monitoring). * **Outline Project Plans:** Develop a high-level overview of the project timeline, key milestones, and resource allocation. * **Programme Definition Document:** Assemble a comprehensive document that summarizes the entire project definition, including the feasibility study, project briefs, outline plans, and risk assessments. **By following these steps, the team can ensure a clear and well-defined programme for the oil rig construction project, setting the foundation for its successful execution.**


  • "Project Management for the Oil & Gas Industry" by John M. Nicholas: Covers project management principles specifically tailored to the oil and gas industry, including the importance of the definition phase.
  • "Oil and Gas Project Management" by A.K. Rao: Explores the lifecycle of oil and gas projects, emphasizing the significance of the definition phase in ensuring success.
  • "The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)" by Project Management Institute: Provides a comprehensive guide to project management methodologies, including the definition phase and its role within the overall project lifecycle.


  • "The Importance of the Project Definition Phase in Oil & Gas" by [Author Name]: Search for articles with this title or similar variations, focusing on the oil and gas industry.
  • "Best Practices for Defining and Managing Oil & Gas Projects" by [Author Name]: Explore articles discussing best practices in the oil and gas sector, including the importance of the definition phase.
  • "The Programme Definition Phase: A Critical Step in Oil & Gas Projects" by [Author Name]: Search for articles focusing on the Programme Definition Phase specifically within the context of the oil and gas industry.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): This professional organization offers resources, certifications, and publications related to project management, including guidance on the definition phase.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This professional body provides resources, publications, and conferences related to the oil and gas industry, including information on project management best practices.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication offers news, analysis, and technical articles related to the oil and gas industry, including project management and the definition phase.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Include terms like "Programme Definition Phase," "Oil & Gas," "Project Management," "Feasibility Study," and "Project Planning."
  • Combine keywords: Use phrase searches like "Programme Definition Phase in Oil & Gas" or "Importance of Programme Definition for Oil & Gas Projects."
  • Explore industry-specific websites: Search within the websites of PMI, SPE, and Oil & Gas Journal for relevant content.
  • Filter by publication date: Focus on recent articles and resources for the most up-to-date information.
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