معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: Rotary Table

Rotary Table

طاولة الدوران: قلب عمليات الحفر

تُعدّ طاولة الدوران، وهي عنصر أساسي في أي منصة حفر للنفط والغاز، تلعب دورًا محوريًا في عملية حفر قشرة الأرض. فهي تُعتبر "القلب الدوار" للمنصة، حيث تُزوّد القوة اللازمة لتدوير سلسلة الحفر، التي تقوم بدورها بحفر بئر النفط.

تركيب التروس والوصلات:

في جوهرها، تُعدّ طاولة الدوران مجموعة معقدة من التروس والوصلات المصممة لنقل القوة من مصدر طاقة المنصة إلى سلسلة الحفر. إليك تفصيل عناصره الرئيسية:

  • محرك القيادة: هذا المحرك الكهربائي القوي يوفر عزم الدوران الأولي لطاولة الدوران.
  • صندوق التروس: تُقلل هذه الوحدة من سرعة دوران محرك القيادة العالية إلى سرعة أبطأ، ذات عزم دوران أعلى مناسب للحفر.
  • تروس طاولة الدوران: هذا الترس الكبير والثقيل متصل مباشرة بمخرج صندوق التروس ويُدير الكيلي (القسم العلوي من سلسلة الحفر).
  • بطانات الكيلي: تُعدّ هذه بطانات تُدعم الكيلي وتسمح له بالدوران بحرية، مما يُقلل الاحتكاك.
  • محرك طاولة الدوران: تُربط هذه الآلية طاولة الدوران بالكيلي وتُنقل القوة الدورانية.
  • المُدَوّر: يربط هذا العنصر الأساسي الكيلي بسلسلة الحفر، مما يسمح لسلسلة الحفر بالدوران مع السماح بتداول سائل الحفر عبر أنبوب الحفر.

كيف تعمل:

تبدأ العملية بتشغيل محرك القيادة لِدَوْرَان صندوق التروس، الذي يُدير بدوره ترس طاولة الدوران. يُدير هذا الترس الكيلي الذي مُتصل بقمة سلسلة الحفر. تُدير سلسلة الحفر، المُثبّتة في قاع بئر النفط، تُدير سلسلة الحفر، مما يُمكنها من حفر الأرض.

الوظائف الرئيسية:

تلعب طاولة الدوران دورًا حاسمًا في العديد من عمليات الحفر الرئيسية:

  • الحفر: تُوفر القوة اللازمة لتدوير سلسلة الحفر، مما يُمكن عملية الحفر.
  • التداول: تُتيح لسائل الحفر التداول عبر سلسلة الحفر، وتنظيف بئر النفط ونقل القطع إلى السطح.
  • نقل الوزن: يمكن لطاولة الدوران تطبيق الضغط على سلسلة الحفر، مما يُساعد على التحكم في معدل الحفر والحفاظ على استقرار بئر النفط.
  • إدارة عزم الدوران: يمكنها توفير أو التحكم بعزم الدوران لسلسلة الحفر، وهو أمر ضروري لحفر تشكيلات مختلفة والحفاظ على كفاءة الحفر.


تُعدّ طاولة الدوران، مع تركيبها المعقد من التروس والوصلات، مكونًا حيويًا في أي عملية حفر نفط أو غاز. تضمن دوران سلسلة الحفر بكفاءة، مما يُمكن حفر الآبار واستخراج الموارد القيّمة. فهم عمل هذا المكون الأساسي ضروري لأي شخص يُشارك في صناعة النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Rotary Table Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Rotary Table in drilling operations? a) To provide a platform for the drill crew b) To rotate the drill string c) To store drilling mud d) To monitor wellbore pressure


b) To rotate the drill string

2. Which of the following components directly transmits power from the gearbox to the kelly? a) Drive Motor b) Swivel c) Rotary Table Gear d) Kelly Bushings


c) Rotary Table Gear

3. What is the role of the Kelly Bushings? a) To connect the drill string to the swivel b) To reduce the speed of the drive motor c) To support the kelly and minimize friction d) To control the flow of drilling fluid


c) To support the kelly and minimize friction

4. Which of these functions is NOT directly facilitated by the Rotary Table? a) Drilling b) Circulation c) Weight Transfer d) Wellbore Logging


d) Wellbore Logging

5. Why is torque management a crucial aspect of the Rotary Table's function? a) To ensure the drill string rotates at a constant speed b) To control the drilling rate and maintain wellbore stability c) To prevent the drill string from becoming too hot d) To monitor the amount of drilling fluid being circulated


b) To control the drilling rate and maintain wellbore stability

Rotary Table Exercise


Imagine you are working on a drilling rig. The drill string has become stuck due to a sudden increase in torque. You need to troubleshoot the issue.

Possible causes for increased torque:

  • Stuck drill bit: The drill bit may be stuck in a hard formation.
  • Twist-off: A section of the drill string may have twisted off due to excessive torque.
  • Torque overload: The Rotary Table may be exceeding its torque capacity.


  1. Identify potential causes: List the potential reasons for the increased torque based on the information provided.
  2. Suggest possible solutions: For each potential cause, propose a course of action to resolve the issue.
  3. Prioritize your actions: Rank the suggested solutions in order of importance and explain your reasoning.

Exercice Correction

1. Potential Causes:

  • Stuck drill bit: The drill bit may be stuck in a hard formation.
  • Twist-off: A section of the drill string may have twisted off due to excessive torque.
  • Torque overload: The Rotary Table may be exceeding its torque capacity.

2. Possible Solutions:

  • Stuck drill bit:
    • Increase weight on bit: Apply more pressure to the drill string to try and break through the hard formation.
    • Rotate drill string in reverse: Reverse the rotation of the drill string to try and free the stuck bit.
    • Circulate drilling fluid: Increase the flow rate of drilling fluid to try and loosen the formation.
  • Twist-off:
    • Inspect drill string: Visually inspect the drill string for signs of a twist-off.
    • Isolate the problem area: Use tools to isolate the section of the drill string that has failed.
    • Replace the damaged section: Replace the damaged section of the drill string with a new one.
  • Torque overload:
    • Reduce the drilling rate: Decrease the speed of the drill string rotation to reduce the load on the Rotary Table.
    • Check Rotary Table settings: Ensure that the Rotary Table is operating within its designed torque capacity.
    • Consider using a different Rotary Table: If the current Rotary Table is not capable of handling the required torque, consider using a larger or more powerful model.

3. Prioritized Actions:

  1. Identify the cause: Before taking any action, it is crucial to correctly diagnose the problem.
  2. Increase weight on bit: This is a common solution for stuck drill bits and can be implemented relatively quickly.
  3. Rotate drill string in reverse: This can be effective for freeing stuck drill bits and is a less risky option than increasing weight.
  4. Inspect drill string: This is essential for diagnosing a twist-off and should be done as soon as possible.
  5. Circulate drilling fluid: Increasing drilling fluid flow can help to loosen the formation and reduce torque.
  6. Isolate the problem area: This step is necessary for addressing a twist-off and may require specialized equipment.
  7. Reduce the drilling rate: This is a simple solution for torque overload and can be implemented quickly.
  8. Check Rotary Table settings: This should be done to ensure the Rotary Table is operating within its limits.
  9. Replace the damaged section: This is the final solution for a twist-off and will require significant downtime.
  10. Consider using a different Rotary Table: This is the most drastic measure and should only be considered if other solutions are not successful.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by John A. Logan (This book provides a comprehensive overview of drilling engineering, including detailed sections on rotary tables.)
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Society of Petroleum Engineers (This handbook covers various aspects of petroleum engineering, with a dedicated chapter on drilling and well completion, which will include details about rotary tables.)
  • Modern Drilling Fluids by Robert J. Bardon (This book focuses on the use of drilling fluids and their interaction with the rotary table.)


  • "Rotary Tables: A Comprehensive Review" by (You can search for this article using relevant keywords like "rotary table review" in online databases like ScienceDirect or Google Scholar)
  • "Understanding the Role of Rotary Tables in Drilling Operations" by (Search for this article using keywords like "rotary table drilling operations" in online databases or industry publications.)
  • "The Importance of Rotary Table Maintenance in Drilling Safety" by (Search for this article using keywords like "rotary table maintenance safety" in online databases or industry journals.)

Online Resources

  • Oilfield Glossary: https://www.oilfield.slb.com/glossary/ (This website provides a comprehensive glossary of terms related to the oil and gas industry, including definitions of rotary tables and related equipment.)
  • Drillinginfo: https://www.drillinginfo.com/ (This website offers various resources and data for the oil and gas industry, including information about drilling equipment and techniques.)
  • Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotary_table (While not always the most detailed, Wikipedia provides a basic introduction to rotary tables and their function.)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "rotary table drilling", "rotary table function", "rotary table components", "rotary table types", "rotary table maintenance".
  • Combine keywords with search operators:
    • "rotary table" + "drilling" + "function"
    • "rotary table" + "types" + "applications"
    • "rotary table" + "maintenance" + "safety"
  • Search specific websites:
    • "rotary table" site:oilfield.slb.com
    • "rotary table" site:drillinginfo.com
    • "rotary table" site:wikipedia.org
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