هندسة المكامن

Fracture Packing

تعبئة الكسور: تقنية قوية للتحكم في الرمل لتحسين إنتاج النفط والغاز

تعبئة الكسور هي تقنية متخصصة للتحكم في الرمل مصممة لتعزيز إنتاج النفط والغاز من التكوينات المعرضة لإنتاج الرمل. تجمع هذه التقنية بين عنصرين رئيسيين: معالجة الكسور والتعبئة بشبكة وحصى. ويعالج هذا النهج التآزري تحديات تحفيز الخزان وسلامة بئر النفط، مما يزيد من الإنتاج مع تقليل دخول الرمل.

كيف تعمل:

  1. معالجة الكسور: تبدأ العملية بمعالجة الكسور، وعادة ما تكون "كسور قاع الشاشة". يتضمن ذلك حقن خليط سائل عالي الضغط في التكوين، مما يؤدي إلى إنشاء كسر هيدروليكي يعزز نفاذية الخزان ويسمح بزيادة الإنتاج. يتم تصميم الكسر ليتمدد إلى عمق معين، وغالبا ما يصل إلى الحدود الطبيعية للتكوين، مما يضمن الاتصال الأمثل بالخزان.
  2. التعبئة بشبكة وحصى: بعد إنشاء الكسر، يتم نشر شبكة وحصى. يتم تثبيت بطانة ذات فتحات (شبكة) داخل بئر النفط، وتعمل كمرشح لمنع الرمل من الدخول إلى أنبوب الإنتاج. ثم يتم تعبئة هذه الشبكة بحصى بحجم محدد بعناية، مما يخلق منطقة مستقرة حول بئر النفط. يعمل الحصى كحاجز يمنع الرمل من الهجرة إلى الشبكة وعرقلة الإنتاج.

المزايا الرئيسية:

  • تحسين الإنتاج: تزيد تعبئة الكسور بشكل كبير من الإنتاج عن طريق إنشاء مساحة اتصال أكبر مع الخزان من خلال الكسر وتقليل إنتاج الرمل.
  • سلامة بئر النفط: تمنع الشبكة والحصى بشكل فعال الرمل من الدخول إلى بئر النفط، مما يطيل عمره ويقلل من تكاليف التشغيل.
  • سعة تدفق عالية: يوفر مزيج الكسر وحصى المفتوح سعة تدفق عالية، مما يسمح باستخلاص النفط والغاز بكفاءة.
  • الفعالية من حيث التكلفة: على الرغم من أن تعبئة الكسور أكثر تعقيدًا في البداية من تقنيات التحكم في الرمل القياسية، إلا أنها أثبتت أنها فعالة من حيث التكلفة على المدى الطويل، وذلك بفضل زيادة الإنتاج وتقليل تكاليف الصيانة.


تعتبر تعبئة الكسور مفيدة بشكل خاص في:

  • التكوينات غير المتماسكة: التكوينات ذات مقاومة الرمل المنخفضة، والتي تتعرض لإنتاج الرمل.
  • خزانات متشققة: الخزانات التي تستفيد من الكسر الهيدروليكي لتعزيز النفاذية.
  • الآبار ذات الضغط العالي وسرعة التدفق العالية: الآبار التي لديها إمكانات عالية لإنتاج الرمل.


  • التصميم والتطبيق المعقد: تتطلب العملية تصميمًا وتنفيذًا دقيقًا، وتشمل مراحل متعددة ومعدات متخصصة.
  • استثمار باهظ: يمكن أن يكون الاستثمار الأولي لتعبئة الكسور كبيرًا، ويتطلب تخطيطًا متقدمًا وتخصيصًا للميزانية.


تعبئة الكسور هي تقنية قوية للتحكم في الرمل تجمع بين مزايا تحفيز الكسور والشبكة والحصى. تجعلها قدرتها على تعظيم الإنتاج مع ضمان سلامة بئر النفط أداة قيّمة لتحسين استخلاص النفط والغاز في ظروف الخزان الصعبة. ومع ذلك، فإن التخطيط الدقيق والتصميم الدقيق والخبرة ضرورية لتنفيذ ناجح.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz on Fracture Packing:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of fracture packing?

a) To enhance wellbore integrity and prevent sand production. b) To stimulate the reservoir and increase permeability. c) To isolate the wellbore from the reservoir. d) Both a) and b)


d) Both a) and b)

2. Which of the following is NOT a key advantage of fracture packing?

a) Enhanced production b) Improved wellbore integrity c) Increased drilling time d) High-flow capacity


c) Increased drilling time

3. What is the role of the gravel pack in fracture packing?

a) To enhance the fracture network. b) To act as a filter and prevent sand from entering the wellbore. c) To provide a pathway for the produced fluids. d) To stabilize the wellbore and prevent collapse.


b) To act as a filter and prevent sand from entering the wellbore.

4. In which type of formation is fracture packing particularly beneficial?

a) Consolidated formations with high sand strength. b) Unconsolidated formations with low sand strength. c) Formations with low permeability. d) Formations with a high water content.


b) Unconsolidated formations with low sand strength.

5. What is a major challenge associated with fracture packing?

a) The need for specialized equipment. b) The complexity of the design and implementation process. c) The high initial investment costs. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise on Fracture Packing:

Scenario: You are an engineer tasked with evaluating the feasibility of using fracture packing in a new well targeting an unconsolidated sandstone reservoir. The well is expected to produce at high rates, and the reservoir is known to have a high potential for sand production.


  1. List the potential advantages of using fracture packing in this specific scenario.
  2. Identify the potential challenges and risks associated with fracture packing in this scenario.
  3. Based on your evaluation, recommend whether fracture packing is a suitable technique for this well. Justify your recommendation.

Exercice Correction

**Advantages:** * Enhanced production: The fracture will increase the contact area with the reservoir, leading to higher production rates. * Reduced sand production: The gravel pack will effectively prevent sand from entering the wellbore, ensuring long-term production without sand-related issues. * High-flow capacity: The combined effect of the fracture and the open gravel pack will allow for efficient fluid flow and production. **Challenges and Risks:** * Complex design and implementation: This technique requires specialized expertise and equipment, which can increase the cost and complexity of the operation. * High initial investment: The initial costs associated with fracture packing can be significant. * Potential for fracture closure: In some cases, the fracture may close after a period of time, reducing its effectiveness. **Recommendation:** Based on the advantages and challenges, fracture packing is likely a suitable technique for this well. The potential for high production rates and the risk of sand production make the benefits of fracture packing outweigh the challenges. However, careful planning and design are essential to minimize risks and ensure the success of the operation.


  • "Sand Control: Theory and Practice" by Robert A. Wattenbarger: A comprehensive text covering various sand control techniques, including fracture packing.
  • "Production Operations: A Practical Approach" by M.T. Edmister: Contains a chapter on well stimulation and sand control, discussing fracture packing applications.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers: A general reference book with detailed information on reservoir stimulation, sand control, and well completion practices.


  • "Fracture Packing: A Versatile Solution for Sand Control" by SPE: An article exploring the benefits and challenges of fracture packing in various reservoir environments.
  • "Field Application of Fracture Packing for High-Production Wells" by Oil & Gas Journal: A case study detailing the successful implementation of fracture packing in a specific field.
  • "Optimizing Fracture Packing Designs for Enhanced Production" by Journal of Petroleum Technology: A research paper focused on optimizing fracture packing designs for improved reservoir stimulation and sand control.

Online Resources

  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): Their website offers a wealth of information on oil and gas production, including technical papers, conferences, and training resources on fracture packing.
  • OnePetro: A platform providing access to technical publications, research articles, and industry reports related to fracture packing and sand control.
  • Schlumberger: This leading oilfield service company offers numerous resources and case studies on their website showcasing their experience with fracture packing technologies.
  • Halliburton: Another prominent oilfield service provider with detailed information on their website about fracture packing techniques and technologies.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Fracture packing," "sand control," "hydraulic fracturing," "gravel pack," "well completion," "reservoir stimulation."
  • Combine keywords with relevant phrases: "Fracture packing for tight gas," "Fracture packing design," "Challenges of fracture packing."
  • Use operators: "site:spe.org fracture packing," "site:schlumberger.com fracture packing."
  • Specify file type: "filetype:pdf fracture packing," "filetype:ppt fracture packing."


Fracture Packing: A Powerful Sand Control Technique for Enhanced Oil & Gas Production

Chapter 1: Techniques

Fracture packing is a specialized sand control technique that combines fracture stimulation with screen and gravel packing. It involves two key stages:

1. Fracture Treatment:

  • Hydraulic Fracturing: High-pressure fluid is injected into the formation, creating a hydraulic fracture that enhances permeability and increases production. This is typically a "tip screenout fracture" where the fracture extends to a specific depth, often reaching the reservoir's natural boundary.
  • Proppant Placement: Sand or ceramic proppants are injected within the fracture, maintaining the created pathways for long-term production.

2. Screen and Gravel Packing:

  • Screen Installation: A slotted liner (screen) is installed within the wellbore, acting as a filter to prevent sand from entering the production tubing.
  • Gravel Packing: The screen is then packed with carefully sized gravel, creating a stable zone around the wellbore and acting as a barrier against sand migration.

Various Techniques:

  • Open-hole Gravel Packing: The gravel pack is placed directly in the open hole, without a screen.
  • Screened Gravel Packing: A slotted liner (screen) is installed to filter the sand before it can reach the production tubing.
  • Underbalanced Gravel Packing: The gravel pack is placed under the wellbore hydrostatic pressure, allowing for better contact with the formation.
  • Overbalanced Gravel Packing: The gravel pack is placed under a higher pressure than the formation hydrostatic pressure, resulting in a tighter pack.


  • Enhanced production
  • Improved wellbore integrity
  • High-flow capacity
  • Cost-effectiveness

Chapter 2: Models

Understanding Reservoir Behavior:

  • Reservoir Simulation: Models are used to predict reservoir behavior under different conditions, including fracture packing scenarios. They help in optimizing fracture design and gravel pack parameters.
  • Sand Production Prediction: Models are used to estimate the potential for sand production based on formation properties and wellbore conditions.

Evaluating Fracture Packing Performance:

  • Production Data Analysis: Analysis of production data helps evaluate the effectiveness of fracture packing in terms of increased production and reduced sand production.
  • Downhole Monitoring: Downhole monitoring tools can provide real-time information about the fracture and gravel pack, helping to optimize performance.

Common Models:

  • Finite Element Analysis (FEA): Simulates the mechanical behavior of the formation and the fracture packing system.
  • Discrete Element Method (DEM): Models the interaction between particles, providing insights into gravel pack behavior.

Chapter 3: Software

Specialized Software for Fracture Packing Design and Analysis:

  • Fracture Modeling Software: Simulates fracture growth, proppant placement, and fluid flow within the fracture.
  • Gravel Packing Software: Designs gravel pack configurations, calculates packing pressure, and evaluates pack stability.
  • Reservoir Simulation Software: Models the behavior of the reservoir, including production and sand production.

Software Tools:

  • Frac Designer: Fracture modeling software for designing hydraulic fractures and simulating proppant placement.
  • GAP (Gravel Pack Analysis Program): Software for designing and analyzing gravel pack systems.
  • CMG (Computer Modeling Group): Reservoir simulation software for modeling complex reservoir behavior.

Software Capabilities:

  • Geometric Modeling: Create 3D models of the reservoir and wellbore.
  • Fluid Flow Simulation: Analyze the flow of fluids within the fracture and gravel pack.
  • Stress Analysis: Determine the stresses on the formation and wellbore during fracture packing.
  • Sand Production Prediction: Estimate the potential for sand production.
  • Production Optimization: Optimize well performance and maximize production.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Planning and Design:

  • Comprehensive Reservoir Characterization: Understand formation properties and potential for sand production.
  • Precise Fracture Design: Optimize fracture length, width, and proppant distribution.
  • Suitable Gravel Pack Design: Choose appropriate gravel size, screen type, and packing pressure.


  • Careful Monitoring: Monitor pressure, flow rates, and downhole conditions during the entire process.
  • Quality Control: Ensure proper placement of screen and gravel pack, minimizing voids and ensuring stability.
  • Post-Treatment Evaluation: Analyze production data and downhole information to evaluate the effectiveness of fracture packing.

Key Considerations:

  • Formation Properties: Sand strength, permeability, and pressure.
  • Wellbore Conditions: Wellbore diameter, depth, and flow rate.
  • Production Targets: Desired production rate and well life.
  • Economic Feasibility: Initial investment costs, potential production gains, and long-term maintenance requirements.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Successful Implementations:

  • Case Study 1: Enhanced production in a fractured reservoir with high sand production using a combination of hydraulic fracturing and screened gravel packing.
  • Case Study 2: Successful implementation of underbalanced gravel packing in a high-pressure well, minimizing sand production and improving wellbore integrity.
  • Case Study 3: Optimization of fracture packing design in a challenging formation, maximizing production while minimizing maintenance costs.

Challenges and Lessons Learned:

  • Case Study 4: Challenges encountered during fracture packing in a low-permeability formation, highlighting the importance of thorough pre-treatment planning and monitoring.
  • Case Study 5: Lessons learned from a failed gravel pack installation, emphasizing the importance of proper screen selection and packing pressure.

Analyzing Success Factors:

  • Effective reservoir characterization and wellbore analysis
  • Precise fracture design and proppant placement
  • Optimal gravel pack design and installation
  • Continuous monitoring and post-treatment evaluation


Fracture packing case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of this sand control technique in enhancing oil and gas production from challenging formations. However, careful planning, meticulous execution, and continuous monitoring are crucial for successful implementation.

مصطلحات مشابهة
هندسة المكامنالحفر واستكمال الآبارإدارة سلامة الأصولالجيولوجيا والاستكشافمعالجة النفط والغاز


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