معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Lifting & Rigging: B Profile

B Profile

"المُشخص B": مصطلح نادر الاستخدام لملف تعريف محدد لـ SSSV في صناعة النفط والغاز

في عالم استكشاف وإنتاج النفط والغاز، تلعب المعدات المتخصصة دورًا حاسمًا في استخراج الهيدروكربونات بأمان وفعالية. واحدة من هذه القطع من المعدات هي صمام الأمان تحت السطح (SSSV)، وهو عنصر حيوي في أنظمة التحكم في الآبار. داخل عالم صمامات SSSV، توجد ملفات تعريف مختلفة، كل منها مُصمم خصيصًا لظروف البئر واحتياجات التشغيل. من بين هذه الملفات، يُبرز "المُشخص B" كمتغير أقل شهرة ولكنه مهم بنفس القدر.

يُعد "المُشخص B" اسمًا بديلًا نادر الاستخدام لملف تعريف معين لـ SSSV، وغالبًا ما يُشار إليه باسم "النوع الثاني" أو "الفتحة الواحدة". يتميز هذا الملف بتكوينه الداخلي الفريد الذي يسمح بمسار تدفق واحد فقط عبر الصمام.

إليك تفصيل لخصائص "المُشخص B" الرئيسية لـ SSSV:

  • تصميم الفتحة الواحدة: على عكس "المُشخص A" لـ SSSVs (يُشار إليه غالبًا باسم "النوع الأول" أو "فتحتان") الذي يتميز بمساري تدفق منفصلين، فإن "المُشخص B" لـ SSSVs لديه مسار واحد لتدفق السوائل.
  • بناء مبسط: يساهم تصميم الفتحة الواحدة في بناء أبسط وأكثر إحكاما مقارنة بـ SSSVs ذات الفتحتين.
  • تكلفة أقل: بفضل تصميمه المبسّط، غالبًا ما تأتي "المُشخص B" لـ SSSVs بتكلفة تصنيع وتثبيت أقل.
  • مناسب للتطبيقات المحددة: يجد هذا الملف مكانه في الآبار ذات معدلات التدفق المنخفضة نسبياً حيث لا يُعد وجود مسارات تدفق متعددة ضروريًا لسلامة أو كفاءة التشغيل.

بينما قد لا يكون "المُشخص B" معروفًا على نطاق واسع مثل نظيره "المُشخص A"، فإنه يلعب دورًا حاسمًا في عمليات معينة لـ النفط والغاز. يجعله تصميمه المبسّط وفعاليته من حيث التكلفة خيارًا مناسبًا لبعض تكوينات الآبار.

إن فهم ملفات تعريف SSSV المختلفة وتطبيقاتها المحددة أمر أساسي للمهندسين والفنيين العاملين في صناعة النفط والغاز. يمكن أن يؤثر اختيار الملف المناسب بشكل كبير على التحكم في الآبار والكفاءة والسلامة التشغيلية العامة.

من الجدير بالذكر أن مصطلح "المُشخص B" ليس مُعترفًا به عالميًا في جميع أنحاء الصناعة. بينما قد تستخدمه بعض الشركات والأفراد، فمن الشائع أكثر الإشارة إلى هذا النوع من SSSV بأسمائه البديلة "النوع الثاني" أو "الفتحة الواحدة".

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The "B Profile" SSSV

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is another name for the "B Profile" SSSV?

a) Type I


Incorrect. Type I refers to the "A Profile" SSSV.

b) Dual-Bore


Incorrect. Dual-Bore refers to the "A Profile" SSSV.

c) Type II


Correct! Type II is a common alternative name for the "B Profile" SSSV.

d) Multi-Bore


Incorrect. Multi-Bore refers to a type of SSSV with more than two flow paths.

2. What is the main characteristic of the "B Profile" SSSV?

a) Two separate flow paths.


Incorrect. This describes the "A Profile" SSSV.

b) A single flow path.


Correct! The "B Profile" SSSV has a single flow path.

c) A complex internal configuration.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" SSSV is known for its simplified design.

d) High manufacturing costs.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" SSSV is known for its lower manufacturing costs.

3. Which of the following applications is the "B Profile" SSSV most suitable for?

a) Wells with high flow rates.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" is not ideal for high flow rate applications.

b) Wells with multiple flow paths.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" SSSV has a single flow path.

c) Wells with low flow rates.


Correct! The "B Profile" SSSV is suited for wells with lower flow rates.

d) Wells requiring complex safety features.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" SSSV is known for its simplified design, not complex features.

4. What is the main advantage of using a "B Profile" SSSV?

a) Increased safety due to dual flow paths.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" SSSV has a single flow path.

b) Cost-effectiveness compared to other profiles.


Correct! The simplified design of the "B Profile" SSSV leads to lower costs.

c) High flow rate capacity.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" SSSV is designed for lower flow rates.

d) Ability to handle complex well conditions.


Incorrect. The "B Profile" SSSV is best suited for simpler well conditions.

5. What is the most common alternative name for the "B Profile" SSSV?

a) "A Profile"


Incorrect. This refers to the dual-bore SSSV.

b) "Type I"


Incorrect. This refers to the dual-bore SSSV.

c) "Type II"


Correct! "Type II" is the most common alternative name for the "B Profile" SSSV.

d) "Multi-Bore"


Incorrect. This refers to a type of SSSV with more than two flow paths.

Exercise: SSSV Selection

Scenario: You are working on a new well development project. The well is expected to have a low flow rate and simple operational requirements. You need to choose the appropriate SSSV profile for this well.

Task: Explain why the "B Profile" SSSV would be the most suitable option for this project. Discuss the advantages of this profile over the "A Profile" SSSV in this specific scenario.

Exercise Correction

The "B Profile" SSSV is the ideal choice for this scenario due to its simplified design and cost-effectiveness. Here's why:

  • **Low Flow Rate:** The "B Profile" is designed for wells with lower flow rates, making it perfect for this project. The "A Profile" might be overkill and unnecessarily expensive for such a well.
  • **Simple Operational Requirements:** The "B Profile" is simpler to operate and maintain than the "A Profile", aligning with the project's straightforward operational requirements.
  • **Cost-Effectiveness:** The "B Profile" is more cost-efficient due to its simpler construction. This can save significant budget in manufacturing and installation.

In conclusion, the "B Profile" SSSV offers the best balance of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and suitability for the given well conditions. Its simplified design and lower cost make it a superior choice compared to the more complex "A Profile" SSSV in this scenario.


  • Well Control Handbook by Gary A. Pope: Covers various aspects of well control, including SSSVs and their configurations.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by the Society of Petroleum Engineers: This comprehensive handbook includes sections on well equipment and safety, which may address SSSV types.
  • Subsurface Safety Valve Design and Operation by [Author Name, if available]: Look for books specifically focused on SSSVs and their profiles.


  • Search for articles on "Subsurface Safety Valve Types" or "SSSV Profiles" on platforms like SPE, OnePetro, and industry journals like "Journal of Petroleum Technology".
  • Search for technical papers on SSSV design and testing. These might mention different profiles and their characteristics.
  • Look for articles from manufacturers specializing in SSSVs. Their website or technical documents may have information about different profiles.

Online Resources

  • Manufacturer websites: Websites of leading SSSV manufacturers (e.g., Cameron, Baker Hughes, Weatherford) often include technical documentation and product brochures.
  • Industry associations: Websites of organizations like SPE and API may contain technical standards, guidelines, and articles related to SSSVs.
  • Online forums: Industry-specific forums like "Oil & Gas Forum" or "Rigzone" can be good places to find discussions and insights from professionals.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "Type II SSSV", "Single-Bore SSSV", "SSSV Profile Comparison", "Subsurface Safety Valve Design".
  • Combine keywords with manufacturer names for specific results.
  • Try using advanced operators like "site:company.com" to search within specific websites.
  • Include keywords related to specific applications (e.g., "deepwater drilling", "horizontal wells") to find relevant results.
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