تخطيط وجدولة المشروع

Dummy Activity

فك لغز الأنشطة الوهمية في تخطيط المشاريع

في عالم تخطيط وتحديد مواعيد المشاريع المعقد، تلعب كل نشاط دورًا حاسمًا. ولكن ماذا عن الأنشطة التي لا تبدو وكأنها تقوم بأي شيء؟ نقدم لكم "النشاط الوهمي" الغامض، وهو مفهوم غالبًا ما يثير الارتباك بين مديري المشاريع. يهدف هذا المقال إلى تسليط الضوء على هذا العنصر المتناقض ظاهريًا، لشرح غرضه وأهميته في صياغة جداول زمنية فعالة للمشروع.

ضرورة التبعيات المنطقية

تتمحور فكرة تخطيط المشاريع حول مفهوم التبعيات المنطقية. غالبًا ما تكون الأنشطة داخل المشروع مترابطة، حيث تحتاج بعضها إلى الانتهاء قبل بدء البعض الآخر. على سبيل المثال، لا يمكن لفريق مشروع البدء في طلاء غرفة قبل تحضير الجدران وتطبيق طبقة الأساس. هذه التبعيات ضرورية لضمان سلاسة سير العمل ومنع التأخيرات.

دور الأنشطة الوهمية

تدخل الأنشطة الوهمية، الممثلة بيانيًا على شكل سهام متقطعة، في الصورة عندما يمثل هيكل المشروع تحديًا لتصوير هذه التبعيات باستخدام السهام القياسية. تخيل سيناريو حيث يجب إكمال النشاط A قبل بدء النشاط C، لكن كلا النشاطين يعتمدان بشكل مباشر على النشاط B. لو استخدمنا سهامًا قياسية، فسيبدو أن النشاط C يعتمد على النشاط A، وهو ما ليس صحيحًا.

هنا تدخل الأنشطة الوهمية. هي أنشطة ذات مدة صفرية تم تقديمها خصيصًا لإنشاء التبعية المنطقية الصحيحة بين الأنشطة دون إنشاء مسار خاطئ. يربط النشاط الوهمي النشاط A بالنشاط C، مما يشير إلى أن A يجب إكماله قبل بدء C، مع الحفاظ على التبعية الصحيحة على النشاط B.

الميزات الرئيسية للأنشطة الوهمية:

  • مدة صفرية: لا تستغرق أي وقت، مما يضمن عدم تأثيرها على مدة المشروع الإجمالية.
  • التبعية المنطقية: تنشئ العلاقة الصحيحة بين الأنشطة، حتى لو لم تكن على نفس المسار عبر مخطط الشبكة.
  • الت représentation graphique: عادةً ما تُمثّل على شكل سهام متقطعة برأس سهم للتمييز بينها وبين الأنشطة العادية.

فوائد استخدام الأنشطة الوهمية:

  • تمثيل دقيق للتبعيات: تضمن أن مخطط الشبكة يعكس بدقة التبعيات الحقيقية بين الأنشطة.
  • تحسين جدولة المشروع: من خلال توفير فهم أوضح للتبعيات، تسهل الأنشطة الوهمية تحديد مواعيد أكثر دقة وتخصيص الموارد.
  • تحسين التواصل: يسهل التمثيل البياني الواضح للتبعيات التواصل بشكل أفضل بين أصحاب المصلحة في المشروع.

فهم "اللماذا"

الأنشطة الوهمية، على الرغم من أنها تبدو بلا فائدة، ضرورية لإنشاء جدول زمني للمشروع قوي وموثوق. تعمل كجسور غير مرئية، تضمن تمثيل التبعيات بدقة وأن أنشطة المشروع تسير بسلاسة وفقًا للمنطق المقصود. من خلال إتقان مفهوم الأنشطة الوهمية، يمكن لمديري المشاريع إنشاء جداول زمنية أكثر فعالية تؤدي إلى إكمال المشروع في الوقت المحدد ونجاحه.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Unraveling the Mystery of Dummy Activities

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a dummy activity in project planning? a) To represent a real activity that takes a short amount of time. b) To establish a logical dependency between activities without creating an erroneous pathway. c) To indicate a delay in the project schedule. d) To show the critical path of the project.


The correct answer is **b) To establish a logical dependency between activities without creating an erroneous pathway.**

2. What is the duration of a dummy activity? a) It depends on the duration of the activities it connects. b) It is determined by the project manager. c) It is always zero. d) It is a fixed duration based on industry standards.


The correct answer is **c) It is always zero.**

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using dummy activities? a) Improved project scheduling. b) Accurate dependency representation. c) Enhanced communication. d) Increased project duration.


The correct answer is **d) Increased project duration.**

4. In a network diagram, how are dummy activities typically represented? a) Solid arrows with an arrowhead. b) Dashed arrows with an arrowhead. c) Circles with a number inside. d) Colored boxes with text inside.


The correct answer is **b) Dashed arrows with an arrowhead.**

5. Why are dummy activities crucial for creating a robust project schedule? a) They help identify potential risks. b) They provide a visual representation of the project's progress. c) They ensure that dependencies are accurately represented and project activities flow logically. d) They help determine the critical path of the project.


The correct answer is **c) They ensure that dependencies are accurately represented and project activities flow logically.**

Exercise: Applying Dummy Activities


You are managing a website redesign project. The following activities need to be completed:

  1. Content Review: Review existing website content for accuracy and relevance.
  2. Design Mockups: Create initial design mockups for the new website.
  3. Develop Website: Build the new website based on the approved design.
  4. Content Creation: Create new content for the website.
  5. Testing: Test the functionality and usability of the new website.


  • Content Review must be completed before Content Creation.
  • Design Mockups must be completed before Develop Website.
  • Both Content Creation and Develop Website must be completed before Testing.


  1. Draw a network diagram using arrows to represent the activities and their dependencies.
  2. Identify where a dummy activity is needed to accurately represent the dependencies.
  3. Draw the dummy activity in your network diagram, using a dashed arrow.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible network diagram with a dummy activity: ``` Content Review ----> Content Creation -----> Testing \ / \ / \ / ---------------------> Develop Website / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ Design Mockups ``` * The dummy activity is represented by the dashed arrow connecting Content Creation and Develop Website. This ensures that both activities must be completed before Testing, even though they do not directly depend on each other.


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: A comprehensive guide to project management, including a chapter on network diagrams and dummy activities.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by Project Management Institute (PMI): The standard reference for project management practices, including sections on scheduling and network diagrams.
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Project Management by James R. Lewis: A simplified and accessible approach to project management concepts, including dummy activities.


  • "Dummy Activities in Project Management: A Clear Explanation" by ProjectManagement.com: A detailed article explaining the purpose and usage of dummy activities with practical examples.
  • "What are Dummy Activities and Why are They Important?" by Smartsheet: A concise and informative article highlighting the importance of dummy activities in project scheduling.
  • "Dummy Activities: Why You Need Them in Your Network Diagrams" by MindTools.com: A clear explanation of the role of dummy activities in network diagrams and their impact on project planning.

Online Resources

  • ProjectManagement.com: Offers various resources and articles on project management, including a dedicated section on network diagrams and dummy activities.
  • Smartsheet: Provides a wealth of information on project management tools and techniques, with a focus on practical applications, including the use of dummy activities.
  • PMI.org: The official website of the Project Management Institute, offering a vast library of resources, including guides, articles, and certification information related to project management.

Search Tips

  • "Dummy activities project management": This search will provide you with a wide range of resources on the topic.
  • "Network diagrams dummy activities": This search will focus on the visual representation of dummy activities in project scheduling.
  • "Example of dummy activity in project scheduling": This search will help you find practical examples to illustrate the concept.
  • "Project management software dummy activities": This search will help you find project management software that supports the use of dummy activities.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Implementing Dummy Activities

This chapter delves into the practical aspects of implementing dummy activities in project scheduling, exploring the various techniques and strategies employed to incorporate them effectively.

1.1. Identifying the Need for Dummy Activities:

  • Parallel Activities with Shared Dependencies: When two activities are independent but share a common predecessor, a dummy activity is needed to maintain the correct logical relationship.
  • Multiple Start or End Points: In scenarios where an activity has multiple starting or ending points, dummy activities can ensure the accurate representation of all dependencies.
  • Avoiding False Dependencies: Dummy activities prevent the creation of false dependencies between activities that are not actually related.

1.2. Graphical Representation and Notation:

  • Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM): In ADM, dummy activities are represented by dashed arrows with arrowheads, differentiating them from regular activities.
  • Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM): PDM uses a box or node to represent activities, and arrows connect activities to show dependencies. Dummy activities in PDM are represented by a dashed line connecting the relevant nodes.

1.3. Common Approaches to Implementing Dummy Activities:

  • Dummy Start and Finish Activities: Introducing dummy activities at the beginning and end of a project network helps establish a clear start and finish point for the schedule.
  • Dummy Activities for Constrained Resources: When resource constraints necessitate delaying the start of an activity, a dummy activity can be used to represent the delay without affecting the actual activity duration.
  • Dummy Activities for Milestone Alignment: Dummy activities can be used to align milestones with specific points in the project schedule, ensuring clear progress tracking.

1.4. Examples and Practical Applications:

  • Construction Project: A dummy activity could be used to represent the time required for drying the concrete before laying the next layer of flooring.
  • Software Development: A dummy activity could represent the time needed to review and approve code before the next development stage.
  • Event Planning: A dummy activity could represent the time needed to set up the venue before guests arrive.

By understanding the techniques and strategies for implementing dummy activities, project managers can ensure their project schedules accurately reflect the complex dependencies between activities, leading to more effective planning and execution.

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الأكثر مشاهدة


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