معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: Kelly Cock

Kelly Cock

صمام كيلي: عنصر حيوي في عمليات الحفر

قد يبدو مصطلح "صمام كيلي" غير مألوف، لكنه في الواقع جزء أساسي من عملية الحفر. هذا النوع المحدد من الصمامات هو عنصر لا غنى عنه في "كيلي"، وهو عنصر أساسي في نظام منصة الحفر.

ما هو كيلي؟

"كيلي"، المعروف أيضًا باسم "بوش كيلي"، هو قطعة أسطوانية من المعدات تربط محرك الدفع العلوي أو طاولة الدوران بسلسلة الحفر. هذا الارتباط ضروري لنقل الطاقة الدورانية من منصة الحفر إلى مثقاب الحفر.

دور صمام كيلي:

صمام كيلي، وهو صمام موجود على كيلي، يؤدي وظيفة حيوية في عملية الحفر. يعمل كآلية تحكم لسائل الحفر، الذي يتم تداوله عبر سلسلة الحفر لتزييت المثقاب، وإزالة القطع، والحفاظ على ضغط بئر الحفر.

فيما يلي تحليل لوظائف صمام كيلي الأساسية:

  • التحكم في دوران السوائل: ينظم صمام كيلي تدفق سائل الحفر إلى بئر الحفر. يسمح هذا بعمليات حفر فعالة ويمنع فقدان السوائل غير المرغوب فيه.
  • إدارة الضغط: من خلال التحكم في تدفق السوائل، يساعد صمام كيلي في الحفاظ على الضغط داخل بئر الحفر. يمنع هذا عدم استقرار بئر الحفر واحتمالية حدوث الانفجارات.
  • أخذ عينات من سائل الحفر: يسمح الصمام للمشغلين بأخذ عينات من سائل الحفر لتحليلها. هذه البيانات ضرورية لتحسين عملية الحفر وضمان استقرار بئر الحفر.

أنواع صمامات كيلي:

توجد العديد من أنواع صمامات كيلي، لكل منها تصميمه وخصائصه التشغيلية الخاصة. تشمل الأنواع الشائعة:

  • صمام كيلي الدوار: يستخدم هذا النوع عادةً في عمليات الحفر الدورانية ويحتوي على صمام بسيط يُشغل يدويًا.
  • صمام كيلي لمحرك الدفع العلوي: تم تصميمه للاستخدام مع أنظمة حفر الدفع العلوي، غالبًا ما يدمج هذا النوع صمامًا يُشغل هيدروليكيًا لمزيد من التحكم.

أهمية صمام كيلي:

صمام كيلي هو ميزة أمان أساسية وعنصر حيوي لعمليات الحفر الفعالة. إن الصيانة السليمة ووظيفة هذا الصمام ضرورية لضمان سلامة الحفر والإنتاجية.


على الرغم من أن مصطلح "صمام كيلي" قد يبدو غير مألوف، إلا أنه يشير إلى صمام حيوي داخل عملية الحفر. دوره في تنظيم تدفق السوائل وإدارة الضغط والسماح بأخذ العينات يجعله عنصرًا أساسيًا لعمليات الحفر الآمنة والفعالة. إن فهم وظيفته ضروري لأي شخص يعمل في صناعة النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Kelly Cock Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Kelly Cock?

a) Connecting the drill string to the rotary table.


Incorrect. This is the function of the Kelly, not the Kelly Cock.

b) Regulating the flow of drilling fluid.


Correct! The Kelly Cock controls the flow of drilling fluid into the wellbore.

c) Providing rotational power to the drill bit.


Incorrect. This is the function of the top drive or rotary table.

d) Supporting the weight of the drill string.


Incorrect. This is the function of the drilling rig's substructure.

2. What is NOT a function of the Kelly Cock?

a) Pressure management within the wellbore.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock helps maintain pressure within the wellbore.

b) Sampling drilling fluid for analysis.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock allows for drilling fluid sampling.

c) Providing lubrication to the drill bit.


Correct! The drilling fluid itself lubricates the bit, not the Kelly Cock.

d) Controlling the rate of penetration.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock indirectly influences the rate of penetration by controlling fluid flow.

3. Which type of Kelly Cock is typically used with top drive drilling systems?

a) Rotary Kelly Cock.


Incorrect. Rotary Kelly Cocks are used with rotary drilling systems.

b) Top Drive Kelly Cock.


Correct! Top Drive Kelly Cocks are specifically designed for top drive systems.

c) Hydraulic Kelly Cock.


Incorrect. While some Top Drive Kelly Cocks use hydraulics, this is not a separate type.

d) Manual Kelly Cock.


Incorrect. Manual Kelly Cocks are usually associated with rotary drilling systems.

4. What is the significance of the Kelly Cock in drilling operations?

a) It is a purely decorative component.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock has a critical role in drilling operations.

b) It is essential for drilling safety and efficiency.


Correct! Proper Kelly Cock function is crucial for both drilling safety and productivity.

c) It is only used in specific drilling environments.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock is a standard component in most drilling operations.

d) It is a recent innovation in drilling technology.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock has been a vital part of drilling operations for decades.

5. Which of the following is NOT a reason why maintaining a functional Kelly Cock is important?

a) Preventing fluid loss from the wellbore.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock helps control fluid flow and prevent loss.

b) Ensuring accurate drilling fluid analysis.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock allows for drilling fluid sampling.

c) Preventing blowouts.


Incorrect. The Kelly Cock helps maintain pressure and prevent blowouts.

d) Increasing the rate of penetration.


Correct! While the Kelly Cock indirectly influences the rate of penetration by controlling fluid flow, its primary function is not to increase drilling speed.

Kelly Cock Exercise:


You are a drilling supervisor on a rig using a top drive system. The drill string is stuck, and you suspect it's due to a problem with the Kelly Cock.


  1. Identify three possible causes for the stuck drill string related to the Kelly Cock.
  2. Explain how each cause could lead to the drill string getting stuck.
  3. Describe the steps you would take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue.

Exercice Correction

Here's a possible solution:

1. Possible Causes:

  • Kelly Cock Valve Stuck Closed: The Kelly Cock valve may be stuck in the closed position, preventing the flow of drilling fluid and creating a pressure differential between the wellbore and the drill string, leading to the string becoming stuck.
  • Kelly Cock Valve Not Fully Open: The valve may not be completely open, restricting fluid flow and causing a build-up of pressure above the stuck point.
  • Kelly Cock Internal Damage: There may be damage or debris within the Kelly Cock valve itself, obstructing fluid flow and causing pressure build-up.

2. How Each Cause Leads to Stuck Drill String:

  • Stuck Closed: When the valve is closed, fluid pressure in the wellbore can build up, pressing the drill string against the walls and causing it to get stuck.
  • Not Fully Open: Restricted fluid flow creates a pressure difference between the wellbore and the annulus, leading to pressure build-up and potential sticking.
  • Internal Damage: The obstruction in the valve creates a blockage, preventing fluid circulation and leading to pressure build-up and sticking.

3. Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Check for Proper Valve Operation: Verify that the Kelly Cock valve is open and operates smoothly. This may involve manually opening and closing the valve, ensuring it moves freely.
  • Check for Pressure Build-Up: Monitor the pressure gauge on the mud pump and compare it to the pressure in the wellbore to determine if there is a pressure difference.
  • Inspect for Damage: Visually inspect the Kelly Cock for signs of damage or debris.
  • Attempt to Flush the Valve: Try to flush the Kelly Cock with fluid to clear any obstructions.
  • Replace the Valve (If Necessary): If damage is suspected, replace the Kelly Cock with a new one.

Note: This is a simplified exercise. A real-world situation would require further investigation and potentially involve specialists. It's important to follow proper safety procedures and adhere to the rig's emergency procedures when dealing with stuck drill strings.


  • Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions by John Lee
  • Drilling Engineering: Principles, Practices and Applications by M.K. Chatterjee
  • Modern Drilling Fluids by Robert F. Mitchell


  • Drilling Fluid Systems and Practices by SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
  • Drilling Basics: The Anatomy of a Drilling Rig by Schlumberger
  • Understanding Drilling Fluid and Its Importance by Oilfield Technology

Online Resources

  • SPE website: https://www.spe.org/
  • Schlumberger website: https://www.slb.com/
  • Oilfield Technology website: https://www.oilfieldtechnology.com/

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Kelly Bushing", "Drilling Rig Components", "Drilling Fluid Control Valves".
  • Include keywords related to drilling operations, like "rotary drilling", "top drive drilling".
  • Use "site:" to specify websites, like "site:spe.org drilling fluid".
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