معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Project Planning & Scheduling: Contingent Resources

Contingent Resources

الموارد المحتملة: الإمكانات الكامنة في النفط والغاز

في عالم النفط والغاز، تمثل "الموارد" إجمالي كمية الهيدروكربونات الموجودة في الأرض بشكل محتمل. تُصنف هذه الموارد بناءً على احتمال استخلاصها. بينما تُعد الاحتياطيات المؤكدة أساس أي شركة نفط وغاز، هناك فئة مهمة أخرى: **الموارد المحتملة**.

**ما هي الموارد المحتملة؟**

الموارد المحتملة هي الهيدروكربونات التي **يُقدر أن تكون قابلة للاستخلاص من تراكمات معروفة**، لكنها **ليست قابلة للاستخلاص تجارياً في الوقت الحالي**. وهذا يعني أنه على الرغم من وجود فرصة معقولة لاستخلاصها، إلا أن بعض العوامل تمنع إنتاجها حاليًا. وتشمل هذه العوامل:

  • **القيود التقنية:** قد لا تكون التكنولوجيا لازمة لاستخلاص هذه الموارد متاحة بعد أو فعالة من حيث التكلفة.
  • **القيود الاقتصادية:** قد تؤدي ظروف السوق الحالية أو تكاليف التطوير المرتفعة إلى جعل الاستخلاص غير مربح.
  • **المسائل التنظيمية:** قد تعيق التراخيص أو اللوائح البيئية التطوير.

**إمكانات الموارد المحتملة:**

تمثل الموارد المحتملة فرصة مهمة لشركات النفط والغاز. فبينما ليست قابلة للاستغلال تجارياً في الوقت الحالي، إلا أنها تحتوي على إمكانية أن تصبح أصولاً قيّمة في المستقبل. مع تقدم التكنولوجيا وتغير ظروف السوق أو التغيرات في اللوائح، قد تصبح هذه الموارد مُربحة تجارياً.

**أمثلة على الموارد المحتملة:**

  • **النفط والغاز الصخري:** تُحجز هذه الموارد في تشكيلات صخرية كثيفة، مما يتطلب تقنيات استخلاص متقدمة.
  • **الرواسب في المياه العميقة:** يشكل الحفر في المياه العميقة تحديات تقنية ومالية كبيرة.
  • **الموارد غير التقليدية:** تُعد الموارد مثل غاز الصخر ورمال النفط تُعد موارد تتطلب تكنولوجيات متخصصة وتواجه غالباً مخاوف بيئية.

**فهم أهمية الموارد المحتملة:**

  • **الإمكانات المستقبلية:** يمكن أن تُقدم الموارد المحتملة رؤى قيّمة حول إمكانات الإنتاج في المستقبل.
  • **التخطيط الاستراتيجي:** يمكن للشركات استخدام هذه المعلومات لتطوير خطط طويلة الأجل لتطوير الموارد.
  • **فرص الاستثمار:** يمكن للموارد المحتملة أن تجذب الاستثمارات، خاصة مع تقدم التكنولوجيا و تحسن ظروف السوق.

**الموارد المحتملة عنصر ديناميكي في صناعة النفط والغاز**. إنها تمثل إمكانات كامنة تنتظر أن تُطلق بفضل التقدم في التكنولوجيا و ظروف السوق المواتية وتطور اللوائح. يفهم شركات النفط والغاز خصائصها وإمكاناتها السماح لها باتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة حول تطوير الموارد في المستقبل وضمان الاستدامة على المدى الطويل.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Contingent Resources

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following BEST describes Contingent Resources?

a) Proven reserves that are currently being extracted. b) Hydrocarbons that are estimated to be recoverable but are not currently commercially viable. c) Resources that are not yet discovered. d) Resources that are too costly to extract.


b) Hydrocarbons that are estimated to be recoverable but are not currently commercially viable.

2. What is NOT a factor that can prevent Contingent Resources from being commercially viable?

a) Technological limitations. b) High demand for the resource. c) Economic constraints. d) Regulatory issues.


b) High demand for the resource.

3. Which of the following is an example of a Contingent Resource?

a) Proven reserves of crude oil in a mature oil field. b) Shale gas deposits requiring advanced drilling techniques. c) Natural gas being extracted from a well that has been in production for 20 years. d) A newly discovered oil field with readily accessible reserves.


b) Shale gas deposits requiring advanced drilling techniques.

4. What is a potential benefit of understanding Contingent Resources?

a) It allows companies to focus solely on immediate profits. b) It provides insights into future production possibilities. c) It eliminates the need for long-term planning. d) It guarantees the profitability of all resource development projects.


b) It provides insights into future production possibilities.

5. Which statement is TRUE regarding Contingent Resources?

a) They are always unprofitable and will never become commercially viable. b) They are a static element in the oil and gas industry and do not change over time. c) Their potential can be unlocked by advancements in technology, market conditions, and regulations. d) They are more valuable than proven reserves due to their uncertainty.


c) Their potential can be unlocked by advancements in technology, market conditions, and regulations.

Exercise: Contingent Resource Assessment

Scenario: An oil company has discovered a potentially large oil deposit in a remote location. However, the deposit is located in a challenging environment, with limited infrastructure and strict environmental regulations. The company needs to assess the potential of this deposit and decide whether to invest in its development.


  1. Identify the key factors that would influence the classification of this oil deposit as a Contingent Resource.
  2. Suggest potential actions the company could take to increase the likelihood of this deposit becoming commercially viable.
  3. Discuss the risks and uncertainties associated with investing in Contingent Resources.

Exercice Correction

**1. Key factors influencing classification as a Contingent Resource:** * **Technical challenges:** The remote location and challenging environment would likely require advanced drilling and extraction technologies, potentially increasing costs and risks. * **Infrastructure limitations:** Limited infrastructure in the area might pose challenges in transporting oil and supporting operations. * **Environmental regulations:** Strict regulations could impose significant development constraints and add to the costs. * **Economic feasibility:** The high development costs and uncertain regulatory landscape could make the project economically unviable in the current market conditions. **2. Actions to increase likelihood of commercial viability:** * **Technological advancements:** Invest in research and development to improve drilling and extraction techniques for challenging environments. * **Infrastructure development:** Collaborate with local authorities to develop necessary infrastructure, such as pipelines and roads. * **Environmental mitigation:** Implement rigorous environmental monitoring and mitigation measures to ensure compliance with regulations. * **Market analysis:** Continuously monitor oil prices and market trends to determine the optimal time for development. * **Partnerships:** Seek strategic partnerships with companies with expertise in remote development, infrastructure, or environmental compliance. **3. Risks and uncertainties associated with investing in Contingent Resources:** * **Technological uncertainty:** Unforeseen technical challenges could delay or halt development. * **Regulatory uncertainty:** Changes in environmental regulations could increase costs or prevent development. * **Market volatility:** Fluctuations in oil prices could make the project unprofitable. * **Financial risk:** High upfront investment and potentially long payback period. * **Environmental risks:** Unforeseen environmental impacts could lead to legal disputes and reputational damage.


  • "Petroleum Resources Management System" by SPE: Provides comprehensive information on classification and evaluation of petroleum resources, including contingent resources. https://www.spe.org/
  • "Petroleum Geoscience" by AAPG: Covers various aspects of petroleum geology, including the evaluation and assessment of different resource types, including contingent resources. https://www.aapg.org/
  • "Oil & Gas Exploration & Production: A Technical Guide" by Elsevier: This book provides a detailed overview of the exploration and production processes, touching on the evaluation and management of contingent resources. https://www.elsevier.com/


  • "Contingent Resources: The Hidden Potential in Oil & Gas" by [Your Name]: (This article) This piece provides a comprehensive overview of contingent resources and their importance in the industry.
  • "Contingent Resources: A Key Factor for Future Oil & Gas Production" by [Author Name & Publication]: Search for articles discussing the specific importance of contingent resources in future production and their implications for the industry.
  • "The Role of Contingent Resources in E&P Investment Decisions" by [Author Name & Publication]: Search for articles analyzing the role of contingent resources in influencing investment decisions for E&P companies.

Online Resources

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: Include terms like "Contingent Resources," "Oil and Gas," "Petroleum Resources," "Resource Evaluation," "Unconventional Resources," "Future Production."
  • Combine keywords: Use combinations like "Contingent Resources AND Shale Gas," "Contingent Resources AND Deepwater," "Contingent Resources AND Investment Decisions."
  • Include relevant organizations: Add terms like "SPE," "AAPG," "EIA," "IEA" to your searches.
  • Specify publication date: Use search filters to find recent articles and reports on contingent resources.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches. For example, "Contingent Resources" will return results containing that exact phrase.
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