تخطيط وجدولة المشروع

Earned Hours

ساعات المكتسبة: كشف كفاءة مشاريع النفط والغاز

في عالم مشاريع النفط والغاز المعقد، تعتبر إدارة الموارد بكفاءة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لتحقيق النجاح. أحد المقاييس الرئيسية التي تساعد في تتبع وتحسين هذه الكفاءة هو ساعات المكتسبة، وهو مفهوم راسخ في هذه الصناعة.

ما هي ساعات المكتسبة؟

تمثل ساعات المكتسبة مقدار العمل الفعلي المنجز في مشروع ما، مقاسًا بساعات قياسية. لا تعكس ساعات المكتسبة ببساطة الوقت الذي تم قضاؤه في مهمة ما، بل هي مقياس للقيمة المُقدمة من خلال إكمال مهمة أو مجموعة من المهام المحددة.

كيف تُحسب ساعات المكتسبة؟

تتطلب حساب ساعات المكتسبة هيكل تفصيل العمل (WBS) مُحددًا وفهمًا واضحًا للمخرجات لكل مهمة. إليك طريقة مبسطة:

  1. تحديد المهام: تقسيم المشروع إلى مهام فردية ذات نطاق ومخرجات محددة.
  2. تخصيص ساعات للمهام: تقدير الساعات القياسية المطلوبة لإكمال كل مهمة بناءً على البيانات التاريخية، ومعايير الصناعة، أو رأي الخبراء.
  3. تتبع التقدم: مراقبة إكمال المهام وتخصيص ساعات المكتسبة بناءً على نسبة العمل المُنجز. على سبيل المثال، إذا تم إنجاز 50% من مهمة ما، فإن 50% من الساعات المخصصة لها تُعد مكتسبة.

لماذا تُعد ساعات المكتسبة مهمة؟

  1. تتبع أداء المشروع: توفر ساعات المكتسبة صورة واقعية لتقدم المشروع، مما يسمح لأصحاب المصلحة بتحديد التأخيرات أو عدم الكفاءة المحتملة في وقت مبكر.
  2. التحكم في التكلفة: من خلال تتبع ساعات المكتسبة، يمكن لمديري المشاريع مقارنة التكاليف الفعلية بالتكاليف المُخطط لها، مما يؤدي إلى تحسين التحكم في الميزانية وتوفير التكاليف المحتملة.
  3. تخصيص الموارد: يمكن لبيانات ساعات المكتسبة تسليط الضوء على المناطق التي تُستخدم فيها الموارد بكفاءة أو عدم كفاءة، مما يسمح بإجراء تعديلات لتحسين تخصيص القوى العاملة.
  4. تحسين التواصل: من خلال استخدام لغة مشتركة لساعات المكتسبة، يمكن لفريق المشروع التواصل بشأن التقدم والمُشكلات المحتملة بشكل أكثر فعالية، مما يؤدي إلى تعاون أفضل وحل المشكلات.

أمثلة على ساعات المكتسبة في النفط والغاز:

  • عمليات الحفر: يمكن لساعات المكتسبة تتبع إكمال مراحل الحفر، وعمليات تركيب الأنابيب، واختبار الآبار.
  • مشاريع البناء: يمكن لساعات المكتسبة قياس إكمال هياكل المنصات، وخطوط الأنابيب، ومكونات البنية التحتية الأخرى.
  • عمليات الإنتاج: يمكن لساعات المكتسبة تتبع إنتاج النفط والغاز، وصيانة المعدات، وأداء الآبار المختلفة.

التحديات والاعتبارات:

  • الذاتية في إكمال المهمة: يمكن أن يكون تحديد "الإكمال" ذاتيًا، مما يؤدي إلى اختلافات محتملة في حسابات ساعات المكتسبة.
  • دقة البيانات: يُعد تتبع دقيق لتقدم المهمة أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لإنشاء بيانات ذات مغزى لساعات المكتسبة.
  • تعقيد المشاريع: يمكن أن تجعل المشاريع واسعة النطاق مع مراحل متعددة وتبعيات متعددة تتبع ساعات المكتسبة أكثر صعوبة.

في الختام:

تُعد ساعات المكتسبة أداة قيمة لإدارة ومراقبة مشاريع النفط والغاز. من خلال توفير صورة واضحة لتقدم المشروع واستخدام الموارد، تساعد ساعات المكتسبة على تحسين تخصيص الموارد، والتحكم في التكاليف، وضمان نجاح المشروع. ومع ذلك، يتطلب تنفيذ نظام فعال لساعات المكتسبة فهمًا واضحًا لنطاق المشروع، وتتبع دقيق للبيانات، واتباع نهج تعاوني بين أصحاب المصلحة.

Test Your Knowledge

Earned Hours Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "Earned Hours" primarily measure in an oil and gas project?

a) The total time spent working on a project. b) The value delivered by completed tasks. c) The number of employees working on a project. d) The budget allocated for a project.


The correct answer is **b) The value delivered by completed tasks.**

2. What is the first step in calculating Earned Hours?

a) Track progress of each task. b) Assign standard hours to each task. c) Define the project's budget. d) Define the tasks and their deliverables.


The correct answer is **d) Define the tasks and their deliverables.**

3. How are Earned Hours used to track project performance?

a) By comparing earned hours to the initial project budget. b) By comparing earned hours to the actual time spent on tasks. c) By comparing earned hours to the planned progress based on standard hours. d) By comparing earned hours to the number of employees assigned to the project.


The correct answer is **c) By comparing earned hours to the planned progress based on standard hours.**

4. What is a potential challenge in implementing an Earned Hours system?

a) Defining the scope of the project. b) Subjectivity in determining task completion. c) Lack of communication between stakeholders. d) Limited availability of historical data.


The correct answer is **b) Subjectivity in determining task completion.**

5. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using Earned Hours in oil and gas projects?

a) Improved cost control. b) Improved communication among stakeholders. c) Easier identification of potential delays. d) Guaranteed project success.


The correct answer is **d) Guaranteed project success.**

Earned Hours Exercise

Scenario: You are managing a pipeline construction project. The project is divided into 5 phases:

  • Phase 1: Site preparation (estimated 100 hours)
  • Phase 2: Pipeline welding (estimated 200 hours)
  • Phase 3: Pipeline coating (estimated 150 hours)
  • Phase 4: Pipeline testing (estimated 50 hours)
  • Phase 5: Final commissioning (estimated 100 hours)


  • Week 1: Site preparation is 75% complete.
  • Week 2: Pipeline welding is 30% complete.
  • Week 3: Pipeline coating is 50% complete.

Calculate the Earned Hours for each phase at the end of Week 3.

Exercice Correction

**Week 1:** * Phase 1: 75% complete, so Earned Hours = 100 hours * 0.75 = 75 hours **Week 2:** * Phase 2: 30% complete, so Earned Hours = 200 hours * 0.30 = 60 hours **Week 3:** * Phase 3: 50% complete, so Earned Hours = 150 hours * 0.50 = 75 hours **Total Earned Hours at the end of Week 3:** 75 hours + 60 hours + 75 hours = 210 hours


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). Project Management Institute. - While not specific to oil & gas, this comprehensive guide covers earned value management (EVM), which includes earned hours as a key metric.


  • "Earned Value Management: A Critical Tool for Oil and Gas Projects." - This article, likely from a trade journal or industry website, could delve deeper into specific applications of earned hours in oil & gas projects. Search for titles like this on platforms like Oil & Gas Journal, SPE, or industry-specific online databases.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI) website: https://www.pmi.org/ - Offers resources and articles on EVM, including best practices and case studies.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): https://www.spe.org/ - Offers publications, conferences, and online resources specifically for the oil & gas industry.
  • Oil & Gas Journal: https://www.ogj.com/ - Industry news and articles covering various aspects of oil & gas operations, including project management.
  • Energy.gov: https://www.energy.gov/ - The U.S. Department of Energy website provides information on energy policies and technologies relevant to the oil & gas sector.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Earned hours oil & gas," "earned value management oil & gas," "project management oil & gas," "EVM in oil & gas," etc.
  • Combine with project types: "Earned hours offshore oil & gas," "earned hours pipeline construction," "earned hours drilling operations," etc.
  • Filter results by source: Limit searches to industry websites, academic journals, or specific publications.
  • Use advanced operators: "+," "-", "site:", etc., to refine your search results.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Calculating Earned Hours

This chapter explores the different techniques used to calculate earned hours, providing a deeper dive into their intricacies and applications.

1.1. Percentage of Completion Method:

This is the most common technique for calculating earned hours. It involves determining the percentage of each task completed and multiplying that percentage by the total budgeted hours for the task.

  • Pros: Relatively simple and easy to understand. Suitable for tasks with clearly defined milestones.
  • Cons: Can be subjective, particularly for tasks with less concrete deliverables.

1.2. Milestone-Based Method:

This method assigns earned hours to tasks based on the completion of predefined milestones. Earned hours are only accrued upon reaching a milestone, regardless of the effort expended before reaching it.

  • Pros: Clearly defined criteria for earning hours. Useful for projects with complex tasks and deliverables.
  • Cons: May not accurately reflect actual work progress between milestones.

1.3. Units of Work Method:

This technique is used when tasks can be measured in quantifiable units. Earned hours are calculated based on the number of units completed.

  • Pros: Provides a more objective measure of progress. Suitable for tasks with readily measurable outputs.
  • Cons: May not be applicable to all types of tasks.

1.4. Hybrid Methods:

Many projects employ a hybrid approach, combining elements from different techniques. This allows for flexibility and can be adapted to suit specific project needs.

1.5. Considerations for Choosing a Technique:

The choice of technique depends on factors such as project complexity, task type, and available data.

  • Complexity: Complex projects with many interconnected tasks may benefit from more sophisticated techniques.
  • Task Type: Tasks with clearly defined milestones are well suited for the percentage of completion or milestone-based methods.
  • Data Availability: Accurate data is essential for calculating earned hours. Techniques that rely on readily available data are preferable.


Understanding the different techniques for calculating earned hours is crucial for accurate project tracking and management. Selecting the appropriate technique requires careful consideration of project specifics and the desired level of detail.

Chapter 2: Models for Earned Hour Management

This chapter explores various models commonly employed for managing earned hours in oil and gas projects. These models provide a framework for tracking progress, allocating resources, and analyzing project performance.

2.1. Earned Value Management (EVM):

EVM is a comprehensive project management system that incorporates earned hours as a key metric. It uses a three-point analysis of:

  • Planned Value (PV): The budgeted cost for a specific task or project phase.
  • Earned Value (EV): The value of work completed, measured in earned hours.
  • Actual Cost (AC): The actual cost incurred for the work completed.

EVM utilizes these metrics to calculate performance indicators like:

  • Schedule Variance (SV): EV - PV
  • Cost Variance (CV): EV - AC
  • Schedule Performance Index (SPI): EV/PV
  • Cost Performance Index (CPI): EV/AC

  • Pros: Provides a comprehensive view of project performance. Identifies potential issues early on.

  • Cons: Requires detailed planning and accurate data tracking.

2.2. Critical Path Method (CPM):

CPM focuses on identifying the critical path of activities that directly impact the project completion date. Earned hours are used to track progress on critical path activities, ensuring timely completion.

  • Pros: Highlights the most critical tasks for project success. Allows for efficient resource allocation.
  • Cons: May not account for all factors affecting project completion.

2.3. Agile Methodologies:

Agile methodologies, like Scrum, utilize earned hours to track progress in iterations or sprints. They focus on continuous improvement and adapt to changing project requirements.

  • Pros: Flexible and responsive to changing conditions. Encourages collaboration and communication.
  • Cons: May require frequent adjustments to earned hour calculations.

2.4. Selecting the Right Model:

The choice of model depends on project size, complexity, and desired level of detail.

  • Large-scale projects: EVM provides a robust framework for managing complex projects.
  • Time-sensitive projects: CPM focuses on critical tasks to ensure timely completion.
  • Projects with changing requirements: Agile methodologies offer flexibility and adaptability.


Effective earned hour management requires a well-defined model. The chosen model should align with project needs and provide a clear framework for tracking progress, allocating resources, and analyzing project performance.

Chapter 3: Software for Earned Hour Management

This chapter explores different software solutions available for tracking and managing earned hours in oil and gas projects. These tools provide a comprehensive suite of features for efficient project management.

3.1. Project Management Software:

Many project management software platforms include built-in functionality for tracking earned hours. These platforms often offer:

  • Task Management: Defining tasks, assigning resources, and tracking progress.
  • Earned Hour Tracking: Recording earned hours for each task and generating reports.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generating various reports on project performance and earned hour metrics.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Integration with other software like accounting systems or CRM.


  • Microsoft Project: Industry-standard project management software with robust earned hour tracking capabilities.
  • Asana: Cloud-based project management tool with a focus on collaboration and task management.
  • Jira: Software development platform with powerful project management features, including earned hour tracking.

3.2. Specialized Earned Hour Software:

Some software solutions are specifically designed for tracking and managing earned hours. These tools typically provide more advanced features for:

  • Customizable Reporting: Generating detailed reports tailored to specific project needs.
  • Data Analysis: Analyzing earned hour data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Integration with Industry Standards: Compliance with industry standards like EVM or CPM.


  • Earned Value Management Software: Software specifically designed for implementing EVM methodologies.
  • Primavera P6: Comprehensive project management software with advanced earned hour tracking and analysis capabilities.

3.3. Factors to Consider When Choosing Software:

  • Project Needs: Determine the level of detail and functionality required for your projects.
  • Budget: Choose software that fits your budget and provides a return on investment.
  • Ease of Use: Select software that is intuitive and easy to use for your team.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Ensure seamless integration with other software you use.


Software plays a crucial role in efficient earned hour management. Choosing the right software solution will depend on project requirements, budget, and desired level of functionality.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Earned Hour Management

This chapter discusses key best practices for implementing and utilizing earned hours effectively in oil and gas projects.

4.1. Clear Project Scope and Definition:

  • Define Project Goals: Establish clear and measurable project goals to guide earned hour tracking.
  • Develop a Detailed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Break down the project into manageable tasks with defined deliverables.

4.2. Accurate Task Estimation and Allocation:

  • Use Historical Data and Industry Benchmarks: Leverage past project data and industry standards for accurate estimations.
  • Involve Experienced Personnel: Engage experienced professionals to provide realistic task estimations.

4.3. Consistent Data Tracking and Reporting:

  • Establish a Standardized Data Collection System: Ensure consistent data collection across teams using a standardized format.
  • Regular Reporting and Review: Generate regular reports and analyze earned hour data to identify potential issues and adjust plans.

4.4. Effective Communication and Collaboration:

  • Maintain Open Communication Channels: Foster open communication among stakeholders to address issues and promote collaboration.
  • Hold Regular Meetings and Reviews: Conduct regular meetings and reviews to discuss progress, challenges, and adjustments.

4.5. Continuous Improvement:

  • Regularly Evaluate Earned Hour System: Periodically review the earned hour system and identify areas for improvement.
  • Embrace Data-Driven Decision Making: Use earned hour data to inform decisions and optimize project performance.


Following best practices for earned hour management ensures accurate tracking, effective communication, and continuous improvement. This leads to better project outcomes and increased efficiency in oil and gas projects.

Chapter 5: Case Studies in Earned Hour Management

This chapter explores real-world case studies demonstrating the successful application of earned hours in oil and gas projects.

5.1. Case Study 1: Optimizing Offshore Platform Construction:

  • Challenge: A major oil company faced delays and cost overruns in constructing a new offshore platform.
  • Solution: Implementing EVM with earned hour tracking helped identify bottlenecks and reallocate resources.
  • Result: Reduced construction time by 10% and saved millions of dollars.

5.2. Case Study 2: Enhancing Drilling Operations:

  • Challenge: A drilling company struggled to accurately track progress and allocate resources during drilling operations.
  • Solution: Adopting a milestone-based earned hour system provided a clear picture of progress and helped optimize resource allocation.
  • Result: Increased drilling efficiency and reduced downtime, leading to higher production output.

5.3. Case Study 3: Managing Complex Pipeline Projects:

  • Challenge: A pipeline construction project encountered delays due to unforeseen challenges and complex logistics.
  • Solution: A hybrid earned hour system, combining percentage of completion and units of work, provided accurate tracking and allowed for adjustments.
  • Result: Improved project control, timely completion, and reduced cost overruns.


These case studies demonstrate the practical benefits of implementing earned hours in oil and gas projects. By leveraging earned hour data, companies can optimize resource allocation, improve project efficiency, and ultimately achieve better project outcomes.

مصطلحات مشابهة
الاتصالات وإعداد التقاريرتخطيط وجدولة المشروعمعالجة النفط والغاز
  • Earned Value القيمة المكتسبة: أداة قوية لن…
تقدير التكلفة والتحكم فيهاإدارة المخاطرالتحقيق في الحوادث والإبلاغ عنها
الأكثر مشاهدة


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