معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Project Planning & Scheduling: Contingency Planning

Contingency Planning

تخفيف غير المتوقع: التخطيط للطوارئ في تخطيط المشروع وجدولته

نادرًا ما تسير المشاريع تمامًا كما هو مخطط لها. يمكن للأحداث غير المتوقعة، المعروفة باسم المخاطر، أن تُفشل حتى أكثر الجداول المُصممة بعناية. هنا يأتي دور التخطيط للطوارئ. إنه التطوير الاستباقي لخطط بديلة واستراتيجيات وموارد للتنقل في هذه العقبات المحتملة، مما يقلل من الاضطرابات ويضمن نجاح المشروع.

لماذا يعد التخطيط للطوارئ أمرًا بالغ الأهمية

  • تقليل مخاطر المشروع: تحديد المشكلات المحتملة وصياغة الردود مسبقًا يقلل من تأثيرها.
  • تحسين التحكم في المشروع: من خلال تحديد الإجراءات البديلة، يمكن للمديرين الحفاظ على السيطرة حتى عند مواجهة المواقف غير المتوقعة.
  • تعزيز ثقة أصحاب المصلحة: إظهار الاستعداد للتحديات يبني الثقة ويُقوي العلاقات مع أصحاب المصلحة.
  • تقليل التكاليف والتأخيرات: وجود خطة في مكانها يمكن أن يمنع التأخيرات باهظة التكلفة وإعادة العمل، مما يؤدي في النهاية إلى توفير الوقت والمال.

المكونات الرئيسية لخطة طوارئ شاملة

  1. تحديد المخاطر: تتمثل الخطوة الأولى في تحليل المخاطر المحتملة بدقة، سواء الداخلية (مثل فجوات مهارات الفريق) أو الخارجية (مثل الكوارث الطبيعية). يتطلب ذلك جهدًا تعاونيًا يشارك فيه أعضاء الفريق وأصحاب المصلحة وخبراء الموضوع.

  2. تقييم المخاطر: بمجرد تحديدها، يتم تقييم المخاطر بناءً على احتمالية حدوثها وتأثيرها المحتمل. وهذا يُركز الاهتمام على المخاطر الأكثر أهمية.

  3. استراتيجيات الطوارئ: لكل مخاطر تم تحديدها، قم بتطوير إجراءات أو استراتيجيات محددة لتنفيذها إذا حدثت المخاطر. قد تشمل هذه:

    • بدل الطوارئ: تخصيص احتياطي داخل ميزانية المشروع لتغطية النفقات غير المتوقعة.
    • تسلسلات الجدول الزمني البديلة: إنشاء خطوط زمنية احتياطية مع اعتمادات المهام وفتراتها الزمنية المختلفة.
    • الحلول البديلة: تحديد طرق أو حلول بديلة لإكمال المهام إذا فشلت الخطة الأصلية.
    • الاستجابات الطارئة: تطوير إجراءات لاتخاذ إجراء فوري في حالة حدوث اضطراب كبير، مثل إغلاق المشروع.
  4. تقييم المسؤولية: في حالة إغلاق المشروع بالكامل، يجب أن تحدد خطط الطوارئ المسؤوليات المحتملة والآثار القانونية واستراتيجيات التخفيف من حدتها.

أمثلة للتخطيط للطوارئ في العمل

  • تطوير البرمجيات: قد تتضمن خطة الطوارئ استخدام لغة ترميز مختلفة إذا ثبت أن اللغة المختارة غير كافية، أو استئجار مطوري برمجيات خارجيين إذا كان الفريق الداخلي مُرهقًا.
  • مشروع البناء: قد تتضمن خطة الطوارئ الحصول على مواد بناء بديلة في حالة حدوث انقطاع في سلسلة التوريد، أو تطوير خطة احتياطية لإدارة تأخيرات الطقس.

التخطيط الفعال للطوارئ هو عملية مستمرة

لا تُعد خطط الطوارئ وثائق ثابتة. يجب مراجعة وتحديثها بانتظام لتعكس التغييرات في نطاق المشروع والمخاطر والموارد. من الضروري التواصل الفعال حول هذه الخطط داخل الفريق ومع أصحاب المصلحة لضمان التنفيذ السلس.


يعد التخطيط للطوارئ عنصرًا لا غنى عنه في إدارة المشاريع الناجحة. من خلال توقع العقبات المحتملة وإعداد الحلول البديلة، يمكن للمؤسسات التنقل في حالات عدم اليقين الحتمية لتطوير المشروع وتحقيق النتائج المرجوة. إن الاستثمار في خطط طوارئ قوية يُترجم إلى زيادة مرونة المشروع وتقليل المخاطر، وفي النهاية، احتمال أكبر لنجاح المشروع.

Test Your Knowledge

Contingency Planning Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary goal of contingency planning?

a) To predict the future with absolute certainty.


Incorrect. Contingency planning cannot predict the future with absolute certainty. It aims to manage uncertainty and mitigate risk.

b) To minimize the impact of unexpected events on a project.


Correct. Contingency planning seeks to reduce the negative effects of unforeseen events.

c) To avoid any changes to the original project plan.


Incorrect. Contingency planning acknowledges the possibility of changes and aims to prepare for them.

d) To eliminate all potential risks associated with a project.


Incorrect. Eliminating all risks is often impossible. Contingency planning focuses on mitigating the most critical ones.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key component of a comprehensive contingency plan?

a) Risk identification


Incorrect. Risk identification is a fundamental part of contingency planning.

b) Risk assessment


Incorrect. Risk assessment is crucial for prioritizing and addressing the most significant risks.

c) Contingency strategies


Incorrect. Contingency strategies are the core of a contingency plan, outlining alternative actions.

d) Project budget allocation


Correct. While budget allocation is important, it's not a specific component of a contingency plan. Contingency plans focus on strategies and actions.

3. A construction project facing a delay due to unexpected bad weather would utilize which type of contingency strategy?

a) Contingency allowance


Incorrect. Contingency allowance deals with financial reserves, not schedule adjustments.

b) Alternative schedule sequences


Correct. Alternative schedule sequences allow for adapting the project timeline to accommodate delays.

c) Workarounds


Incorrect. Workarounds are typically used for addressing specific task issues, not overall schedule changes.

d) Emergency responses


Incorrect. Emergency responses are for major disruptions, not routine schedule adjustments.

4. Why is effective communication crucial for successful contingency planning?

a) To ensure everyone understands the plan and their roles in it.


Correct. Effective communication ensures everyone is on the same page when implementing contingency plans.

b) To avoid any potential conflicts between team members.


Incorrect. While communication helps prevent conflicts, it's not the primary reason for its importance.

c) To keep stakeholders informed about the project's progress.


Incorrect. While communication is important for stakeholders, it's not the main reason for its role in contingency planning.

d) To document all decisions made during the project.


Incorrect. Documentation is important, but communication is a broader aspect of conveying the plan and its execution.

5. Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between contingency planning and project success?

a) Contingency planning has a minimal impact on project success.


Incorrect. Contingency planning can significantly affect project success.

b) Contingency planning is a separate activity that doesn't directly affect project success.


Incorrect. Contingency planning is directly related to project success.

c) Contingency planning is a crucial factor in mitigating risks and increasing the likelihood of project success.


Correct. Contingency planning is a key tool for managing uncertainties and improving the chances of project success.

d) Contingency planning is only necessary for complex projects with high levels of risk.


Incorrect. Contingency planning is beneficial for any project, regardless of complexity or risk level.

Contingency Planning Exercise

Scenario: You are the project manager for the development of a new mobile app. Your team is on track to meet the initial deadline. However, you have identified two potential risks that could significantly impact the project:

  • Risk 1: A major competitor releases a similar app during your launch window, potentially capturing a large portion of your target audience.
  • Risk 2: A key developer on your team unexpectedly resigns, creating a significant skill gap in your development process.

Task: Develop a contingency plan addressing each of these risks. Include specific strategies, resources, and actions for each risk.

Exercice Correction

Here's a sample contingency plan addressing the given risks:

Risk 1: Competitor Release

  • Contingency Strategy: Pre-emptive marketing campaign and price adjustment.
  • Resources: Increased marketing budget, social media advertising, public relations team.
  • Actions:
    • Develop a focused marketing campaign highlighting unique features and competitive advantages of your app.
    • Consider a temporary price reduction to attract users initially.
    • Engage in social media outreach to create buzz and awareness.
    • Prepare press releases and media outreach materials to highlight the value proposition of your app.

Risk 2: Key Developer Resignation

  • Contingency Strategy: Temporary staffing and knowledge transfer.
  • Resources: Freelance developers, external development agency, knowledge base documentation.
  • Actions:
    • Identify and contact freelance developers specializing in the required skills.
    • Explore partnering with an external development agency for temporary support.
    • Ensure the departing developer documents their work processes and codebase thoroughly.
    • Utilize knowledge base platforms to share code and best practices among team members.
    • Restructure tasks to minimize reliance on the departed developer's specific expertise.

Note: This is a simplified example. Real-world contingency plans would involve more detailed analysis, specific timelines, and communication protocols.


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Seventh Edition. PMI Publishing. - The PMBOK® Guide is the leading resource for project management best practices, including a dedicated chapter on risk management and contingency planning.
  • Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2018). Project Management: A Managerial Approach (10th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. - This classic textbook offers a comprehensive overview of project management concepts, including risk management and contingency planning.
  • Cleland, D. I., & Ireland, L. R. (2015). Project Management: Strategic Design and Implementation. McGraw-Hill Education. - This book covers various aspects of project management, including risk management and contingency planning with a focus on strategy and implementation.


  • "Contingency Planning: The Key to Project Success" by Paul R. Dinsmore in Project Management Journal. - This article emphasizes the importance of contingency planning in project management and provides practical tips for creating effective contingency plans.
  • "Risk Management: The Importance of Contingency Planning" by Michael P. DeBenedetto in Journal of Management in Engineering. - This article delves into the relationship between risk management and contingency planning, outlining the benefits of a comprehensive approach.
  • "A Practical Guide to Contingency Planning" by David A. Anderson in The Journal of Business Strategy. - This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating and implementing effective contingency plans, covering various aspects from risk identification to strategy development.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): https://www.pmi.org/ - The PMI website offers various resources on project management, including articles, webinars, and training courses related to risk management and contingency planning.
  • Management Study Guide: https://www.managementstudyguide.com/risk-management-and-contingency-planning.htm - This website provides comprehensive information on contingency planning, covering key concepts, steps, and best practices.
  • Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/ - HBR offers numerous articles and case studies on various business topics, including risk management and contingency planning in different contexts.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Instead of just searching "contingency planning," try using more specific terms like "contingency planning project management," "contingency planning examples," or "contingency planning templates."
  • Combine keywords with industry or project types: Add keywords like "construction," "software development," or "marketing" to find relevant resources specific to your field.
  • Utilize quotation marks: Using quotation marks around a phrase will help Google search for the exact phrase, resulting in more specific results. For example, "contingency planning process" will only return results containing those exact words.
  • Explore advanced search operators: Google offers advanced search operators like "site:" and "filetype:" to narrow your search. For example, "site:pmi.org contingency planning" will only search within the PMI website.
مصطلحات مشابهة
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الأكثر مشاهدة


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