تخطيط وجدولة المشروع

Activity Oriented Schedule

التخطيط للعمل: جداول موجهة للأنشطة في إدارة المشاريع

في مجال تخطيط المشاريع، يعتمد تحقيق النجاح بشكل كبير على جدولة فعالة. بينما توفر التقاويم التقليدية والنهج القائمة على المعالم إطارًا أساسيًا، إلا أنها قد تفشل في بعض الأحيان في التقاط الديناميكيات المعقدة لأنشطة المشروع. هنا يبرز جدول موجه للأنشطة، ليقدم منظورًا أكثر دقة وعملية.

ما هو الجدول الموجه للأنشطة؟

على عكس الجداول التقليدية التي تركز على تواريخ ثابتة للمعالم، يتعمق الجدول الموجه للأنشطة، ويعرض المعلومات من حيث الأنشطة - المهام الفردية التي تساهم في إنجاز المشروع ككل. ويشدد على مدة كل نشاط، مما يوفر تمثيلًا أكثر واقعية وديناميكية لجدول المشروع.

مزايا جدولة موجهة للأنشطة:

  • الوضوح والتركيز: من خلال التركيز على مهام محددة، يوفر هذا النهج صورة واضحة لما يجب إنجازه ولفترة زمنية محددة. وهذا يزيل الغموض ويساعد الفرق على التركيز على المهام.
  • تحسين تخصيص الموارد: معرفة مدة كل نشاط تتيح تخصيصًا أكثر دقة للموارد. يمكن هذا من تحسين توظيف الموظفين والمعدات والموارد الأخرى، مما يؤدي إلى تحسين الكفاءة.
  • تحسين إدارة المخاطر: يسمح تحديد العقبات المحتملة داخل الأنشطة الفردية باستراتيجيات استباقية للتخفيف من المخاطر. يساعد هذا النهج الاستباقي في منع التأخيرات وتقليل الاضطرابات.
  • تواصل مبسط: مع وجود تفصيل دقيق للأنشطة، يصبح التواصل داخل فريق المشروع أكثر سلاسة. كل شخص على نفس الصفحة، يفهم أدواره ومسؤولياته داخل الجدول الزمني العام.

رسم مخططات التبعية: أداة قوية

رسم مخططات التبعية هو عنصر أساسي في الجدولة الموجهة للأنشطة. وهو يمثل بشكل مرئي التبعيات بين الأنشطة، مع عرض المهام التي يجب إكمالها قبل بدء المهام الأخرى. يوفر هذا التمثيل البياني فهمًا واضحًا لمسار المشروع الحرج - تسلسل الأنشطة التي تؤثر بشكل مباشر على مدة المشروع الكلية.

التطبيقات العملية:

تجد جداول موجهة للأنشطة مكانها في مختلف سيناريوهات المشاريع:

  • مشاريع البناء: تتطلب إدارة المهام المعقدة، مثل وضع الأساس والتأطير والتشطيب، فهمًا دقيقًا لمدد الأنشطة والتبعيات.
  • تطوير البرمجيات: تقسيم الترميز والاختبار والنشر إلى أنشطة محددة يساعد في ضمان دورات تطوير وإصدارات سلسة.
  • تخطيط الفعاليات: يتطلب تنظيم حدث كبير جدولة دقيقة لأنشطة متنوعة مثل حجز الموقع وتقديم الطعام والترفيه.


من خلال تحويل التركيز من المعالم الثابتة إلى الأنشطة العملية، توفر الجدولة الموجهة للأنشطة نظرة أكثر شمولًا وإدراكًا لجدول المشروع. ومعًا مع قوة رسم مخططات التبعية، يمكّن هذا النهج مديري المشاريع من التنقل في سير العمل المعقد، وتحسين تخصيص الموارد، وتحقيق نجاح المشروع بثقة أكبر في النهاية.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Activity-Oriented Schedules

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary focus of an Activity-Oriented Schedule? a) Milestones and deadlines b) Individual tasks and their durations c) Project budget and resource allocation d) Stakeholder communication and feedback


b) Individual tasks and their durations

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of Activity-Oriented Scheduling? a) Improved clarity and focus b) More efficient resource allocation c) Simplified project communication d) Reduced project risk and uncertainty


d) Reduced project risk and uncertainty (While it helps identify risks, it doesn't eliminate them completely)

3. What is the main purpose of precedence diagramming in Activity-Oriented Scheduling? a) Visualizing project milestones b) Tracking project budget and expenses c) Representing dependencies between activities d) Communicating with stakeholders


c) Representing dependencies between activities

4. In which type of project would Activity-Oriented Scheduling be particularly beneficial? a) Small, simple projects with minimal dependencies b) Complex projects with numerous interconnected tasks c) Projects with fixed deadlines and limited resources d) Projects with high stakeholder involvement


b) Complex projects with numerous interconnected tasks

5. What is the "critical path" in Activity-Oriented Scheduling? a) The sequence of activities with the longest total duration b) The most important activities for project success c) The activities with the highest risk of delays d) The activities that require the most resources


a) The sequence of activities with the longest total duration

Exercise: Activity-Oriented Scheduling for a Website Launch

Scenario: You are tasked with launching a new website for a small business.

Task: Create a simple Activity-Oriented Schedule for the website launch. Include at least 5 activities with estimated durations and dependencies. Use a table format or a visual diagram to represent the schedule.


| Activity | Duration (Days) | Dependencies | |---|---|---| | Design Website | 5 | | | Develop Website | 10 | Design Website | | Content Creation | 3 | | | Website Testing | 2 | Develop Website | | Launch Website | 1 | Website Testing, Content Creation |

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution, but feel free to adapt based on your own assumptions and the specific project requirements:

| Activity | Duration (Days) | Dependencies | |---|---|---| | Website Design | 5 | | | Content Creation | 3 | | | Development | 8 | Website Design | | Content Integration | 2 | Content Creation, Development | | Internal Testing | 3 | Development, Content Integration | | User Acceptance Testing | 2 | Internal Testing | | Launch Website | 1 | User Acceptance Testing |


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive text delves into various project management methodologies, including activity-oriented scheduling and precedence diagramming.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by Project Management Institute (PMI): This widely-respected guide covers the principles of project management, including scheduling and activity-based approaches.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid Approaches by Jeffrey K. Pinto: This book provides a practical overview of project management techniques, including activity-oriented schedules and their implementation.


  • Activity-Based Costing by Cost Accounting Standards Board: While focusing on costing, this document provides insights into breaking down activities for improved financial analysis, which can be applied to project scheduling.
  • Project Scheduling: A Comprehensive Guide by ProjectManagement.com: This article offers a detailed explanation of project scheduling methodologies, including activity-based scheduling and its benefits.
  • Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM) by ProjectManagement.com: This article provides a thorough understanding of precedence diagramming, a powerful tool for activity-oriented scheduling.

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): This professional organization offers various resources and certifications related to project management, including information on activity-oriented scheduling and precedence diagramming. https://www.pmi.org/
  • ProjectManagement.com: This website provides a wealth of resources on project management, including articles, templates, and tools related to activity-oriented scheduling and precedence diagramming. https://www.projectmanagement.com/
  • Microsoft Project: This software tool provides features for creating and managing activity-oriented schedules, including precedence diagramming and resource allocation. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/project/project-management-software

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "activity-based scheduling," "precedence diagramming," and "project scheduling methodologies."
  • Combine keywords with relevant industries, such as "activity-based scheduling construction," or "precedence diagramming software development."
  • Search for specific tools like "Microsoft Project activity-based scheduling" to find guides and tutorials.
  • Utilize advanced search operators like "site:pmi.org" or "site:projectmanagement.com" to target specific websites.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Activity-Oriented Scheduling

This chapter delves into the various techniques commonly used for creating and managing activity-oriented schedules.

1.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

The WBS forms the foundation of activity-oriented scheduling. It hierarchically breaks down the project into manageable tasks, each representing a specific activity. This detailed structure helps ensure all necessary elements are considered and prevents overlooking crucial aspects.

1.2 Activity Duration Estimation:

Accurately estimating activity durations is essential for effective scheduling. This involves considering factors like:

  • Resource availability: Ensure sufficient human resources, equipment, and materials are available to complete the task.
  • Task complexity: Complex tasks require longer durations than simpler ones.
  • Historical data: Utilize data from past projects with similar activities to guide estimations.
  • Expert opinions: Involve experienced team members for informed estimations.

1.3 Precedence Diagramming:

This visual tool depicts the dependencies between activities, showing which tasks must be completed before others can begin. It helps identify the critical path, the sequence of activities that directly impacts the overall project duration. Common types include:

  • Activity-on-Arrow (AOA): Uses arrows to represent activities and nodes to indicate their start and finish points.
  • Activity-on-Node (AON): Represents activities as nodes and uses arrows to show the dependencies between them.

1.4 Critical Path Method (CPM):

CPM identifies the critical path within the precedence diagram. It helps determine the shortest possible project duration and highlights activities that cannot be delayed without affecting the overall schedule.

1.5 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT):

PERT is a probabilistic scheduling technique that accounts for uncertainty in activity durations. It uses a three-point estimate approach, considering optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely durations.

1.6 Gantt Charts:

Gantt charts are bar charts that visually represent the schedule, showing the start and finish dates for each activity. They provide a clear overview of project progress and potential delays.

1.7 Resource Allocation:

Activity-oriented scheduling allows for more effective resource allocation by considering the duration and dependencies of each activity. This ensures sufficient resources are available when needed, preventing bottlenecks and delays.


By combining these techniques, project managers can develop comprehensive and actionable activity-oriented schedules that facilitate effective project planning, execution, and monitoring.

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الأكثر مشاهدة


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