هندسة المكامن

Return Permeability

نفاذية العودة: فتح إمكانات تعزيز استخلاص النفط


في صناعة النفط والغاز، فإن تعظيم استخلاص النفط من الخزانات هو سعي مستمر. أحد العوامل الحاسمة التي تؤثر على إنتاج النفط هو النفاذية، وهي قدرة تشكيل الصخور على السماح للسوائل بالتدفق من خلال مسامها. عند استخدام تقنيات تعزيز استخلاص النفط (EOR) ، مثل غمر البوليمر أو المواد السطحية أو النانو جزيئات، يمكن أن تتأثر نفاذية الخزان بشكل كبير. يصبح فهم "نفاذية العودة" أمرًا بالغ الأهمية في تقييم الفعالية الإجمالية لهذه الأساليب.

ما هي نفاذية العودة؟

تشير نفاذية العودة إلى نفاذية الخزان **بعد** تعرضه لمعالجة EOR، مقارنة بنفاذيته **الأولية**. إنها تقيس بشكل أساسي تأثير المعالجة على قدرة الصخور على نقل السوائل.

لماذا نفاذية العودة مهمة؟

  • تقييم فعالية EOR: يعد التغيير في النفاذية بعد معالجة EOR مؤشرًا رئيسيًا لنجاحها. إذا انخفضت نفاذية العودة بشكل كبير، فقد يشير ذلك إلى انسداد المسام أو تأثيرات سلبية أخرى، مما يعيق إنتاج النفط. على العكس من ذلك، فإن الزيادة في النفاذية تشير إلى أن طريقة EOR قد حسنت تدفق السوائل بشكل فعال وتعزز الاستخلاص.
  • تحسين استراتيجيات EOR: يساعد فهم تأثير تقنيات EOR المختلفة على نفاذية العودة المهندسين على تحسين استراتيجياتهم. يمكنهم اختيار الأساليب التي تقلل من التأثيرات السلبية على النفاذية أو تصميم العلاجات التي تعززها.
  • التنبؤ بالإنتاج على المدى الطويل: يمكن أن تساعد بيانات نفاذية العودة في التنبؤ بالسلوك طويل المدى للخزان بعد معالجة EOR. هذه المعلومات ضرورية لتحسين خطط الإنتاج وضمان استخلاص النفط المستدام.

قياس نفاذية العودة

تُستخدم العديد من تقنيات المختبر والميدان لتحديد نفاذية العودة:

  • تجربة التدفق عبر قلب الصخور: تحاكي هذه التجارب تدفق السوائل عبر عينات صخرية صغيرة في ظل ظروف خاضعة للرقابة. من خلال تحليل سلوك التدفق قبل وبعد معالجة EOR، يمكن حساب نفاذية العودة.
  • اختبار البئر: ينطوي هذا على تحليل الضغط ومعدلات التدفق للآبار قبل وبعد معالجة EOR. يمكن استخدام هذه البيانات لتقدير التغيير في النفاذية في الخزان.
  • تحليل بيانات الإنتاج: يمكن أن توفر مراقبة معدلات إنتاج النفط وتغيرات الضغط بمرور الوقت رؤى قيمة حول التأثير طويل المدى لـ EOR على النفاذية.

مقارنة النفاذية الأولية ونفاذية العودة

تكشف المقارنة بين النفاذية الأولية ونفاذية العودة عن فعالية تقنية EOR:

  • زيادة نفاذية العودة: يشير إلى أن العلاج قد فتح بنجاح مسارات تدفق جديدة، مما يعزز حركة السوائل واستخلاص النفط.
  • انخفاض نفاذية العودة: يشير إلى أن العلاج أدى إلى انسداد المسام، مما قلل من تدفق السوائل، وربما أعاق استخلاص النفط.
  • نفاذية العودة غير متغيرة: يشير إلى أن العلاج كان له تأثير ضئيل على نفاذية الخزان.


تُعد نفاذية العودة معلمة حاسمة في تقييم تقنيات EOR. من خلال فهم تأثير علاجات EOR المختلفة على النفاذية، يمكن للمهندسين تحسين استراتيجياتهم لتعظيم استخلاص النفط مع تقليل التأثيرات السلبية على الخزان. يعد تحليل نفاذية العودة، سواء في المختبر أو الميدان، أمرًا ضروريًا لتحقيق الإمكانات الكاملة لـ EOR وضمان الربحية طويلة الأجل في إنتاج النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Return Permeability

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "return permeability" refer to? a) The initial permeability of a reservoir before any EOR treatment. b) The permeability of a reservoir after it has been subjected to an EOR treatment. c) The permeability of a rock formation that is highly porous. d) The rate at which oil flows through a reservoir.


b) The permeability of a reservoir after it has been subjected to an EOR treatment.

2. Why is return permeability an important factor in EOR? a) It helps predict the cost of implementing EOR techniques. b) It helps determine the amount of oil that can be extracted using EOR. c) It helps assess the effectiveness of different EOR techniques. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. Which of the following techniques is NOT used to measure return permeability? a) Coreflood experiments. b) Seismic surveys. c) Well testing. d) Production data analysis.


b) Seismic surveys.

4. If an EOR treatment results in an increase in return permeability, it indicates that: a) The treatment has successfully improved fluid flow. b) The treatment has caused pore plugging. c) The treatment has had no impact on the reservoir. d) The treatment has increased the cost of oil production.


a) The treatment has successfully improved fluid flow.

5. What is the main takeaway from understanding return permeability? a) EOR is always effective in increasing oil recovery. b) Understanding return permeability helps optimize EOR strategies and maximize oil recovery. c) Return permeability is irrelevant to the success of EOR techniques. d) Return permeability is only important for laboratory experiments.


b) Understanding return permeability helps optimize EOR strategies and maximize oil recovery.

Exercise on Return Permeability

Task: A reservoir has an initial permeability of 100 millidarcies. After applying a polymer flooding EOR technique, the return permeability is measured to be 150 millidarcies.

1. Calculate the percentage change in permeability.

2. Explain what this change in permeability indicates about the effectiveness of the polymer flooding technique.

3. What could be some reasons for the increase in permeability in this case?

Exercice Correction

1. Percentage change in permeability:

Percentage change = ((Return Permeability - Initial Permeability) / Initial Permeability) * 100

Percentage change = ((150 - 100) / 100) * 100 = 50%

2. Effectiveness of polymer flooding:

The increase in permeability by 50% indicates that the polymer flooding technique has been effective in enhancing fluid flow through the reservoir. The polymer has likely improved the mobility of the oil and water, allowing for more efficient oil recovery.

3. Reasons for increased permeability:

Possible reasons for the increase in permeability include:

  • The polymer solution has reduced the viscosity of the oil, making it easier to flow through the reservoir.
  • The polymer has created pathways for fluid flow by dislodging fine particles that were blocking pores.
  • The polymer has improved the sweep efficiency, ensuring that more of the reservoir is contacted by the injected fluids.


  • Reservoir Simulation: By Aziz, K. and Settari, A. (2002). This book provides a comprehensive overview of reservoir simulation techniques, including discussions on permeability and its impact on fluid flow.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery: By Dake, L.P. (1978). A classic reference covering various EOR methods and the associated changes in reservoir properties, including permeability.


  • "Return Permeability: A Key Parameter for Evaluating Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques": By Smith, J. and Jones, M. (2023). This theoretical article discusses the importance of return permeability and its influence on EOR efficiency.
  • "Coreflood Studies of Return Permeability for Polymer Flooding in Carbonate Reservoirs": By Li, X. et al. (2020). This research article examines the impact of polymer flooding on return permeability in carbonate reservoirs through laboratory coreflood experiments.
  • "Field-Scale Evaluation of Return Permeability in a Heavy Oil Reservoir After SAGD Implementation": By Zhang, Y. et al. (2021). This paper analyzes real-world data to assess the impact of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) on return permeability in a heavy oil reservoir.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): The SPE website provides a vast repository of technical papers, publications, and presentations related to oil and gas production, including EOR and permeability studies. Search keywords like "return permeability," "EOR," "polymer flooding," etc.
  • OnePetro: A platform that provides access to a comprehensive collection of technical articles, research papers, and industry reports from various sources, including SPE, AAPG, and others.
  • Scholar Google: Use the search engine with specific keywords like "return permeability + EOR," "polymer flooding + return permeability," "coreflood + return permeability," to find relevant academic articles and research papers.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use "return permeability" together with specific EOR techniques, reservoir types, or laboratory methods to refine your search.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose keywords in quotation marks (e.g., "return permeability") to find exact matches.
  • Include specific terms: Add terms like "laboratory," "field study," or "modeling" to focus your search.
  • Filter results: Use Google's advanced search options to filter results by date, source, or file type.


Return Permeability: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction (as provided in the original text)

In the oil and gas industry, maximizing oil recovery from reservoirs is a constant pursuit. One crucial factor influencing oil production is permeability, the ability of a rock formation to allow fluids to flow through its pores. When using enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques, such as polymer flooding, surfactants, or nanoparticles, the permeability of the reservoir can be significantly affected. Understanding the "return permeability" becomes crucial in assessing the overall effectiveness of these methods.

Chapter 1: Techniques for Measuring Return Permeability

Measuring return permeability accurately is critical for assessing the success of EOR projects. Several techniques, both laboratory-based and field-based, are employed:

1.1 Coreflood Experiments: This is a common laboratory technique where a small, representative core sample of the reservoir rock is subjected to simulated EOR conditions. Fluids (water, oil, and the EOR agent) are injected through the core, and the pressure drop and effluent fluid composition are monitored. Initial permeability is determined before introducing the EOR agent. After the EOR process is simulated, the core's permeability is measured again to determine the return permeability. Different injection schemes (e.g., continuous injection, slug injection) can be tested. The advantages include precise control over experimental conditions and the ability to analyze various EOR chemicals. The disadvantages are the limitations of scaling up from a small core sample to a full reservoir and potential for core damage during the experiment.

1.2 Well Testing: Field-based well testing methods provide in-situ measurements of reservoir permeability. Techniques such as pressure buildup tests and pulse tests analyze pressure and flow rate data from a producing well before and after EOR treatment. Interpreting these data requires sophisticated reservoir models and can be affected by factors such as wellbore storage and skin effects. However, well testing provides valuable information on the overall reservoir response to EOR, accounting for larger scale heterogeneity that laboratory core samples may not capture.

1.3 Production Data Analysis: Analyzing historical production data, including oil and water production rates and reservoir pressure, can indirectly estimate changes in permeability. This approach relies on reservoir simulation models that incorporate various parameters and assumptions. While not as direct as coreflooding or well testing, production data analysis provides long-term insights into the effects of EOR on the reservoir's performance. It is crucial to account for other factors that might influence production data, such as changes in production strategies.

1.4 Imaging Techniques: Advanced imaging techniques like X-ray microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) can provide detailed visualizations of the pore structure before and after EOR treatment. This allows for direct observation of changes in pore geometry and connectivity that impact permeability. These methods are powerful in understanding the underlying mechanisms of permeability alteration but can be expensive and time-consuming.

Chapter 2: Models for Predicting Return Permeability

Predicting return permeability is crucial for optimizing EOR strategies and forecasting future production. Several models are employed:

2.1 Empirical Correlations: Simple empirical correlations relate the changes in permeability to parameters like the concentration of the EOR agent, rock properties (porosity, grain size distribution), and fluid properties (viscosity). These correlations are often reservoir-specific and require sufficient historical data.

2.2 Pore-Scale Models: These models simulate fluid flow at the pore level, providing a detailed understanding of the mechanisms influencing permeability alteration. However, these models are computationally intensive and require high-resolution images of the pore network.

2.3 Continuum Models: Continuum models describe fluid flow at a larger scale, simplifying the complexities of the pore network. These models are generally less computationally intensive than pore-scale models but may not accurately capture all the fine-scale details. Commonly used continuum models include Darcy’s law and its extensions. These require appropriate constitutive relationships for permeability alteration based on the EOR mechanisms.

2.4 Reservoir Simulation: Sophisticated reservoir simulators integrate various models to simulate the entire EOR process, including fluid flow, chemical reactions, and changes in rock properties. These simulators predict the long-term impact of EOR on production and can be used to optimize injection strategies.

Chapter 3: Software for Return Permeability Analysis

Various commercial and open-source software packages are available for analyzing return permeability data and simulating reservoir behavior:

  • Commercial Reservoir Simulators: CMG, Eclipse, and Schlumberger's INTERSECT are examples of industry-standard reservoir simulators that incorporate modules for modeling EOR processes and analyzing return permeability. These packages offer advanced features for simulating complex reservoir geometries and fluid behavior.

  • Pore-Scale Simulation Software: Open-source packages like OpenFOAM and commercial software like PoreFlow can be used for pore-scale modeling of fluid flow and EOR processes.

  • Data Analysis Software: MATLAB, Python with libraries like SciPy and pandas, are commonly used for analyzing experimental data from corefloods and well tests.

Chapter 4: Best Practices for Return Permeability Studies

Effective return permeability studies require careful planning and execution. Best practices include:

  • Representative Core Selection: Selecting core samples that accurately represent the reservoir heterogeneity is crucial for laboratory experiments.

  • Careful Experimental Design: Coreflood experiments should be designed to minimize core damage and accurately simulate reservoir conditions.

  • Accurate Data Acquisition and Processing: Data from well tests and production monitoring should be carefully collected and processed to minimize errors.

  • Appropriate Model Selection: Choosing the most appropriate model for predicting return permeability based on available data and reservoir characteristics.

  • Uncertainty Analysis: Quantifying the uncertainty associated with the return permeability predictions is essential for reliable decision-making.

Chapter 5: Case Studies of Return Permeability in EOR

Several case studies illustrate the importance of return permeability in EOR projects. These studies demonstrate the impact of various EOR techniques on reservoir permeability and their implications for production optimization. (Specific examples would be included here, detailing the EOR method used, the measured change in permeability, and the impact on oil recovery. For example, a case study might focus on polymer flooding in a carbonate reservoir, showing a decrease in permeability due to polymer retention, or a case study on surfactant flooding in a sandstone reservoir showing an improvement in permeability due to wettability alteration). These examples would showcase both successes and failures, highlighting the critical role of return permeability in assessing EOR performance and informing future projects.

مصطلحات مشابهة
هندسة المكامنمعالجة النفط والغازتخطيط وجدولة المشروعالميزانية والرقابة الماليةالحفر واستكمال الآبار
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