معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Lifting & Rigging: Balance Point (coiled tubing or snubbing)

Balance Point (coiled tubing or snubbing)

فهم نقطة التوازن في عمليات أنابيب الملفات و "سنابينغ"

في صناعة النفط والغاز، تعتبر عمليات أنابيب الملفات و "سنابينغ" ضرورية للتدخلات في الآبار، بما في ذلك تنظيف الآبار، والتحفيز، وتحسين الإنتاج. مفهوم أساسي في هذه العمليات هو نقطة التوازن. تهدف هذه المقالة إلى فكّ رموز المصطلح وشرح أهميته لضمان العمليات الآمنة والكفاءة.

ما هي نقطة التوازن؟

تشير نقطة التوازن إلى حالة ثابتة داخل بئر حيث القوة التصاعدية الناتجة عن الوزن الطافي لأنبوب الملف (تأثّرًا بكثافة سائل البئر) تساوي القوة الهابطة الناتجة عن ضغط البئر الذي يعمل على مساحة المقطع العرضي للأنبوب.

تخيلها مثل لعبة المرجوحة:

  • الطفو (قوة تصاعدية): يكون الأنبوب أخف وزنًا في سائل البئر مقارنة بوجوده في الهواء بسبب الطفو. تعتمد هذه القوة التصاعدية على كثافة السائل.
  • ضغط البئر (قوة هابطة): يُساهم الضغط في البئر على دفع الأنبوب لأسفل، محاولًا دفعه للخارج من الحفرة.

نقطة التوازن: النقطة التي تكون فيها المرجوحة متوازنة تمامًا، ولا يملك الطفو ولا ضغط البئر تأثيرًا أقوى من الآخر.

اعتبارات رئيسية:

  • تجاهل الاحتكاك: لا تأخذ حسابات نقطة التوازن بعين الاعتبار قوى الاحتكاك، التي يمكن أن تنشأ من احتكاك الأنبوب بجدار البئر أو مجمع "ستريبر". يمكن أن يؤثر الاحتكاك بشكل كبير على نقطة التوازن الفعلية.
  • حساسية سائل البئر: تُعد نقطة التوازن حساسة للغاية للتغيرات في كثافة سائل البئر. يمكن أن تؤدي الاختلافات في كثافة السائل، الناجمة عن عوامل مثل إنتاج الغاز أو تدفق المياه، إلى تغيير نقطة التوازن بشكل كبير.
  • حاسمة للسلامة: يُعد فهم نقطة التوازن حاسمًا للسلامة. يمكن أن يؤدي أي تحول مفاجئ في نقطة التوازن إلى انهيار الأنبوب أو حركة غير مُتحكم فيها، مما قد يتسبب في تلف المعدات أو حتى الإصابات.

التطبيقات العملية:

  • عمليات أنابيب الملفات: يُمكن للمشغلين معرفة نقطة التوازن لـ:
    • تحسين النشر: تحديد أقصى طول للأنبوب يمكن نشره بأمان في ظروف بئر محددة.
    • التحكم في الحركة: التحكم في حركة الأنبوب أثناء العمليات، لمنع السحب أو الدفع المفرط.
  • عمليات "سنابينغ": تُعد نقطة التوازن أساسية لـ:
    • حساب الحمل: تحديد الأحمال على وحدة "سنابينغ"، التي تُستخدم لنشر أنابيب ثقيلة والتحكم في البئر.
    • إجراءات السلامة: ضمان التشغيل الآمن من خلال فهم تأثير ضغط البئر وكثافة السائل على استقرار الأنبوب.


تُعد نقطة التوازن مفهومًا أساسيًا في عمليات أنابيب الملفات و "سنابينغ". يُعد فهم هذه النقطة حاسمًا لتحقيق العمليات الآمنة والكفاءة، وتقليل المخاطر، وتحسين تدخلات البئر. من خلال النظر بعناية في العوامل التي تؤثر على نقطة التوازن، يمكن للمشغلين ضمان نجاح مشاريعهم وحماية سلامة البئر.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding the Balance Point

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the Balance Point in coiled tubing and snubbing operations?

a) The point where the tubing is completely submerged in the well fluid.


Incorrect. The Balance Point is defined by forces, not just the depth of the tubing.

b) The point where the upward buoyant force equals the downward force of the well pressure.


Correct. The Balance Point is where these forces are balanced.

c) The point where the tubing is held in place by the weight of the wellhead.


Incorrect. The wellhead weight is not directly involved in the Balance Point concept.

d) The point where the tubing reaches its maximum length.


Incorrect. The maximum tubing length is determined by other factors, including the Balance Point.

2. What is the primary factor influencing the Balance Point in a well?

a) The length of the coiled tubing.


Incorrect. While length is important, the fluid density has a more direct impact.

b) The well fluid density.


Correct. Changes in fluid density directly affect buoyancy, shifting the Balance Point.

c) The diameter of the coiled tubing.


Incorrect. The tubing diameter influences the pressure force but not the primary factor.

d) The strength of the wellhead connection.


Incorrect. The wellhead connection is important for overall well integrity, but not directly related to the Balance Point.

3. Why is understanding the Balance Point crucial for safe coiled tubing operations?

a) To ensure the tubing is always fully submerged in the well fluid.


Incorrect. Submergence is not the primary safety concern.

b) To prevent uncontrolled tubing movement due to pressure changes.


Correct. Sudden changes in the Balance Point can lead to uncontrolled tubing movement.

c) To determine the maximum weight the tubing can support.


Incorrect. Weight is a separate factor considered in tubing strength calculations.

d) To calculate the exact depth of the well.


Incorrect. The Balance Point is not directly used for well depth calculations.

4. Which of the following is NOT a factor that can influence the Balance Point?

a) Gas production in the well.


Incorrect. Gas production can change fluid density, impacting the Balance Point.

b) Water influx into the well.


Incorrect. Water influx changes fluid density, affecting the Balance Point.

c) The type of coiled tubing material.


Correct. Tubing material mainly affects its strength and durability, not the Balance Point.

d) Temperature fluctuations in the well.


Incorrect. Temperature changes can alter fluid density, impacting the Balance Point.

5. In a snubbing operation, what is the primary use of understanding the Balance Point?

a) Determining the ideal wellhead connection for maximum pressure.


Incorrect. Wellhead connection design is separate from the Balance Point.

b) Calculating the loads on the snubbing unit.


Correct. The Balance Point helps determine the forces acting on the snubbing unit.

c) Ensuring the coiled tubing is completely deployed before the operation.


Incorrect. Deployment length is based on other factors, including the Balance Point.

d) Measuring the well fluid density for accurate pressure readings.


Incorrect. Fluid density is a factor, but not the sole purpose of understanding the Balance Point.

Exercise: Balance Point Calculation


A well is experiencing gas production, increasing the well fluid density. The coiled tubing used has a cross-sectional area of 10 square inches. The initial well pressure is 1000 psi. The fluid density is initially 1.0 g/cm3 but increases to 1.2 g/cm3 due to gas production.


  1. Calculate the upward buoyant force (assuming the tubing weight in air is negligible).
  2. Calculate the downward force due to well pressure.
  3. Determine the initial Balance Point.
  4. Calculate the new Balance Point after the fluid density change.
  5. Explain how this change in fluid density would impact the safe operation of coiled tubing in this well.


  • Buoyant force = Fluid density * Volume of tubing * Acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2)
  • Downward force = Well pressure * Cross-sectional area of tubing

Note: You may need to convert units for consistent calculation.

Exercise Correction

1. Initial Buoyant Force:
- Volume of tubing (assuming a 100 ft length for example) = 10 sq in * 100 ft * 12 in/ft = 12,000 cubic inches.
- Convert cubic inches to cubic centimeters: 12,000 cubic inches * (2.54 cm/inch)3 = 196,349 cm3.
- Buoyant force = 1.0 g/cm3 * 196,349 cm3 * 9.8 m/s2 = 1,924,700 g*m/s2 = 1,924.7 N (approximately).
2. Downward Force:
- Downward force = 1000 psi * 10 sq in = 10,000 pounds-force.
- Convert pounds-force to Newtons: 10,000 lb*f * 4.448 N/lb*f = 44,480 N.
3. Initial Balance Point:
- The Balance Point is where the buoyant force equals the downward force. In this case, the initial downward force (44,480 N) is significantly greater than the initial buoyant force (1,924.7 N), so the Balance Point is deep in the well.
4. New Balance Point after Fluid Density Change:
- New Buoyant force = 1.2 g/cm3 * 196,349 cm3 * 9.8 m/s2 = 2,317,640 g*m/s2 = 2,317.6 N (approximately).
- The increased fluid density has significantly increased the buoyant force.
- The Balance Point has shifted upwards in the well because the buoyant force is now closer to balancing the downward pressure force.
5. Impact on Coiled Tubing Operations:
- The increase in fluid density has shifted the Balance Point upwards, making the tubing more prone to being pulled out of the well by buoyancy.
- Operators would need to carefully monitor the well pressure and fluid density to adjust operations to account for the shifting Balance Point.
- They might need to reduce the length of tubing deployed, increase the weight on the tubing to counteract the increased buoyancy, or adjust the pumping rate to manage pressure fluctuations.
- Failure to do so could lead to uncontrolled tubing movement, potentially damaging the tubing, wellbore, or equipment and posing a safety hazard.


  • Coiled Tubing Operations: Theory and Practice by Michael L. Horner, Thomas M. Holden, and John B. Brantley: This comprehensive book covers a broad range of coiled tubing operations, including detailed explanations of the Balance Point and its impact.
  • Well Intervention Handbook by John C. Griffiths and James R. Harper: This handbook provides in-depth insights into various well intervention techniques, including coiled tubing and snubbing. The Balance Point is discussed in detail.
  • Coiled Tubing and Snubbing Operations: A Field Guide by William E. Reed: This field guide offers practical guidance on coiled tubing and snubbing operations, including the importance of the Balance Point in achieving safe and efficient operations.


  • Understanding the Balance Point in Coiled Tubing and Snubbing Operations by [Author Name]: This is the article you provided, which offers a clear explanation of the Balance Point and its significance in coiled tubing and snubbing operations.
  • The Influence of Well Fluid Density on Coiled Tubing Balance Point by [Author Name]: This article delves into the impact of well fluid density on the Balance Point and provides practical examples of how changes in fluid density can affect tubing stability.
  • Optimizing Coiled Tubing Operations: A Practical Approach to Understanding the Balance Point by [Author Name]: This article discusses practical applications of the Balance Point concept in optimizing coiled tubing operations, including deployment length and tubing movement control.
  • Safety Considerations in Coiled Tubing and Snubbing Operations: The Role of the Balance Point by [Author Name]: This article emphasizes the importance of the Balance Point for safety in coiled tubing and snubbing operations and provides insights into potential hazards associated with neglecting the concept.

Online Resources

  • Coiled Tubing Institute (CTI): CTI offers a range of resources and training materials related to coiled tubing operations, including information on the Balance Point and its practical implications. https://www.cti.org/
  • Snubbing Association International (SAI): SAI provides a platform for professionals in the snubbing industry, offering information and resources on various snubbing techniques and technologies, including the Balance Point concept. https://www.snubbingassociation.org/
  • Oilfield Wiki: This online wiki provides a comprehensive resource on oilfield operations, including information on coiled tubing, snubbing, and the Balance Point. https://www.oilfieldwiki.com/
  • SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers): SPE is a leading organization for petroleum engineers, offering various publications, events, and online resources, including articles and technical papers related to coiled tubing, snubbing, and the Balance Point. https://www.spe.org/

Search Tips

  • "Balance Point" "Coiled Tubing" "Snubbing": Use this combination of keywords to find relevant articles, publications, and resources.
  • "Coiled Tubing" "Well Intervention" "Balance Point": This search query narrows down the results to specific applications of the Balance Point in well interventions.
  • "Snubbing" "Safety" "Balance Point": This search targets information on the importance of the Balance Point in ensuring safe snubbing operations.
  • "Coiled Tubing" "Fluid Density" "Balance Point": This query focuses on the relationship between fluid density and the Balance Point.
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