معالجة النفط والغاز

Rotary pump

مضخات الدوران: العمل الجاد في صناعة النفط والغاز

تُعد مضخات الدوران عنصراً أساسياً في صناعة النفط والغاز، حيث تلعب دوراً حيوياً في استخراج المواد الهيدروكربونية وتجهيزها ونقلها. تُعرف هذه المضخات بموثوقيتها، ومعدلات تدفقها العالية، وقدرتها على التعامل مع السوائل اللزجة، مما يجعلها مثالية للتطبيقات الصعبة.

كيف تعمل؟

تعمل مضخات الدوران على مبدأ الإزاحة الإيجابية، باستخدام مكونات دوارة لاحتجاز السائل ونقله. تتميز بغرفها المغلقة التي تحتجز حجمًا ثابتًا من السائل خلال كل دورة. بخلاف مضخات الطرد المركزي، التي تعتمد على الطاقة الحركية، تستخدم مضخات الدوران الطاقة الميكانيكية لتقديم معدل تدفق ثابت.

أنواع مضخات الدوران:

يتم استخدام العديد من أنواع مضخات الدوران في قطاع النفط والغاز، لكل منها نقاط قوته وتطبيقاته الخاصة:

  • مضخات التروس: تستخدم هذه المضخات تروسًا متشابكة لاحتجاز السائل بين أسنان التروس وجسم المضخة. تُعرف مضخات التروس بكفاءتها العالية، وقوتها، وقدرتها على التعامل مع السوائل اللزجة، مما يجعلها مناسبة لتطبيقات مثل استخراج النفط الخام، وحقن خطوط الأنابيب، ونقل المواد الكيميائية اللزجة.
  • مضخات اللولب: تستخدم مضخات اللولب لولبًا حلزونيًا متعددًا لتحريك السائل محوريًا. غالبًا ما تُستخدم للسوائل ذات اللزوجة العالية ويمكنها التعامل مع المواد الكاشطة نظرًا للتآكل المحدود على أسطح اللولب. توجد مضخات اللولب بشكل شائع في تطبيقات مثل استخراج النفط الخام، وحقن خطوط الأنابيب، ونقل الزيوت الثقيلة.
  • مضخات الفصوص: تتألف مضخات الفصوص من فصين أو أكثر يدوران في اتجاهين متعاكسين لإنشاء إزاحة إيجابية. تُعرف بمعالجتها اللطيفة للسوائل الحساسة ونبضات منخفضة، مما يجعلها مثالية لتطبيقات مثل حقن المواد الكيميائية، ونظم التشحيم، ونقل السوائل الحساسة.
  • مضخات الريش: تستخدم مضخات الريش ريشًا منزلقًا يتم دفعه إلى الخارج بقوة الطرد المركزي، مما يؤدي إلى احتجاز السائل ونقله. تُعد هذه المضخات متعددة الاستخدامات ويمكنها التعامل مع مجموعة واسعة من اللزوجات، مما يجعلها مناسبة لتطبيقات مثل حقن الإضافات، ونقل الوقود، ومعالجة المواد الكيميائية.

مميزات مضخات الدوران:

  • معدلات تدفق عالية: يمكن لمضخات الدوران تقديم كميات كبيرة من السائل، مما يجعلها مناسبة للعمليات على نطاق واسع.
  • قدرة عالية على الضغط: يمكنها التعامل مع فروق ضغط عالية، مما يسمح بنقل السائل بكفاءة لمسافات طويلة.
  • القدرة على التشغيل الذاتي: يمكن لعديد من أنواع مضخات الدوران التشغيل الذاتي، مما يلغي الحاجة إلى نظام تشغيل منفصل.
  • التعددية: يمكن لمضخات الدوران التعامل مع مجموعة متنوعة من السوائل، بما في ذلك الزيوت اللزجة، والحمأة الكاشطة، والمواد الكيميائية الحساسة.
  • الاعتمادية في التشغيل: تُعرف بمتانتها وعمر الخدمة الطويل.

التطبيقات في صناعة النفط والغاز:

تُستخدم مضخات الدوران على نطاق واسع في مراحل مختلفة من دورة حياة النفط والغاز:

  • الاستخراج: في آبار النفط، تُستخدم مضخات الدوران لاستخراج النفط الخام من الخزانات تحت الأرض.
  • التجهيز: تُعد مضخات الدوران ضرورية لنقل وحقن السوائل أثناء عمليات التكرير والتجهيز.
  • نقل خطوط الأنابيب: تُعد ضرورية لنقل النفط الخام والمنتجات المكررة من خلال خطوط الأنابيب.
  • حقن المواد الكيميائية: تُستخدم مضخات الدوران لحقن المواد الكيميائية للتحكم في التآكل، ومعالجة المياه، وعمليات أخرى.
  • معالجة الغاز: تُستخدم مضخات الدوران في معالجة الغاز الطبيعي، بما في ذلك الضغط، والحقن، والنقل.


تُعد مضخات الدوران أدوات لا غنى عنها في صناعة النفط والغاز، مما يسمح بنقل المواد الهيدروكربونية بكفاءة وموثوقية. تجعلها أنواعها المتنوعة، ومعدلات التدفق العالية، وقدرتها على الضغط مثالية لمجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات الصعبة. مع استمرار الصناعة في الابتكار، ستظل مضخات الدوران مكونًا حيويًا في استخراج، وتجهيز، وتسليم موارد الطاقة في جميع أنحاء العالم.

Test Your Knowledge

Rotary Pumps Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary operating principle of rotary pumps?

a) Centrifugal force b) Positive displacement c) Gravity d) Electromagnetism


b) Positive displacement

2. Which type of rotary pump is known for its high efficiency and ability to handle viscous fluids?

a) Screw pump b) Vane pump c) Lobe pump d) Gear pump


d) Gear pump

3. Which of the following is NOT a key advantage of rotary pumps?

a) High flow rates b) Low pressure capability c) Versatility in handling various fluids d) Reliable operation


b) Low pressure capability

4. Rotary pumps are used in which stage of the oil & gas lifecycle?

a) Only extraction b) Only processing c) Only transportation d) All stages of the lifecycle


d) All stages of the lifecycle

5. Which type of rotary pump is particularly suitable for handling delicate fluids due to its gentle operation and low pulsation?

a) Gear pump b) Vane pump c) Screw pump d) Lobe pump


d) Lobe pump

Rotary Pumps Exercise:

Task: You are tasked with selecting the appropriate type of rotary pump for a specific application in an oil & gas facility. The application involves transporting highly viscous crude oil from a wellhead to a processing plant. The flow rate is high, and the fluid contains some abrasive particles.


  1. Identify the most suitable type of rotary pump for this application.
  2. Justify your choice, highlighting the key features that make it suitable.
  3. Explain why other types of rotary pumps might not be suitable.

Exercise Correction

The most suitable type of rotary pump for this application is a **screw pump**.


  • Screw pumps are known for their ability to handle high-viscosity fluids, making them ideal for transporting thick crude oil.
  • They can handle abrasive materials due to the limited wear on the screw surfaces, which is crucial given the presence of abrasive particles in the crude oil.
  • Screw pumps are also capable of achieving high flow rates, meeting the requirements of this application.

**Why other types might not be suitable:**

  • **Gear pumps:** While efficient for viscous fluids, gear pumps might experience wear due to abrasive particles, potentially shortening their lifespan.
  • **Vane pumps:** Vane pumps are more versatile but might not be suitable for highly viscous fluids or abrasive environments.
  • **Lobe pumps:** Lobe pumps are best suited for delicate fluids and low pulsation, making them unsuitable for transporting viscous and abrasive crude oil.


  • "Pumps: Selection, Operation and Maintenance" by D.G. Smith - Offers a comprehensive overview of pumps, including detailed sections on rotary pumps.
  • "Handbook of Oil and Gas Engineering" by William J. C. Ross - Provides a wide range of information on oil and gas production, including chapters on pumping equipment.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by T.W. Maddox - A standard reference for petroleum engineers, with sections on pumping technology in the oil and gas industry.


  • "Rotary Pumps: A Comprehensive Guide to Design, Operation and Maintenance" by Pumps & Systems - A detailed article covering various types of rotary pumps, their applications, and maintenance practices.
  • "Rotary Pumps in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Review of Applications and Trends" by SPE Journal - An academic review article discussing the latest advancements in rotary pump technology and their role in the oil and gas sector.
  • "Rotary Pumps: Optimizing Performance for Increased Efficiency and Longevity" by Oil & Gas Engineering Magazine - An industry-focused article offering practical advice on selecting the right rotary pump and optimizing its performance.

Online Resources

  • "Rotary Pumps - Types, Applications, and Advantages" - Engineers Edge - A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of rotary pumps, including their advantages, applications, and selection criteria.
  • "Rotary Pump Selection Guide" - Fluid Handling Equipment - A detailed guide to selecting the right rotary pump based on specific fluid properties, operating conditions, and desired flow rate.
  • "Rotary Pump Manufacturer Websites" - Visit websites of leading pump manufacturers, such as Grundfos, Sulzer, and Weir, to access technical specifications, application data, and case studies.

Search Tips

  • "Rotary Pump Types Oil and Gas" - To find information on specific types of rotary pumps used in the oil and gas industry.
  • "Rotary Pump Applications in Petroleum Industry" - To discover the various roles of rotary pumps in different stages of oil and gas production.
  • "Rotary Pump Selection Criteria Oil and Gas" - To understand the key factors to consider when choosing a rotary pump for specific oil and gas applications.


Rotary Pumps: A Deep Dive

Chapter 1: Techniques

Rotary pumps, unlike centrifugal pumps, operate on the principle of positive displacement. This means they trap a fixed volume of fluid and move it through the pump, resulting in a relatively consistent flow rate regardless of pressure fluctuations. Several key techniques are involved in their efficient operation and maintenance:

  • Sealing Techniques: Preventing leakage is crucial for efficiency and environmental protection. Common sealing methods include mechanical seals (using stationary and rotating components to create a seal), packing seals (using compressible materials to create a barrier), and gasket seals (using static seals to prevent leakage between components). The choice of sealing method depends heavily on the fluid being pumped, its pressure, and the pump's operating temperature.

  • Lubrication Techniques: Proper lubrication is essential to reduce friction, wear, and tear on moving parts. The type of lubricant used depends on the fluid being pumped and the pump's operating conditions. Oil lubrication is common, but grease lubrication might be more suitable for specific applications or environments. Regular lubrication schedules are critical for optimal performance and longevity.

  • Priming Techniques: Many rotary pumps are self-priming, meaning they can draw fluid from a reservoir without needing external assistance. However, understanding the priming process and troubleshooting potential priming issues is crucial for efficient operation. This may involve checking for leaks, ensuring proper venting, and verifying sufficient suction lift.

  • Flow Rate Control Techniques: Controlling the flow rate of rotary pumps can be achieved through several methods. These can include adjusting the pump speed (using variable frequency drives), incorporating bypass lines, or using throttling valves. The chosen technique depends on the specific application requirements and the pump's design.

Chapter 2: Models

The oil and gas industry employs a variety of rotary pump models, each suited to specific applications based on fluid characteristics, pressure requirements, and operational conditions. Key model distinctions include:

  • Gear Pumps: Internal gear pumps use two intermeshing gears; external gear pumps use two external gears. The choice depends on the desired flow rate and pressure. Variations exist in gear tooth profile and material selection to optimize for specific applications (e.g., handling abrasive fluids).

  • Screw Pumps: Single-screw and multiple-screw pumps exist, with the number of screws affecting flow rate and pressure capabilities. Screw pumps are particularly effective for handling high-viscosity fluids and abrasive slurries. Different screw profiles are designed to enhance efficiency for specific fluid types.

  • Lobe Pumps: These pumps utilize two or more lobes rotating in opposite directions, characterized by their gentle fluid handling and low pulsation. Variations in lobe design and material impact the pump's performance and suitability for specific applications.

  • Vane Pumps: These pumps utilize sliding vanes to create positive displacement. Internal and external vane pumps exist, influencing the pump's capacity and pressure capabilities. Vane pump models also differ in the material of the vanes and housing, influencing wear resistance and chemical compatibility.

Chapter 3: Software

Software plays a crucial role in the design, simulation, and monitoring of rotary pumps in the oil and gas industry. Applications include:

  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software: Used for the design and optimization of pump geometry, ensuring efficient fluid flow and minimizing energy losses. Software like SolidWorks and AutoCAD are frequently utilized.

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Software: Used for simulating fluid flow within the pump, allowing engineers to optimize design parameters and predict performance under different operating conditions. ANSYS Fluent and COMSOL are commonly used CFD packages.

  • Pump Selection Software: Specialized software programs assist engineers in selecting the appropriate rotary pump model for a given application, considering factors such as fluid viscosity, flow rate, pressure, and temperature.

  • Predictive Maintenance Software: Software solutions monitor pump performance data (e.g., vibration, pressure, temperature) in real-time, allowing for predictive maintenance and minimizing downtime.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Optimizing the performance and lifespan of rotary pumps requires adherence to best practices:

  • Proper Selection: Careful selection of the pump model based on fluid properties, flow rate, pressure requirements, and operating conditions is paramount.

  • Installation and Alignment: Correct installation and alignment are crucial for minimizing vibration, wear, and potential damage.

  • Regular Maintenance: A preventative maintenance schedule, including lubrication, inspection, and component replacement, extends the pump's lifespan and reduces downtime.

  • Leak Detection and Prevention: Regular leak checks and prompt repair of leaks are essential for maintaining efficiency and environmental responsibility.

  • Operator Training: Proper operator training ensures safe and efficient operation, minimizing the risk of accidents and equipment damage.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Case studies illustrate the practical application of rotary pumps in various oil and gas scenarios:

  • Case Study 1: Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): A case study detailing the use of specific rotary pump models for injecting chemicals into oil reservoirs to enhance oil recovery rates, highlighting the importance of pump selection for handling high-viscosity fluids and corrosive chemicals.

  • Case Study 2: Pipeline Transportation of Heavy Crude: Illustrating the challenges and solutions involved in transporting heavy crude oil over long distances using specific rotary pump technologies, focusing on the advantages of screw pumps or other models for handling highly viscous fluids.

  • Case Study 3: Offshore Platform Application: A case study examining the use of rotary pumps in a challenging offshore environment, focusing on the selection of robust and reliable models capable of withstanding harsh conditions and salt water exposure.

  • Case Study 4: Chemical Injection in Refining: A case study demonstrating the application of lobe pumps for delicate chemical injection in a refining process, emphasizing the importance of low-pulsation and gentle fluid handling capabilities.

These chapters provide a comprehensive overview of rotary pumps within the oil and gas industry, encompassing technical aspects, applications, and best practices for optimal performance and longevity.

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