هندسة المكامن

Feasibility Phase

مرحلة الجدوى: وضع الأساس للنجاح في تطوير النفط والغاز

تُعد صناعة النفط والغاز صناعة معقدة وكثيفة الاستثمار، وتتطلب تخطيطًا دقيقًا وتنفيذًا حذرًا لضمان الربحية. وتُعد مرحلة الجدوى مرحلة حاسمة في هذه العملية، حيث تُشكل الأساس لقرارات التطوير المستقبلية.

الوصف الموجز:

تُعد مرحلة الجدوى المرحلة الأولية في مشروع النفط والغاز، حيث يتم تقييم جدوى التطوير المحتمل بدقة. وتشمل تقييمًا شاملاً للعوامل التقنية والاقتصادية والبيئية والاجتماعية لتحديد ما إذا كان المشروع يستحق مزيدًا من الاستثمار والتطوير.

العناصر الرئيسية لمرحلة الجدوى:

  • الاستكشاف والتقييم: تتضمن هذه المرحلة الحصول على بيانات جيولوجية وجيوفيزيائية لتحديد خزانات الهيدروكربون المحتملة. وبمجرد اكتشاف الخلاصات الواعدة، يتم إجراء دراسات تقييم تفصيلية لتقدير حجم الخزان ونوع الهيدروكربون وإمكانات الاسترداد.
  • تقييم الخزان: يتم إجراء دراسات جيولوجية وهندسية واسعة النطاق لفهم خصائص الخزان، بما في ذلك المسامية والنفاذية وخصائص السوائل وضغط الخزان. تساعد هذه الدراسات في تحديد معدل الإنتاج المحتمل والاحتياطيات.
  • الجدوى التقنية: يقوم المهندسون بتقييم الجدوى التقنية لتطوير الحقل، مع مراعاة عوامل مثل تصميم الآبار وتقنيات الحفر وطرق الإنتاج والتحديات المحتملة مثل استنفاد ضغط الخزان أو استقرار بئر الحفر.
  • التقييم الاقتصادي: تتضمن هذه الخطوة التنبؤ بالإنتاج المستقبلي وتقدير تكاليف التشغيل وتحديد ربحية المشروع المحتملة. تُستخدم النماذج المالية لتقييم معدل العائد الداخلي (IRR) والقيمة الحالية الصافية (NPV) وفترة الاسترداد للمشروع.
  • تقييم الأثر البيئي: يتم تقييم الأثر البيئي المحتمل للمشروع، بما في ذلك التلوث المحتمل للهواء والماء والتربة، واضطراب الموائل، وانبعاثات غازات الدفيئة. وتُطوّر استراتيجيات التخفيف لتقليل التأثيرات البيئية.
  • تقييم الأثر الاجتماعي: يتم تقييم التأثير المحتمل للمشروع على المجتمعات المحلية، مع مراعاة عوامل مثل فرص العمل وتطوير البنية التحتية والصراعات الاجتماعية المحتملة.
  • الامتثال للوائح: تضمن دراسة الجدوى أن المشروع يفي بجميع المتطلبات التنظيمية المعمول بها، بما في ذلك تصاريح البيئة ومعايير السلامة ولوائح استخدام الأراضي.

مرحلة التطوير مقابل مرحلة الجدوى:

تُعد مرحلة الجدوى مقدمة لـ مرحلة التطوير، والتي تُتبع إذا تم اعتبار المشروع قابل للتطبيق. وتشمل مرحلة التطوير التصميم التفصيلي والبناء وتشغيل مرافق الإنتاج. ويشمل ذلك:

  • بناء الآبار: حفر وتجهيز آبار الإنتاج للوصول إلى الخزان.
  • مرافق السطح: بناء منصات الإنتاج والأنابيب ومصانع المعالجة وخزانات التخزين.
  • عمليات الإنتاج: بدء وصيانة إنتاج النفط والغاز.

أهمية مرحلة الجدوى:

تُعد مرحلة الجدوى أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لضمان تقليل المخاطر وتحقيق أقصى عائد على الاستثمار. من خلال إجراء تقييم شامل، يمكن للشركات:

  • تجنب الاستثمارات الباهظة في المشاريع غير القابلة للتطبيق.
  • اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة بشأن نطاق المشروع والميزانية.
  • تحديد التحديات المحتملة وتطوير استراتيجيات التخفيف.
  • ضمان الامتثال للوائح البيئية والاجتماعية.

خلاصة القول، تُعد مرحلة الجدوى عنصرًا لا غنى عنه لنجاح تطوير النفط والغاز. من خلال إرساء الأساس لمشروع سليم، فإنها تساعد في ضمان أن تكون المشاريع قابلة للتطبيق ومربحة ومستدامة على المدى الطويل.

Test Your Knowledge

Feasibility Phase Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of the Feasibility Phase in oil and gas development?

a) To identify and secure funding for the project. b) To design and construct production facilities. c) To thoroughly evaluate the viability of a potential development. d) To begin production and extract oil and gas.


c) To thoroughly evaluate the viability of a potential development.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element of the Feasibility Phase?

a) Exploration and Appraisal b) Reservoir Evaluation c) Market Research and Sales Strategy d) Environmental Impact Assessment


c) Market Research and Sales Strategy

3. What is the primary purpose of the Economic Evaluation in the Feasibility Phase?

a) To determine the environmental impact of the project. b) To assess the project's potential profitability and financial viability. c) To identify and secure necessary permits and approvals. d) To design and implement production operations.


b) To assess the project's potential profitability and financial viability.

4. What is the relationship between the Feasibility Phase and the Development Phase?

a) The Development Phase follows the Feasibility Phase only if the project is deemed viable. b) The Feasibility Phase occurs after the Development Phase is completed. c) The Feasibility Phase and Development Phase are independent of each other. d) The Development Phase is a component of the Feasibility Phase.


a) The Development Phase follows the Feasibility Phase only if the project is deemed viable.

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of conducting a thorough Feasibility Phase?

a) Minimizing risk and maximizing return on investment. b) Ensuring compliance with environmental and social regulations. c) Identifying potential challenges and developing mitigation strategies. d) Guaranteeing successful production and profitability.


d) Guaranteeing successful production and profitability.

Feasibility Phase Exercise


You are a junior engineer working for an oil and gas company. Your team has discovered a promising new oil reservoir. Your manager has tasked you with creating a preliminary Feasibility Study.

Your task:

  1. Identify the key elements of a Feasibility Study that need to be considered for this new oil reservoir.
  2. Explain the importance of each element and how it contributes to the overall success of the project.
  3. Describe potential risks and challenges associated with each element and suggest mitigation strategies.

Exercise Correction

Here is a possible outline for your Feasibility Study:

**Key Elements and Importance:**

  1. **Exploration & Appraisal:**
    • Importance: To confirm the presence of hydrocarbons, estimate the size and potential production rate of the reservoir, and assess the quality and type of oil/gas.
    • Risks: Uncertainty about reservoir size, potential for poor recovery rates, inaccurate estimates of reserves.
    • Mitigation: Conduct thorough seismic surveys, use advanced drilling and logging techniques, and refine appraisal methods for greater accuracy.
  2. **Reservoir Evaluation:**
    • Importance: To understand the reservoir's properties (porosity, permeability, pressure, etc.) which influences production rates and potential recovery.
    • Risks: Difficult reservoir conditions, reservoir depletion, wellbore instability.
    • Mitigation: Utilize advanced reservoir simulation models, consider enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques, and implement robust wellbore design practices.
  3. **Technical Feasibility:**
    • Importance: To assess the viability of extracting oil and gas using available technologies and considering factors like well design, drilling techniques, and production methods.
    • Risks: Complex drilling conditions, limited access to the reservoir, production challenges due to reservoir conditions.
    • Mitigation: Invest in specialized drilling equipment, employ experienced personnel, and consider alternative production methods (e.g., horizontal drilling, fracking).
  4. **Economic Evaluation:**
    • Importance: To project future production, estimate operating costs, and determine the project's profitability using financial models (NPV, IRR, payback period).
    • Risks: Fluctuations in oil prices, unexpected cost overruns, uncertainties in production estimates.
    • Mitigation: Develop robust financial models with various oil price scenarios, implement cost-control measures, and ensure reliable production estimates.
  5. **Environmental Impact Assessment:**
    • Importance: To identify and assess potential environmental impacts (air, water, soil pollution, habitat disruption, etc.) and develop mitigation strategies.
    • Risks: Negative environmental impact on sensitive ecosystems, potential for spills and leaks, public concern over environmental degradation.
    • Mitigation: Develop comprehensive environmental management plans, implement pollution control technologies, and engage in stakeholder engagement and community outreach.
  6. **Social Impact Assessment:**
    • Importance: To evaluate the impact of the project on local communities, considering factors like employment opportunities, infrastructure development, and potential social conflicts.
    • Risks: Community opposition, potential for social unrest, conflicts over land use, and displacement of local communities.
    • Mitigation: Develop community engagement programs, provide employment and training opportunities for local residents, invest in local infrastructure development, and ensure fair compensation for land acquisition.
  7. **Regulatory Compliance:**
    • Importance: To ensure compliance with all relevant environmental, safety, and land use regulations to minimize risks and obtain necessary permits.
    • Risks: Delays in project approval, legal disputes, potential fines and penalties.
    • Mitigation: Conduct thorough legal and regulatory research, engage with relevant authorities, and maintain compliance throughout the project lifecycle.


  • Petroleum Development and Production: By John M. Campbell (2005) - This comprehensive textbook covers all aspects of oil and gas development, including a dedicated chapter on the Feasibility Phase.
  • The Economics of Petroleum Exploration and Production: By Robert C. Earlougher (2010) - Provides a detailed analysis of economic factors in oil and gas development, including feasibility studies and financial modeling.
  • Upstream Oil & Gas Economics: By David A. Hughes (2014) - Focuses on the economic principles behind upstream operations, including risk management, resource evaluation, and feasibility assessment.
  • Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Handbook: Edited by R.E. Gjelstad (2017) - A comprehensive guide to oil and gas operations, with dedicated sections on exploration, appraisal, and feasibility studies.


  • Feasibility Study and Economic Evaluation for Oil and Gas Projects: By Mohammad Reza Ghasemi et al. (2017) - This paper provides a detailed overview of the process for conducting feasibility studies and economic evaluation for oil and gas projects.
  • The Feasibility Phase of Oil and Gas Exploration and Development: By John A. Lee (2009) - This article explores the key elements and challenges involved in conducting a feasibility study for oil and gas projects.
  • The Importance of Feasibility Studies in Oil and Gas Development: By Robert J. Baker (2012) - Emphasizes the crucial role of feasibility studies in minimizing risk and ensuring profitable outcomes in oil and gas projects.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of resources on oil and gas exploration, development, and production, including technical papers, conference proceedings, and educational materials.
  • Petroleum Economist: This online publication provides industry news, analysis, and insights on the global oil and gas sector, including articles and reports on feasibility studies.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry magazine publishes articles and technical reports on various aspects of oil and gas development, including feasibility analysis and project planning.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Feasibility study oil and gas," "Economic evaluation oil and gas," "Reservoir evaluation," "Environmental impact assessment oil and gas."
  • Include relevant industry terms: "Upstream oil and gas," "Exploration and appraisal," "Development phase," "Production facilities."
  • Narrow your search by specifying the type of resource you are looking for: "Feasibility study pdf," "Feasibility study articles," "Feasibility study books."
  • Use advanced search operators: Use quotation marks (" ") to search for exact phrases, a minus sign (-) to exclude specific terms, and a plus sign (+) to include specific terms.


The Feasibility Phase in Oil & Gas Development: A Detailed Look

This document expands on the Feasibility Phase in oil and gas development, breaking down the key aspects into separate chapters for clarity.

Chapter 1: Techniques Employed During the Feasibility Phase

The Feasibility Phase relies on a variety of techniques to comprehensively assess project viability. These techniques span multiple disciplines and integrate data from various sources. Key techniques include:

  • Geological and Geophysical Surveys: Seismic surveys (2D, 3D, 4D), well logging (wireline, logging-while-drilling), and core analysis are crucial for characterizing subsurface formations, identifying potential reservoirs, and estimating hydrocarbon volumes. These techniques are used to create geological models of the reservoir.

  • Reservoir Simulation: Sophisticated reservoir simulation software utilizes geological and geophysical data to model reservoir behavior under various production scenarios. This allows engineers to predict production rates, pressure depletion, and ultimate recovery. Different simulation methods (e.g., black oil, compositional) are employed depending on reservoir complexity.

  • Economic Modeling: Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation are used to evaluate the economic viability of the project. These models incorporate various cost and revenue parameters, including capital expenditures (CAPEX), operating expenditures (OPEX), oil and gas prices, and production forecasts.

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Techniques: EIA relies on a range of techniques including baseline studies (assessing existing environmental conditions), impact prediction modeling (assessing potential impacts from the project), and mitigation strategy development. Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies may also be used.

  • Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Techniques: SIA involves stakeholder consultation (e.g., interviews, surveys, focus groups), impact prediction modeling (e.g., modeling the impact on employment and community infrastructure), and developing mitigation strategies to minimize negative social consequences.

  • Risk Assessment Techniques: Qualitative and quantitative risk assessment methods are used to identify and evaluate potential project risks (e.g., geological uncertainty, regulatory changes, cost overruns). Techniques like fault tree analysis and event tree analysis can be helpful.

Chapter 2: Models Used in the Feasibility Phase

Several models are crucial for analyzing different aspects of project feasibility:

  • Geological Models: These 3D models represent the subsurface geology, including reservoir geometry, rock properties (porosity, permeability), and fluid distribution. They are essential for reservoir simulation and production forecasting.

  • Reservoir Simulation Models: These mathematical models simulate the flow of fluids in the reservoir under various production scenarios. They are used to predict production rates, ultimate recovery, and the impact of different development strategies.

  • Economic Models: These models project future cash flows, considering capital and operating costs, revenue streams, and discount rates. Common models include net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period calculations.

  • Environmental Models: These models predict the potential environmental impacts of the project, including air and water quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and habitat disruption.

  • Social Models: These models assess the potential social impacts, such as employment creation, infrastructure development, and community displacement.

Chapter 3: Software Applications for Feasibility Studies

Various software packages facilitate the data analysis and modeling required during the Feasibility Phase. These include:

  • Geological Modeling Software: Petrel, Kingdom, and Schlumberger's ECLIPSE are examples of software used for building and interpreting geological models.

  • Reservoir Simulation Software: ECLIPSE, CMG, and INTERSECT are commonly used for reservoir simulation.

  • Economic Modeling Software: Spreadsheet software (Excel) with specialized add-ins or dedicated financial modeling software are frequently employed.

  • Environmental Modeling Software: Specialized software packages are used for air quality modeling, water quality modeling, and ecological impact assessment. Examples include AERMOD and MIKE 11.

  • GIS Software: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software, such as ArcGIS, are used to integrate spatial data and analyze the geographical context of the project.

Chapter 4: Best Practices in the Feasibility Phase

Several best practices can ensure a thorough and effective Feasibility Phase:

  • Clearly Defined Scope and Objectives: The scope of the feasibility study should be clearly defined at the outset, outlining the specific questions to be addressed and the level of detail required.

  • Multidisciplinary Team: The study should involve a multidisciplinary team with expertise in geology, geophysics, reservoir engineering, economics, environmental science, and social sciences.

  • Data Quality and Validation: The accuracy and reliability of the data used in the study are crucial. Data validation and quality control procedures should be implemented.

  • Transparent and Consistent Methodology: The methods used for data analysis and modeling should be clearly documented and consistently applied throughout the study.

  • Contingency Planning: The feasibility study should consider potential risks and uncertainties, and develop appropriate contingency plans.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging with stakeholders (local communities, government agencies, etc.) throughout the feasibility study process is essential.

  • Regular Reporting and Communication: Regular progress reports and communication with stakeholders are necessary to ensure transparency and accountability.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Specific case studies demonstrating successful (and unsuccessful) feasibility studies would be included here. These case studies would highlight the application of the techniques and models discussed, demonstrating best practices and lessons learned. Examples could include:

  • A case study of a successful deepwater oil field development, emphasizing the role of advanced reservoir simulation and risk management.

  • A case study of a project that was abandoned during the feasibility phase due to unfavorable economics or environmental concerns.

  • A case study illustrating the importance of stakeholder engagement in securing social license to operate.

The specific case studies would depend on the available data and would be tailored to illustrate different aspects of the feasibility phase process. Each case study would include a description of the project, the key challenges faced, the methods used, and the ultimate outcome.

مصطلحات مشابهة
التسليم للعملياتتخطيط وجدولة المشروعمعالجة النفط والغازنظام التكاملالميزانية والرقابة الماليةالتدقيق المطلوبالسفر والخدمات اللوجستية


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