الميزانية والرقابة المالية


ضربة ذهبية أم حفرة جافة: جدوى مشاريع النفط والغاز

تشتهر صناعة النفط والغاز بمغامراتها عالية المخاطر. يمكن أن يكلف مشروع استكشاف واحد ملايين الدولارات، وتعتمد نجاحه على سؤال حاسم: هل هو قابل للتطبيق؟ تحمل هذه الكلمة البسيطة وزناً كبيراً، حيث تشمل كل من الجدوى التقنية والتجارية للمشروع.

ما وراء التقنية: ركائز الجدوى

في عالم النفط والغاز، لا يقتصر مفهوم الجدوى على ما إذا كان البئر سيُنتج النفط. إنه تقييم ذو شقين:

1. الجدوى التقنية: تركز على الجوانب العملية للاستخراج. هل يمكن استخراج النفط بأمان وكفاءة؟ هل تتوفر التقنيات اللازمة؟ هل يمكننا التغلب على التحديات الجيولوجية؟

2. الجدوى التجارية: تتعمق في الجوانب المالية والتنظيمية. هل سيكون المشروع مربحاً؟ هل يتماشى مع أهدافنا الاستراتيجية؟ هل لدينا الموارد والخبرة اللازمة؟

الحفر بشكل أعمق: أمثلة على الجدوى في العمل

فيما يلي بعض الأمثلة من العالم الحقيقي لكيفية لعب الجدوى دورًا في مشاريع النفط والغاز:

  • الموارد غير التقليدية: يتطلب استخراج النفط من تشكيلات الصخر الزيتي تقنيات وتكنولوجيات متخصصة. تُقيّم الجدوى التقنية ما إذا كانت التكنولوجيا ناضجة بما فيه الكفاية وما إذا كانت ظروف الخزان تسمح بالإنتاج الفعال. تُحلل الجدوى التجارية تكلفة الحفر، وحجم النفط المحتمل القابل للاستخراج، وربحية المشروع بشكل عام.
  • الاستكشاف البحري: تُمثل المخاطرة بالدخول في بيئات المياه العميقة تحديات تقنية فريدة. تُقيّم الجدوى التقنية جدوى بناء المنصات، ومخاطر الظروف الجوية القاسية، وقدرات معدات الاستخراج. تُقيّم الجدوى التجارية الجدوى المالية لبنية تحتية باهظة الثمن، والإنتاج المحتمل للنفط، والمناظر الطبيعية التنظيمية.
  • التقاط الكربون وتخزينه: مع تركيز الصناعة على الاستدامة، تتطلب المشاريع التي تهدف إلى التقاط انبعاثات الكربون وتخزينها دراسات جدوى شاملة. تُقيّم الجدوى التقنية كفاءة تقنيات التقاط الكربون وسلامة خيارات التخزين. تُقيّم الجدوى التجارية تكلفة التنفيذ، وإمكانية الحصول على اعتمادات الكربون، والجدوى طويلة الأجل للمشروع.

خطوة حاسمة نحو النجاح:

لا تُعدّ دراسات الجدوى مجرد تمارين أكاديمية. إنها أدوات أساسية للتنقل في عالم مشاريع النفط والغاز المعقد. من خلال تقييم كل من الجوانب التقنية والتجارية بشكل شامل، يمكن للشركات تحديد العقبات المحتملة واتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة. في النهاية، يعتمد نجاح المشروع على فهم سليم لما هو قابل للتطبيق وما هو غير قابل للتطبيق.

في الختام:

تُعدّ الجدوى حجر الزاوية لأي مشروع ناجح في مجال النفط والغاز. إنها الجسر بين الطموح والواقع، وتوجه عملية اتخاذ القرارات وتضمن عدم ملاحقة الشركات للأشباح بل السعي وراء فرص ملموسة. من خلال اتباع نهج شامل يأخذ بعين الاعتبار الأبعاد التقنية والتجارية، يمكن لشركات النفط والغاز زيادة فرصها في إيجاد الذهب بدلاً من حفر حفرة جافة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Striking Gold or Digging a Dry Hole: Feasibility in Oil & Gas Projects

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What are the two primary aspects of feasibility in oil and gas projects?

a) Environmental impact and community relations b) Technical feasibility and business feasibility c) Regulatory compliance and safety d) Production volume and market demand


b) Technical feasibility and business feasibility

2. Which of the following scenarios would NOT be considered under the umbrella of technical feasibility?

a) Assessing the effectiveness of a new drilling technique for unconventional resources. b) Evaluating the financial viability of a proposed offshore platform construction. c) Determining the potential volume of oil recoverable from a discovered reservoir. d) Assessing the risks associated with drilling in a seismically active region.


b) Evaluating the financial viability of a proposed offshore platform construction.

3. Why are feasibility studies crucial for oil and gas companies?

a) To satisfy regulatory requirements before commencing a project. b) To identify potential risks and challenges before committing significant resources. c) To demonstrate the environmental friendliness of their operations. d) To gain public approval for their projects.


b) To identify potential risks and challenges before committing significant resources.

4. Which aspect of feasibility would primarily analyze the potential profitability of a project, considering factors like production costs, market price, and operational expenses?

a) Technical feasibility b) Business feasibility c) Environmental feasibility d) Social feasibility


b) Business feasibility

5. Which of the following is NOT an example of how feasibility plays out in real-world oil and gas projects?

a) Assessing the environmental impact of a pipeline project. b) Determining the technological capabilities required for drilling in deep-sea environments. c) Evaluating the costs and potential returns of a carbon capture and storage initiative. d) Analyzing the feasibility of extracting oil from a shale formation using hydraulic fracturing.


a) Assessing the environmental impact of a pipeline project.

Exercise: Feasibility Analysis for a New Oil Field

Scenario: You are a project manager for an oil and gas company evaluating the feasibility of developing a new oil field in a remote location. The field is estimated to hold a significant volume of oil, but it's located in a challenging environment with potential geological and environmental challenges.

Task: Based on the information provided in the text, create a preliminary feasibility analysis for this project. Address both technical and business feasibility aspects, highlighting potential risks and opportunities.

Instructions: * Technical Feasibility: * What are the potential technical challenges you might encounter in this remote location? * What technologies and expertise would be needed to overcome these challenges? * What are the potential risks associated with drilling in this specific environment? * Business Feasibility: * What are the potential costs involved in developing the oil field, including drilling, infrastructure, and transportation? * How would you assess the profitability of the project, considering the estimated oil reserves and market prices? * What are the potential regulatory and environmental hurdles you might face? * How would you address the challenges of a remote location, including logistics and workforce?

Note: This exercise is intended to stimulate critical thinking and provide a framework for applying the concept of feasibility to a real-world project. There is no single "correct" answer, and your analysis should reflect your understanding of the principles discussed in the text.

Exercice Correction

This is a sample correction, and your own analysis might differ depending on your approach and assumptions.

Technical Feasibility:

  • Challenges:
    • Remote location: Difficulty accessing the site, potentially requiring specialized transportation and infrastructure.
    • Challenging geology: Unpredictable formations, potential for instability, requiring advanced drilling techniques and risk mitigation strategies.
    • Environmental considerations: Potential for ecological impact, requiring careful planning and environmental impact assessments.
  • Technologies & Expertise:
    • Advanced drilling techniques: Horizontal drilling, directional drilling, hydraulic fracturing, depending on the geology.
    • Environmental monitoring and mitigation technologies: To minimize impact on local ecosystems and comply with regulations.
    • Remote operations expertise: For managing logistics, communication, and workforce in a remote setting.
  • Risks:
    • Technical failure: Potential for equipment malfunctions, drilling complications, and unexpected geological conditions.
    • Environmental damage: Accidental spills, habitat destruction, and potential for long-term environmental consequences.
    • Safety risks: Working in a remote and challenging environment poses unique safety risks for personnel.

Business Feasibility:

  • Costs:
    • High capital investment: Significant costs for drilling, constructing infrastructure (roads, pipelines, processing facilities), and transportation.
    • Operational costs: Maintaining equipment, managing logistics, and ensuring workforce safety in a remote environment.
  • Profitability:
    • Analyze the estimated oil reserves and market prices to assess potential revenue.
    • Consider the cost of production, transportation, and processing to determine profitability.
    • Factor in potential tax incentives and government regulations.
  • Regulatory & Environmental Hurdles:
    • Environmental impact assessments: Meeting regulatory requirements for minimizing environmental impact.
    • Obtaining permits and licenses: Navigating the regulatory landscape for oil exploration and extraction.
    • Potential for environmental fines and penalties: Adhering to environmental regulations and mitigating risks.
  • Remote Location Challenges:
    • Logistics: Organizing transportation of equipment and personnel, managing supplies, and ensuring efficient communication.
    • Workforce: Attracting and retaining skilled workers, providing appropriate housing and facilities, and addressing potential safety concerns.


  • Potential for significant oil reserves: The possibility of striking a large and profitable oil field.
  • Advancement in drilling technologies: Utilizing new techniques for efficient extraction in challenging environments.
  • Government incentives: Potential for tax breaks and other incentives for developing oil fields in remote locations.
  • Creating jobs and economic activity: Contributing to the local economy by creating jobs and fostering development.


A thorough feasibility analysis will help determine the viability of this project by considering both technical and business aspects. While there are inherent risks and challenges, the potential for significant oil reserves and technological advancements offer opportunities for success. By carefully assessing the risks and opportunities, the company can make an informed decision regarding whether to pursue this project.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices" by Tarek Ahmed and John R. Bedrikovetsky: Provides comprehensive coverage of the technical aspects of oil and gas exploration and production, including detailed information on feasibility studies.
  • "The Economics of Oil and Gas: A Primer for the Non-specialist" by Robert Mabro: This book offers an accessible introduction to the economic principles and market dynamics influencing the oil and gas industry, crucial for understanding the business feasibility of projects.
  • "Project Management for Oil & Gas: A Practical Guide" by Simon Chadwick: This book covers the entire project management lifecycle, including the critical role of feasibility studies in the initial stages of oil and gas ventures.


  • "Feasibility Studies: A Guide to Oil and Gas Projects" by [Insert Author Name if applicable] - This article provides a detailed overview of the process of conducting feasibility studies in the oil and gas industry, including the key elements to consider and the importance of technical and economic assessments.
  • "Unconventional Oil & Gas: Feasibility Studies and Challenges" by [Insert Author Name if applicable] - This article delves into the specific challenges and considerations of feasibility studies for unconventional oil and gas projects, particularly those involving shale formations and other complex reservoirs.
  • "The Role of Technology in Enhancing Feasibility in Oil & Gas Projects" by [Insert Author Name if applicable] - This article examines the impact of technological advancements on the feasibility of oil and gas projects, highlighting the importance of utilizing innovative tools and techniques to overcome technical and economic hurdles.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Their website offers a vast repository of articles, publications, and technical resources related to all aspects of the oil and gas industry, including feasibility studies and project management.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication provides regular updates on news, research, and analysis related to oil and gas exploration, production, and technology, including insights on feasibility studies and current trends.
  • Energy Information Administration (EIA): This U.S. government agency offers extensive data and reports on energy production, consumption, and market trends, providing valuable insights into the economic viability of oil and gas projects.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use terms like "oil and gas feasibility study," "project feasibility assessment," "unconventional oil feasibility," or "offshore oil feasibility" to narrow down your search.
  • Specify year range: Adding a year range to your search (e.g., "oil and gas feasibility study 2015-2023") can help you find more relevant and up-to-date information.
  • Use filters: Utilize Google's search filters (e.g., "news," "scholar") to refine your results and focus on specific types of content.
  • Explore related websites: Once you find a few relevant resources, explore the websites of those organizations (e.g., SPE, Oil & Gas Journal) to discover additional content and related publications.


مصطلحات مشابهة
التدقيق المطلوبالميزانية والرقابة الماليةهندسة المكامنمعالجة النفط والغازالسفر والخدمات اللوجستيةالصحة والسلامة والبيئة (HSE)
الأكثر مشاهدة


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