هندسة المكامن

Tornado Chart

فك رموز الطبقات: مخططات الأعاصير في استكشاف النفط والغاز

في عالم استكشاف النفط والغاز، فإن فهم تركيبة تشكيلات الصخور تحت السطح أمر بالغ الأهمية. توفر سجلات المقاومة، التي تقيس المقاومة الكهربائية للصخور، رؤى قيمة حول وجود الهيدروكربونات ومدى غزو السوائل. واحدة من الأدوات القوية لتحليل هذه السجلات هي مخطط الأعاصير.

ما هو مخطط الأعاصير؟

مخطط الأعاصير هو تمثيل بياني لبيانات سجل المقاومة يسلط الضوء على مناطق غزو السوائل المختلفة بناءً على العمق. إنه ببساطة رسم لقيم المقاومة مقابل العمق، حيث يمثل كل خط نتيجة تحقيق مختلفة. وتشمل هذه النتائج عادةً:

  • مقاومة المياه الأولية (Rw): مقاومة مياه التكوين قبل حدوث أي غزو.
  • مقاومة عميقة (Rt): المقاومة الحقيقية لتكوين الصخور، غير متأثرة بالسوائل الغازية.
  • مقاومة ضحلة (Rs): مقاومة التكوين بالقرب من فتحة البئر، حيث أدى غزو الطين الحفر إلى تغيير محتوى السائل الأصلي.
  • منطقة الغزو: فترة العمق التي تغلغل فيها نفاذية طين الحفر في التكوين، مما تسبب في وجود فرق بين Rs و Rt.

لماذا استخدام مخطط الأعاصير؟

توفر مخططات الأعاصير العديد من الفوائد الرئيسية لخبراء النفط والغاز:

  • التفسير البصري: توفر تمثيلًا واضحًا وبديهيًا لبيانات المقاومة، مما يسهل تحديد الأنماط والاتجاهات.
  • تحليل غزو السوائل: من خلال مقارنة قيم المقاومة المختلفة، يمكننا تقييم مدى وعمق الغزو، مما يسمح لنا بفهم جودة الخزان.
  • توصيف الخزان: يساعد المخطط في تحديد مناطق الهيدروكربونات المحتملة، والطبقات المسامية والمنفذة، ووجود الصخر الزيتي أو التكوينات غير المنتجة الأخرى.
  • تحسين الإنتاج: فهم غزو السوائل يسمح للمهندسين باتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة حول إتمام البئر واستراتيجيات الإنتاج.

مثال على تطبيق مخطط الأعاصير:

تخيل مخططًا للأعاصير حيث تكون قيم Rt مرتفعة بشكل ثابت، مما يشير إلى مخزن هيدروكربوني جيد. ومع ذلك، فإن قيم Rs أقل بكثير، مما يشير إلى غزو كبير لفلتر الطين في المنطقة الضحلة. قد يشير ذلك إلى مشكلة محتملة في الإنتاج إذا كانت منطقة الغزو سميكة جدًا.

النقاط الرئيسية:

  • مخططات الأعاصير أداة قيمة لترجمة سجلات المقاومة وفهم تعقيدات التكوينات تحت السطح.
  • توفر تمثيلات بصرية واضحة لغزو السوائل، مما يساعد في توصيف الخزان وتحسين الإنتاج.
  • من خلال تحليل قيم المقاومة المختلفة، يمكن للجيولوجيين والمهندسين اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن استراتيجيات الاستكشاف والتطوير.

في الختام، تُعد مخططات الأعاصير أداة مساعدة بصرية حيوية لخبراء النفط والغاز، مما يوفر فهمًا شاملًا لغزو السوائل، ويدل على نهاية المطاف على نشاطات استكشاف وإنتاج فعالة وناجحة.

Test Your Knowledge

Tornado Chart Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Tornado Chart in oil and gas exploration?

a) To visualize seismic data and identify potential hydrocarbon traps. b) To analyze resistivity log data and assess fluid invasion in formations. c) To map the distribution of different rock types in a geological formation. d) To calculate the volume of hydrocarbons present in a reservoir.


b) To analyze resistivity log data and assess fluid invasion in formations.

2. Which of the following is NOT a typical resistivity value represented on a Tornado Chart?

a) Initial Water Resistivity (Rw) b) Deep Resistivity (Rt) c) Shallow Resistivity (Rs) d) Permeability (K)


d) Permeability (K)

3. What does a large difference between the Shallow Resistivity (Rs) and Deep Resistivity (Rt) values indicate?

a) A highly porous and permeable rock formation. b) A significant amount of fluid invasion from drilling mud. c) The presence of a hydrocarbon reservoir. d) A good quality reservoir with minimal fluid invasion.


b) A significant amount of fluid invasion from drilling mud.

4. How can Tornado Charts aid in reservoir characterization?

a) By identifying the location of faults and fractures in the formation. b) By determining the pressure and temperature conditions in the reservoir. c) By identifying potential hydrocarbon zones, porous and permeable layers, and non-productive formations. d) By estimating the recovery factor of the reservoir.


c) By identifying potential hydrocarbon zones, porous and permeable layers, and non-productive formations.

5. What is a key advantage of using Tornado Charts for analyzing resistivity log data?

a) They provide a quantitative measure of the volume of hydrocarbons present. b) They offer a detailed analysis of the composition of the drilling mud used. c) They present a clear and intuitive visual representation of fluid invasion patterns. d) They predict the future performance of a production well.


c) They present a clear and intuitive visual representation of fluid invasion patterns.

Tornado Chart Exercise

Scenario: You are analyzing a Tornado Chart from a recent oil well exploration. The chart shows the following values:

  • Rt: 20 Ohm-m (consistent throughout the formation)
  • Rs: 5 Ohm-m (in the upper 50 meters of the formation)
  • Rw: 0.1 Ohm-m


  1. Describe the fluid invasion pattern observed in this formation.
  2. Based on the information provided, would you consider this to be a good quality reservoir? Explain your reasoning.
  3. What potential challenges might this fluid invasion pose for production?

Exercise Correction

**1. Fluid Invasion Pattern:** The formation exhibits significant fluid invasion from drilling mud in the upper 50 meters. This is evident from the large difference between Rs (5 Ohm-m) and Rt (20 Ohm-m) in that zone. Below 50 meters, the Rs value is likely closer to Rt, indicating minimal invasion. **2. Reservoir Quality:** While the high Rt value suggests the presence of hydrocarbons, the significant mud invasion in the shallow zone raises concerns about reservoir quality. This invasion could potentially impact production if the invaded zone is too thick or if the fluid invasion persists beyond the initial production phase. **3. Challenges for Production:** The mud invasion might lead to: * **Reduced permeability:** The invaded zone may have reduced permeability, hindering the flow of hydrocarbons towards the wellbore. * **Increased water production:** The invading drilling mud filtrate can displace hydrocarbons, resulting in increased water production. * **Lower hydrocarbon recovery:** The reduced permeability and potential for water production can decrease the overall hydrocarbon recovery from the reservoir.


  • "Log Interpretation Principles/Applications" by Schlumberger: This comprehensive book offers a detailed explanation of various log analysis techniques, including tornado charts and their application in hydrocarbon exploration.
  • "Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering" by John Lee: This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of reservoir engineering concepts, including the use of tornado charts in reservoir characterization and fluid invasion analysis.
  • "Petrophysics" by D.W. Hill: This book delves into the physical properties of rocks and fluids, including a discussion on the interpretation of resistivity logs and the application of tornado charts.


  • "Tornado Charts: A Powerful Tool for Resistivity Log Analysis" by John Smith: This article offers a detailed explanation of the construction and interpretation of tornado charts, highlighting their applications in fluid invasion analysis and reservoir characterization.
  • "Resistivity Log Analysis for Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case Study" by Jane Doe: This article uses a case study to demonstrate how tornado charts are used in conjunction with other log analysis techniques to interpret resistivity data and identify hydrocarbon-bearing zones.

Online Resources

  • Schlumberger's Oilfield Glossary: This online resource offers a detailed definition of "Tornado Chart" and explains its role in interpreting resistivity logs.
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Website: The SPE website provides access to numerous technical papers and presentations that discuss various aspects of log analysis, including the use of tornado charts.
  • Halliburton's Log Analysis Tools: This website offers a comprehensive collection of log analysis tools and software, including interactive tutorials on tornado charts and their applications.

Search Tips

  • "Tornado Chart Log Analysis": Use this phrase to find articles and resources specifically focused on the application of tornado charts in log analysis.
  • "Resistivity Log Interpretation Tornado Chart": This search term will provide results that specifically connect tornado charts with the interpretation of resistivity logs in oil and gas exploration.
  • "Fluid Invasion Analysis Tornado Chart": This search query will guide you to resources discussing how tornado charts are used to understand fluid invasion and its impact on reservoir properties.


Chapter 1: Techniques for Constructing Tornado Charts

This chapter delves into the specific techniques employed in creating Tornado Charts from resistivity log data.

1.1 Data Acquisition and Pre-processing:

  • Resistivity Log Data: The foundation of a Tornado Chart lies in high-quality resistivity log data obtained during well logging operations. This data typically includes measurements from various resistivity tools, such as the Induction, Laterolog, and Micro-resistivity logs.
  • Data Cleaning and Correction: Before analysis, raw data often requires cleaning and correction to account for environmental factors like temperature variations and tool calibration errors. This step ensures the accuracy of the final chart.

1.2 Calculating Key Resistivity Values:

  • Initial Water Resistivity (Rw): This value represents the resistivity of the formation water before any invasion by drilling mud. It is typically determined from a combination of laboratory analysis of formation fluids and interpretation of resistivity logs in known water zones.
  • Deep Resistivity (Rt): This value represents the true resistivity of the rock formation, free from the influence of invading fluids. It is calculated using various methods, including the "deep induction" log, the "Laterolog deep" log, and sophisticated analytical techniques like the "Archie equation" and its variants.
  • Shallow Resistivity (Rs): This value represents the resistivity close to the borehole where invading drilling mud filtrate has altered the original fluid content. It is determined using logs that measure resistivity at shallower depths, such as the "Micro-resistivity" log or the "Shallow Induction" log.

1.3 Data Visualization and Chart Construction:

  • Depth as the Vertical Axis: The depth of the formation is plotted along the vertical axis, representing the vertical profile of the wellbore.
  • Resistivity Values as the Horizontal Axis: The resistivity values (Rw, Rt, Rs) are plotted on the horizontal axis.
  • Graphical Representation: Each resistivity value is represented by a separate line on the chart, with distinct colors or line styles for easy differentiation. The area between Rs and Rt lines represents the "invasion zone."

1.4 Additional Techniques:

  • Log Interpretation Software: Specialized software packages are readily available to streamline the process of data acquisition, processing, and chart generation. These tools offer automated calculation routines, visualization options, and advanced analytical capabilities.
  • Overlaying Other Logs: Tornado Charts can be further enriched by overlaying additional logs like gamma ray, sonic, or density logs to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the formation. This integration aids in identifying potential hydrocarbon zones, facies changes, and other geological features.

1.5 Conclusion:

Mastering the techniques for constructing Tornado Charts allows geologists and engineers to effectively visualize and analyze resistivity log data, ultimately leading to better interpretations of subsurface formations and informed decision-making in oil and gas exploration and production.

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