الحفر واستكمال الآبار

Drillstem Test or DST

كشف أسرار الأعماق: اختبارات ساق الحفر (DSTs) في استكشاف النفط والغاز

في عالم استكشاف النفط والغاز، فإن العثور على وتقييم الخزانات المحتملة عملية معقدة ودقيقة. وتُعد اختبارات ساق الحفر (DSTs) أداة أساسية في هذا المسعى، فهي إجراء مصمم لجمع معلومات قيّمة حول منطقة الدفع المكتشفة حديثًا أثناء الحفر. ستتناول هذه المقالة تفاصيل اختبارات ساق الحفر، موضحة الغرض منها، وخطوات تنفيذها، والرؤى القيّمة التي تقدمها.

ما هي اختبارات ساق الحفر (DSTs)؟

اختبار ساق الحفر هو اختبار إنتاج مُتحكم به يتم إجراؤه على جزء من منطقة الدفع بينما لا تزال ساق الحفر في مكانها. يتضمن عزل منطقة الهدف باستخدام عبوات وأبواب أسفل الأرض، مما يسمح بإنتاج محدود للسوائل في غرفة تتشكل من أنبوب الحفر. تعمل هذه الغرفة كخزان مؤقت، مما يسمح بقياس الضغط، وتحليل السوائل المنتجة، ومراقبة معدلات الإنتاج.

غرض اختبارات ساق الحفر (DSTs):

  • قياس ضغط الخزان: توفر اختبارات ساق الحفر بيانات حيوية عن ضغط الخزان، والتي تساعد في تحديد الإنتاجية المحتملة للبئر.
  • أخذ عينات من السوائل: يُمكن تحليل السوائل المنتجة (النفط، الغاز، أو الماء) ليُمكن الجيولوجيين من فهم تركيبها، وجودتها، وخصائصها.
  • تقييم معدل الإنتاج: قياس معدل تدفق السوائل يُقدم مؤشراً أولياً لإنتاجية البئر.
  • دراسات النضوب: من خلال مراقبة الضغط والإنتاج بمرور الوقت، يمكن لاختبارات ساق الحفر أن توفر رؤى حول سلوك نضوب الخزان.
  • تصميم إكمال البئر: تُساهم بيانات اختبارات ساق الحفر في تصميم إكمال البئر، ضمان الإنتاج بكفاءة وتقليل المخاطر.

خطوات اختبارات ساق الحفر (DSTs):

  1. العزل: يتم عزل منطقة الهدف باستخدام عبوات، وهي معدات متخصصة تُوضع في بئر لإغلاق أقسام مختلفة.
  2. إنتاج السوائل: يتم فتح صمام أسفل الأرض، مما يسمح لسوائل الخزان بالتدفق إلى غرفة أنبوب الحفر.
  3. جمع البيانات: تُسجل مقاييس الضغط تغيرات الضغط، و يتم قياس معدلات الإنتاج. يتم جمع عينات من السوائل المنتجة.
  4. التحليل: يتم تحليل البيانات و العينات المجمّعة في مختبر لفهم خصائص الخزان.
  5. تصميم الإكمال: بناءً على نتائج اختبارات ساق الحفر، يتم اتخاذ القرارات حول تصميم إكمال البئر، بما في ذلك نوع المعدات وإستراتيجية الإنتاج.

فوائد اختبارات ساق الحفر (DSTs):

  • تقييم الخزان المبكر: توفر اختبارات ساق الحفر معلومات قيّمة حول إمكانات الخزان أثناء الحفر مازال مستمرًا، مما يُمكن من اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة حول تطوير البئر في المستقبل.
  • التقييم الاقتصادي: مقارنة باختبارات الإنتاج الكاملة، تُعد اختبارات ساق الحفر طريقة أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة لجمع معلومات أولية.
  • التقليل من المخاطر: توفر اختبارات ساق الحفر بيانات حاسمة لتحسين تصميم إكمال البئر، وتقليل مخاطر مشاكل الإنتاج.


تُعد اختبارات ساق الحفر أداة أساسية في عملية استكشاف النفط والغاز. من خلال توفير رؤى حاسمة حول خصائص الخزان، وإمكانات الإنتاج، وخصائص السوائل، تُمكن اختبارات ساق الحفر من اتخاذ قرارات مدروسة وتُساهم في التطوير الناجح لحقول النفط والغاز. ويُؤكد دورها في تحسين تصميم إكمال البئر وتقليل المخاطر على أهميتها كجزء حيوي من عملية الاستكشاف والإنتاج.

Test Your Knowledge

Drillstem Tests (DSTs) Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Drillstem Test (DST)? a) To permanently extract oil and gas from a well. b) To collect information about a potential reservoir while drilling. c) To measure the depth of a well. d) To stimulate oil and gas production in a well.


b) To collect information about a potential reservoir while drilling.

2. How are reservoir fluids isolated during a DST? a) Using a specialized drilling bit. b) By injecting a high-pressure fluid. c) By using downhole packers and valves. d) By temporarily stopping the drilling operation.


c) By using downhole packers and valves.

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of conducting a DST? a) Early reservoir evaluation. b) Cost-effective assessment. c) Reduced risk of production problems. d) Eliminating the need for further exploration.


d) Eliminating the need for further exploration.

4. What type of data is collected during a DST? a) Only pressure data. b) Only fluid samples. c) Pressure, flow rate, and fluid samples. d) Only wellbore temperature data.


c) Pressure, flow rate, and fluid samples.

5. DST data helps in: a) Determining the best drilling trajectory. b) Designing well completions to optimize production. c) Predicting the exact amount of oil and gas in a reservoir. d) Eliminating the need for further production testing.


b) Designing well completions to optimize production.

Drillstem Tests (DSTs) Exercise


A newly discovered reservoir is being evaluated using a Drillstem Test. The following data is collected:

  • Reservoir Pressure: 2500 psi
  • Production Rate: 100 barrels of oil per day
  • Fluid Samples: Show a high oil content and low water content.


Based on the provided data, what conclusions can you draw about the reservoir and what implications might this have for future development?

Exercice Correction

The high reservoir pressure and oil production rate suggest a potentially productive reservoir. The high oil content and low water content in the fluid samples indicate a good oil quality. This data suggests that the reservoir is likely to be economically viable and that further development efforts, such as drilling additional wells, are justified. The specific production strategy and completion design should be tailored to the reservoir's characteristics based on the DST data.


  • "Petroleum Engineering: Drilling and Well Completions" by M.E. Latil: This comprehensive text covers all aspects of drilling and well completion, including DSTs.
  • "Oil and Gas Production Handbook" by F.W. Jessen: This handbook provides a thorough understanding of production technologies, including DST procedures and data analysis.
  • "Reservoir Engineering Handbook" by T.D. Ramey: This book covers reservoir characterization and management, including the role of DSTs in understanding reservoir behavior.


  • "Drillstem Testing: A Comprehensive Guide" by Schlumberger: This article offers a detailed explanation of DST principles, procedures, and applications.
  • "The Application of Drillstem Tests in Reservoir Characterization" by SPE: This paper examines the use of DST data for reservoir modeling and production forecasting.
  • "Optimizing Drillstem Test Design for Improved Reservoir Evaluation" by JPT: This journal article discusses techniques to enhance DST efficiency and accuracy.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website provides a wealth of information on DSTs, including technical papers, presentations, and industry news.
  • Schlumberger: Schlumberger's website offers detailed information on their DST services, technology, and case studies.
  • Baker Hughes: Baker Hughes provides comprehensive information on their DST services, including equipment, design, and data analysis.

Search Tips

  • Use specific search terms like "drillstem test," "DST," "reservoir evaluation," "well testing," "production testing."
  • Combine search terms with specific keywords like "drillstem test design," "DST data analysis," "drillstem test interpretation."
  • Use quotation marks to search for exact phrases, e.g. "drillstem test procedures."
  • Explore advanced search operators like "site:spe.org" to limit your search to specific websites.


Chapter 1: Techniques

Drillstem Test (DST) Techniques: A Comprehensive Overview

This chapter delves into the various techniques used to execute a DST, explaining the intricacies of equipment, procedures, and the importance of meticulous execution for reliable results.

1.1 DST Equipment:

  • Packers: These are essential components for isolating the target zone. They come in different types, including mechanical packers, inflatable packers, and hydraulic packers, each suited for specific well conditions.
  • Downhole Valves: These valves control the flow of reservoir fluids into the drill pipe chamber. Various valve configurations exist, including single-point valves, multi-point valves, and variable-choke valves, offering flexibility in controlling production rates.
  • Pressure Gauges: Accurate pressure measurement is crucial for DST analysis. Modern DST tools incorporate high-precision pressure gauges, capable of capturing fluctuations in pressure throughout the test.
  • Fluid Sampling Equipment: Specialized equipment is used to collect samples of the produced fluids. This can include downhole sampling vessels, separators, and filtration systems, ensuring accurate representation of the reservoir fluid composition.
  • Wireline Tools: These tools are used to deploy, retrieve, and monitor DST equipment. They are crucial for accessing and manipulating components within the wellbore.

1.2 DST Procedures:

  • Setting the Packers: Packers are carefully placed in the wellbore, sealing off the target zone from the surrounding formations. The choice of packer type and placement depends on wellbore conditions, reservoir pressure, and the desired test objectives.
  • Pressure Build-Up: Once the packers are set, pressure is allowed to build in the isolated zone, allowing for pressure drawdown studies and analysis of reservoir fluid properties.
  • Fluid Production: The downhole valve is opened, enabling reservoir fluids to flow into the drill pipe chamber. Production rates are carefully monitored and recorded using surface flow meters and pressure gauges.
  • Data Acquisition and Analysis: Pressure and flow rate data are continuously recorded throughout the test, providing insights into reservoir behavior. Samples of the produced fluids are collected and analyzed to understand their composition and properties.
  • DST Completion and Retrieval: After the desired test duration, the valve is closed, and the packers are retrieved. The gathered data are then analyzed, and decisions are made regarding well completion design and future production strategies.

1.3 Importance of Accurate Execution:

DSTs are highly sensitive procedures requiring meticulous execution to ensure reliable results. Factors impacting the accuracy of DSTs include:

  • Equipment Calibration and Maintenance: Proper calibration and regular maintenance of equipment are crucial for accurate pressure and flow rate measurements.
  • Proper Packers Placement and Sealing: Ensuring that packers are correctly placed and effectively seal off the target zone is essential for accurate reservoir pressure and fluid production data.
  • Accurate Data Acquisition and Analysis: Reliable data acquisition and thorough analysis are crucial for interpreting the results and drawing meaningful conclusions about the reservoir's characteristics.

1.4 DST Variations:

Different DST variations are used in the field to address specific well conditions or objectives. These variations include:

  • Single-Point DST: A single-point DST is used to assess the productivity of a single zone within the wellbore.
  • Multi-Point DST: Multiple points within the wellbore are isolated and tested independently to evaluate the productivity of different zones.
  • Flowback DST: This variation is used to measure the flowback of formation fluids after acidizing or stimulation treatments, evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment.


Understanding the various DST techniques, equipment, and procedures is crucial for conducting successful tests and obtaining reliable data. This chapter provided a comprehensive overview of the techniques employed in DSTs, highlighting the importance of accurate execution and meticulous data analysis for extracting valuable insights from these complex procedures.

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