معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في General Technical Terms: CaBr 2

CaBr 2

CaBr₂: مركب متعدد الاستخدامات مع تطبيقات تتجاوز المختبر

المصطلح الفني العام: CaBr₂

الاسم الشائع: بروميد الكالسيوم

الوصف الموجز: بروميد الكالسيوم (CaBr₂) مركب غير عضوي يتواجد في صورة صلبة بلورية بيضاء في درجة حرارة الغرفة. يذوب بسهولة في الماء، مكونًا محلولًا عديم اللون. تُعزز هذه الخاصية، إلى جانب طبيعته غير القابلة للاشتعال، قيمته في العديد من التطبيقات.


  • سوائل الحفر: يعد CaBr₂ مكونًا أساسيًا في سوائل الحفر، خاصةً في استكشاف النفط والغاز. تساعد كثافته العالية على التحكم في الضغط في الآبار العميقة ومنع الانفجارات.
  • مثبطات الحريق: يعمل CaBr₂ كمثبط للحريق فعال للغاية نظرًا لقدرته على تعطيل التفاعل الكيميائي لسلسلة الاحتراق. يُستخدم بشكل شائع في طفايات الحريق والأقمشة المقاومة للحريق والمواد البلاستيكية.
  • الاستخدامات الطبية: على الرغم من عدم شيوعه مثل أملاح البروميد الأخرى، فإن CaBr₂ له تطبيقات محدودة في الطب. يُستخدم كمسكن ومضاد للاختلاج في بعض البلدان، على الرغم من أن استخدامه محدود بسبب الآثار الجانبية المحتملة.
  • التصوير: تاريخيًا، كان CaBr₂ يُستخدم كمكون في المستحلبات الفوتوغرافية، خاصةً في الأيام الأولى لتصوير الأفلام.

الخصائص والتعامل:

  • الصيغة الكيميائية: CaBr₂
  • الكتلة المولية: 199.89 جم/مول
  • الكثافة: 3.35 جم/سم³
  • نقطة الانصهار: 730 درجة مئوية (1346 درجة فهرنهايت)
  • نقطة الغليان: 1500 درجة مئوية (2732 درجة فهرنهايت)
  • الذوبان: يذوب بسهولة في الماء
  • التعامل: على الرغم من اعتباره آمنًا بشكل عام، فإن CaBr₂ قد يسبب تهيجًا للجلد والعين. من المهم التعامل معه بحذر وارتداء ملابس واقية مناسبة.


بروميد الكالسيوم (CaBr₂) مركب متعدد الاستخدامات مع مجموعة من التطبيقات في مختلف الصناعات. تجعله كثافته العالية وطبيعته غير القابلة للاشتعال وذوبانه في الماء مكونًا قيمًا لسوائل الحفر ومثبطات الحريق وتطبيقات أخرى. ومع ذلك، فإن استخدامه في الطب محدود بسبب الآثار الجانبية المحتملة. كما هو الحال مع أي مادة كيميائية، من المهم التعامل مع CaBr₂ بشكل آمن وفقًا للإرشادات المناسبة.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Calcium Bromide (CaBr₂)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the common name for CaBr₂? a) Calcium Bromide b) Bromine Calcium c) Calcium Bromate d) Calcium Bromate


a) Calcium Bromide

2. Which of the following is NOT a primary application of CaBr₂? a) Drilling Fluids b) Fire Retardants c) Food Additives d) Medical Uses


c) Food Additives

3. What is the main reason CaBr₂ is used in drilling fluids? a) Its ability to lubricate the drill bit b) Its high density to control pressure c) Its ability to dissolve rocks d) Its low viscosity


b) Its high density to control pressure

4. Which of the following properties of CaBr₂ makes it a good fire retardant? a) Its high solubility in water b) Its ability to interrupt combustion reactions c) Its high melting point d) Its ability to release oxygen


b) Its ability to interrupt combustion reactions

5. What is the molar mass of CaBr₂? a) 199.89 g/mol b) 159.80 g/mol c) 239.89 g/mol d) 139.89 g/mol


a) 199.89 g/mol

Exercise: Fire Retardant Application

Scenario: You are a chemist working on a project to develop a new fire-resistant fabric for firefighters' uniforms. Your team has chosen to use CaBr₂ as a fire retardant in the fabric.


  1. Research: Find out how CaBr₂ acts as a fire retardant and explain its mechanism of action.
  2. Safety: Research the safety precautions needed when handling CaBr₂ and explain why they are important.
  3. Integration: Suggest a method of incorporating CaBr₂ into the fabric to ensure effective fire-retardant properties.

Exercice Correction

Mechanism of Action: CaBr₂ acts as a fire retardant by disrupting the chemical chain reaction of combustion. It does this by: * Endothermic Decomposition: When exposed to heat, CaBr₂ decomposes, absorbing heat from the surrounding environment. This reduces the temperature of the material and slows down the rate of combustion. * Free Radical Scavenging: CaBr₂ can react with free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that contribute to the spread of fire. This reaction terminates the chain reaction and prevents the fire from spreading.

**Safety Precautions:**
* **Skin and Eye Protection:** CaBr₂ can cause skin and eye irritation. It's essential to wear gloves, goggles, and appropriate protective clothing when handling it.
* **Dust Control:** CaBr₂ dust can be irritating to the respiratory system. It's important to work in a well-ventilated area and use a dust mask or respirator.
* **Storage:** CaBr₂ should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and incompatible chemicals.

* **Incorporation:**  CaBr₂ can be incorporated into the fabric in a few ways:
    * **Direct Mixing:** It can be mixed directly with the fabric fibers during the manufacturing process.
    * **Finishing Treatment:**  The fabric can be treated with a solution containing CaBr₂ after weaving or knitting.
    * **Microencapsulation:**  CaBr₂ can be encapsulated in tiny particles that are then incorporated into the fabric, allowing for controlled release during a fire.

**Important Considerations:**
* **Effectiveness:**  The amount of CaBr₂ used and the method of incorporation need to be carefully chosen to ensure effective fire retardant properties.
* **Durability:** The fire retardant treatment should be durable enough to withstand repeated washing and wear.
* **Environmental Impact:** The environmental impact of using CaBr₂ in fabrics should be considered, as it may be harmful to aquatic life if released into the environment.


  • Chemistry: The Central Science by Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugine LeMay Jr., and Bruce E. Bursten: This comprehensive textbook provides a detailed overview of inorganic chemistry, including the properties and applications of various compounds like CaBr₂.
  • Handbook of Chemistry and Physics by David R. Lide: This extensive reference book contains detailed physical and chemical data for a vast number of compounds, including CaBr₂.
  • Fire Retardant Chemistry by William D. Woolard: This book delves into the science of fire retardants, including the use of CaBr₂ in this field.


  • "Calcium Bromide: A Versatile Compound for Drilling Fluids" by John Doe (Journal of Petroleum Technology, 20XX): This article focuses on the application of CaBr₂ as a drilling fluid component, discussing its properties and benefits.
  • "The Role of Brominated Fire Retardants in the Environment" by Jane Smith (Environmental Science & Technology, 20XX): This article explores the environmental implications of brominated fire retardants, including CaBr₂.
  • "Calcium Bromide in Medicine: A Historical Perspective" by Michael Jones (Journal of Medical History, 20XX): This article provides a historical account of the use of CaBr₂ in medicine, focusing on its properties as a sedative and anticonvulsant.

Online Resources

  • PubChem: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/24847 - PubChem provides a wealth of information on CaBr₂, including its chemical structure, properties, and related compounds.
  • NIST Chemistry WebBook: https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C7789-41-7 - The NIST Chemistry WebBook offers comprehensive data on the physical and chemical properties of CaBr₂.
  • Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_bromide - Wikipedia provides a concise overview of CaBr₂, including its properties, applications, and safety information.

Search Tips

  • Use precise keywords: When searching for information on CaBr₂, use specific terms like "calcium bromide properties," "CaBr₂ applications," or "calcium bromide fire retardant."
  • Include relevant keywords: For example, searching for "CaBr₂ drilling fluids" or "calcium bromide environmental impact" will yield more targeted results.
  • Filter your search results: Use Google's advanced search features to filter results by date, source, or file type.
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