معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: Producing Horizon

Producing Horizon

فهم أفق الإنتاج: مصطلح أساسي في إنتاج النفط والغاز

في عالم استكشاف وإنتاج النفط والغاز، فإن فهم **أفق الإنتاج** أمر بالغ الأهمية لتحسين أداء الآبار وزيادة استخراج الموارد. يشير هذا المصطلح إلى **العمق أو المنطقة المحددة داخل باطن الأرض حيث تستخرج الآبار حاليًا الهيدروكربونات.** وهو يشبه "النقطة الحلوة" لإنتاج النفط والغاز داخل مكمن معين.

فيما يلي تفصيل لما يشمل أفق الإنتاج:

  • العمق والمنطقة: يُحدد أفق الإنتاج بعمقه تحت سطح الأرض والتكوين الجيولوجي المحدد (مثل الحجر الرملي أو الحجر الجيري) الذي يتم استخراج الهيدروكربونات منه.
  • محتوى الهيدروكربونات: يجب أن يحتوي الأفق على احتياطيات كافية من النفط أو الغاز لجعل الإنتاج مجديًا من الناحية الاقتصادية.
  • خصائص المكمن: تؤثر خصائص أفق الإنتاج، مثل المسامية والنفاذية والضغط، بشكل مباشر على معدلات الإنتاج والكفاءة.
  • وضع بئر الحفر: يتم حفر بئر الحفر وإكماله بطريقة تستهدف أفق الإنتاج لتحقيق تدفق مثالي للهيدروكربونات.
  • معلمات الإنتاج: يتم مراقبة معدلات الإنتاج وتكوين السوائل والضغط عن كثب لمتابعة أداء أفق الإنتاج بمرور الوقت.

لماذا يعتبر أفق الإنتاج مهمًا جدًا؟

  • تحسين الإنتاج: يضمن تحديد أفق الإنتاج واستهدافه بدقة تحقيق أقصى استخلاص للهيدروكربونات من البئر.
  • إدارة المكمن: يسمح فهم أفق الإنتاج بتطبيق استراتيجيات فعالة لإدارة المكمن، بما في ذلك الحفاظ على الضغط وحقن المياه وتحفيز الآبار.
  • الفعالية من حيث التكلفة: يساعد التركيز على المناطق الأكثر إنتاجية في تقليل تكاليف الحفر والإكمال مع تحقيق أقصى قدر من الربحية.

التحديات المرتبطة بأفق الإنتاج:

  • عدم التجانس: غالبًا ما تكون تشكيلات المكمن غير متجانسة، مما يعني أن المناطق المنتجة قد تختلف في سمكها وجودتها.
  • الاستنزاف: مع مرور الوقت، ينخفض ضغط المكمن ومحتوى الهيدروكربونات، مما يتطلب تعديلات على استراتيجيات الإنتاج.
  • إنتاج المياه: مع استنزاف المكمن، يمكن أن يزداد إنتاج المياه، مما قد يؤثر على إنتاجية البئر.

مستقبل أفق الإنتاج:

تساعد التطورات التكنولوجية، مثل التصوير الزلزالي ثلاثي الأبعاد وتقنيات الحفر المتقدمة، على تحديد واستهداف أفقي الإنتاج بشكل أكثر دقة. يؤدي هذا إلى إنتاج أكثر كفاءة وتأثير بيئي أقل وتحسين استعادة الموارد.

في الختام، فإن فهم أفق الإنتاج أساسي لنجاح عمليات النفط والغاز. من خلال تحديد هذه المنطقة الحيوية واستهدافها وإدارتها بدقة، يمكن للشركات تحقيق أقصى عوائد وتحسين استخراج الموارد وضمان مستقبل مستدام للصناعة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding the Producing Horizon

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does the term "producing horizon" refer to in oil and gas production?

a) The depth at which drilling begins. b) The specific depth and zone where hydrocarbons are extracted. c) The total volume of oil and gas reserves in a reservoir. d) The area where the well is located on the surface.


The correct answer is **b) The specific depth and zone where hydrocarbons are extracted.**

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor considered when defining the producing horizon?

a) Hydrocarbon content b) Reservoir pressure c) Wellbore design d) Weather conditions


The correct answer is **d) Weather conditions.**

3. Why is accurate identification of the producing horizon important for oil and gas operations?

a) To ensure the well is drilled in the right location. b) To maximize hydrocarbon recovery and optimize production. c) To determine the size of the oil or gas reserves. d) To predict the future price of oil and gas.


The correct answer is **b) To maximize hydrocarbon recovery and optimize production.**

4. What is a major challenge associated with producing horizons?

a) The depth of the producing horizon is always difficult to determine. b) The producing horizon can be heterogeneous and vary in quality. c) The producing horizon is always located in a single, easily identifiable zone. d) The producing horizon is not affected by reservoir depletion.


The correct answer is **b) The producing horizon can be heterogeneous and vary in quality.**

5. How are advancements in technology impacting the future of producing horizons?

a) Making it harder to identify the producing horizon. b) Leading to less efficient production and resource recovery. c) Enabling more precise targeting and increased production efficiency. d) Increasing the cost of oil and gas production.


The correct answer is **c) Enabling more precise targeting and increased production efficiency.**

Exercise: The "Sweet Spot"

Scenario: An oil exploration company has identified a promising reservoir. They have conducted seismic surveys and gathered data, revealing several potential producing horizons within the reservoir.

Task: Based on the information below, which horizon do you recommend targeting for the initial production well? Explain your reasoning, considering the factors discussed in the text.


  • Horizon A: Located at a depth of 2,500 meters, with high porosity and permeability, but lower hydrocarbon saturation (estimated at 30%).
  • Horizon B: Located at a depth of 3,000 meters, with moderate porosity and permeability, and higher hydrocarbon saturation (estimated at 55%).
  • Horizon C: Located at a depth of 3,500 meters, with very high porosity and permeability, but extremely low hydrocarbon saturation (estimated at 10%).

Exercice Correction

The best option for the initial production well is **Horizon B**. Here's why:

  • **Higher Hydrocarbon Saturation:** Horizon B offers the highest hydrocarbon saturation (55%) compared to the other horizons. This means a higher concentration of oil or gas in the reservoir, making it more economically viable for production.
  • **Balance of Porosity and Permeability:** While not as high as Horizon A or C, Horizon B has a moderate level of porosity and permeability, allowing for reasonable fluid flow and production rates.
  • **Depth Considerations:** Horizon B is at a greater depth than Horizon A but shallower than Horizon C. This balance allows for efficient drilling and completion while still accessing a productive zone.

While Horizon A has higher porosity and permeability, the lower hydrocarbon saturation might make it less profitable in the long run. Horizon C, despite its high porosity and permeability, has extremely low hydrocarbon saturation, making it a less desirable target for initial production.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practices by J.J. A. Martens and A. L. K. K. Kempers (Covers reservoir characterization, well design, and production optimization, including aspects related to producing horizons)
  • Reservoir Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed (Provides in-depth coverage of reservoir characterization, fluid flow, and well performance analysis, all relevant to understanding producing horizons)
  • Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering by L.P. Dake (A comprehensive introduction to reservoir engineering concepts, including reservoir description, fluid flow, and well testing, which are essential for understanding producing horizons)
  • Petroleum Geology by M.T. Halbouty (Provides a strong foundation in geological principles relevant to hydrocarbon exploration and production, including the identification of productive zones)


  • "Producing Horizon Analysis and Optimization: A Case Study" by [Author Name] - Search for articles published in industry journals like SPE Journal, Petroleum Science and Technology, or Journal of Petroleum Technology. These often contain specific case studies related to producing horizons.
  • "Challenges and Opportunities in Horizontal Well Development in Shale Reservoirs" by [Author Name] - Articles focusing on shale reservoirs, which are often characterized by complex producing horizons, can offer insights into targeting and managing these zones.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This professional organization offers a vast library of technical papers, webinars, and events related to all aspects of oil and gas production, including producing horizons. (https://www.spe.org/)
  • OnePetro: A comprehensive online platform with thousands of technical documents and research papers related to oil and gas exploration and production. (https://onepetro.org/)
  • Schlumberger: This oilfield services company provides extensive technical resources and case studies related to reservoir characterization, well completion, and production optimization. (https://www.slb.com/)
  • Halliburton: Similar to Schlumberger, Halliburton offers technical resources and publications on various aspects of oil and gas production, including producing horizon analysis. (https://www.halliburton.com/)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "producing horizon," "reservoir characterization," "well completion," "production optimization," "shale reservoir," and "horizontal well" to narrow down your search results.
  • Combine keywords with specific geographic locations or geological formations to target relevant information.
  • Use quotation marks around phrases to find exact matches for those terms.
  • Include filters like "filetype:pdf" or "site:.edu" to refine your search.
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