الحفر واستكمال الآبار

throw the chain

رمي السلسلة: خطوة حاسمة في عمليات الحفر

في عالم الحفر وإكمال الآبار، تتطلب كل خطوة دقة وكفاءة. إحدى هذه الخطوات الحاسمة هي "رمي السلسلة"، وهي حركة تتضمن التلاعب الماهر بسلسلة دوارة لربط مقطع جديد من أنابيب الحفر. تتعمق هذه المقالة في تعقيدات هذه العملية، مسلطًا الضوء على أهميتها والتقنيات المتضمنة.

ميكانيكا رمي السلسلة

  1. الإعداد: تبدأ العملية بمقطع من أنابيب الحفر (مفصل واحد) يقع على الأرض، مع توجيه نهاية الصندوق من مفصل الأداة لأعلى. توضع سلسلة دوارة، متصلة ببكرة سحب على جهاز السحب، بالقرب من نهاية صندوق مفصل الأداة.

  2. "الطعنة": يتم إنزال مقطع ثانٍ من أنابيب الحفر بعناية، مع توجيه نهاية الدبوس من مفصل الأداة مباشرةً نحو نهاية صندوق الأنبوب الثابت. هذه العملية، المعروفة باسم "الطعنة"، تتطلب دقة لضمان اتصال صحيح.

  3. رمي السلسلة: هنا تكمن براعة الحركة. يتم رمي السلسلة بسرعة ودقة لأعلى، بهدف القفز فوق نهاية صندوق مفصل الأداة والالتفاف حول نهاية دبوس مفصل الأداة. هذا الإجراء ضروري لأنه يسمح للسلسلة الدوارة بالاتصال بالأنبوب المضاف حديثًا.

  4. الدوران والاتصال: بمجرد رمي السلسلة بنجاح، تتشبث بكرة السحب بالسلسلة، مما يؤدي إلى دوران الأنبوب المضاف حديثًا. تسحب السلسلة الدوارة مقطع الأنبوب لأعلى، مما يؤدي إلى شد الاتصال بين نهاية الصندوق ونهاية دبوس مفصل الأداة.

أهمية رمي نظيف:

رمي السلسلة بنجاح أمر بالغ الأهمية لعدة أسباب:

  • الكفاءة: يضمن رمي نظيف اتصالًا سريعًا وكفاءة، مما يقلل من وقت التوقف ويُعظم تقدم الحفر.
  • السلامة: قد يؤدي رمي غير محسوب إلى تشابك السلسلة، مما قد يؤدي إلى تلف المعدات وتعريض سلامة الموظفين للخطر.
  • اتصال آمن: يضمن رمي السلسلة بشكل صحيح اتصالًا آمنًا بين أقسام الأنبوب، مما يمنع التسربات والمضاعفات الأخرى.

التحديات والحلول:

قد يطرح رمي السلسلة تحديات، خاصةً في ظروف الطقس السيئة أو عند التعامل مع أقطار أنابيب كبيرة. يلجأ حفاروا البئر ذوو الخبرة إلى تقنيات مختلفة لمعالجة هذه التحديات، بما في ذلك:

  • ضبط توتر السلسلة: يضمن التوتر المناسب مسار السلسلة ويمنع التشابك.
  • استخدام معدات متخصصة: توفر أدوات مثل أجهزة رمي السلسلة وأنظمة السلسلة الدوارة الهيدروليكية مزيدًا من التحكم والدقة.
  • التدريب والخبرة: يخضع حفاروا البئر لتدريب صارم ويُتقنون خبرة عملية من خلال التجربة، مما يُمكنهم من إتقان فن رمي السلسلة.


رمي السلسلة هو جانب أساسي، غالبًا ما يتم تجاهله، من عمليات الحفر. يتطلب تنفيذه، على ما يبدو بسيطًا، تقنية دقيقة وتوقيتًا دقيقًا وخبرة. هذه الحركة، الحاسمة من أجل الحفر بكفاءة وسلامة، تُجسد التوازن الدقيق بين المهارة والدقة الذي يميز هذه الصناعة. مع تطور تكنولوجيا الحفر، لا يزال فن رمي السلسلة يلعب دورًا حيويًا، مما يدل على الأهمية الدائمة للخبرة البشرية في عالم استكشاف النفط والغاز المعقد.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Throwing the Chain

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of "throwing the chain" in drilling operations?

a) To lubricate the drill pipe connections. b) To remove debris from the drill pipe. c) To connect a new stand of drill pipe to the existing string. d) To control the speed of the drill bit.


c) To connect a new stand of drill pipe to the existing string.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key element involved in the "throwing the chain" maneuver?

a) A spinning chain attached to a cathead. b) A stand of drill pipe with a box end tool joint. c) A specialized wrench to tighten the connection. d) A stand of drill pipe with a pin end tool joint.


c) A specialized wrench to tighten the connection.

3. Why is a clean throw of the chain essential for safe and efficient drilling?

a) It prevents damage to the drill bit. b) It ensures a secure connection between the pipe sections. c) It allows for faster drilling speeds. d) It reduces the risk of mud contamination.


b) It ensures a secure connection between the pipe sections.

4. Which of the following is a common challenge associated with throwing the chain?

a) Limited access to the drill floor. b) Insufficient water pressure for drilling. c) Difficult weather conditions. d) Lack of proper lighting.


c) Difficult weather conditions.

5. What is the primary benefit of using specialized equipment for chain throwing?

a) It reduces the risk of human error. b) It increases the drilling speed. c) It allows for deeper drilling depths. d) It reduces the cost of drilling operations.


a) It reduces the risk of human error.


Scenario: You are a drilling crew supervisor, and you are preparing to add a new stand of drill pipe. The weather is windy and the crew is having difficulty throwing the chain cleanly. Several attempts have resulted in the chain becoming tangled.

Task: Identify three strategies you could implement to help the crew overcome this challenge and achieve a clean chain throw. Explain your reasoning for each strategy.

Exercice Correction

Here are three strategies with explanations:

  1. **Adjust Chain Tension:** The wind is likely causing the chain to swing erratically. Increase the tension on the chain to reduce its movement and make it more manageable for throwing.
  2. **Use a Chain-Throwing Device:** If available, a specialized chain-throwing device provides better control and reduces the risk of tangling. This device helps guide the chain and reduces the reliance on manual manipulation.
  3. **Implement a "Two-Person Throw":** Have one crew member stabilize the chain while another throws it. This approach helps control the chain's trajectory and reduces the chance of it tangling.


  • Drilling Engineering by J.P. Willis & H.D. Brantly: This comprehensive text covers various aspects of drilling engineering, including well completion, and might touch upon chain throwing.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook: This handbook, often used by professionals in the industry, might contain sections on drilling operations and techniques like chain throwing.
  • The Practical Driller by John W. Benton: This book offers a practical perspective on drilling operations and might include details on chain throwing and its importance.


  • "The Art of Throwing the Chain" - Search for articles with this specific title or variations on online databases like OnePetro (SPE) or other industry journals.
  • "Drilling Operations: Best Practices and Safety" - Look for articles discussing best practices in drilling, which might cover chain throwing and its safety implications.
  • "Innovations in Drilling Equipment and Techniques" - Articles exploring new developments in drilling equipment may discuss innovations related to chain throwing, such as specialized devices or hydraulic systems.

Online Resources

  • Oil & Gas Journal: This industry publication might have articles or news pieces related to drilling operations and advancements in chain throwing techniques.
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): Search the SPE website or its database for technical papers and presentations discussing chain throwing in drilling operations.
  • YouTube: Search for videos related to "throwing the chain," "drilling operations," or "oil and gas drilling" to find demonstrations or explanations of the technique.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Use keywords like "throwing the chain," "drilling operations," "oil and gas drilling," "chain throwing technique," and "drilling equipment" in your search.
  • Combine keywords: Combine related keywords to refine your search, such as "throwing the chain drilling safety," "chain throwing technique video," or "chain throwing equipment types."
  • Use quotation marks: Put specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches, like "throw the chain" or "chain throwing device."
  • Include relevant industry terms: Use industry-specific terms like "drawworks," "cathead," "tool joint," and "stand of pipe" to focus your search on relevant information.
  • Explore image search: Use Google Images to find visuals related to chain throwing and identify equipment or techniques used in the process.


Throwing the Chain: A Comprehensive Guide

Chapter 1: Techniques

This chapter details the various techniques employed in throwing the chain, emphasizing the nuances that separate a successful connection from a potentially hazardous one.

The Basic Throw: The core technique involves a coordinated movement of the arm and body, using a fluid arc to propel the chain upwards. The thrower aims for the pin end tool joint, ensuring the chain wraps around it securely. Different grips can be used, depending on personal preference and chain weight. A firm, controlled grip is crucial to prevent premature release or accidental slippage.

Advanced Techniques: Experienced drillers often refine their technique to account for varying factors. This includes adjustments based on:

  • Chain Weight and Length: Heavier chains require a more powerful throw, while longer chains demand greater precision in trajectory.
  • Wind Conditions: Wind can significantly impact the chain's path, requiring adjustments in launch angle and force.
  • Pipe Diameter: Larger diameter pipes present a larger target, but may also require a more forceful throw to overcome inertia.
  • Chain Material and Condition: Worn or damaged chains may require a more careful approach to prevent snapping or entanglement.
  • Using a Chain-Throwing Device: These devices often assist in achieving a consistent, controlled trajectory, particularly beneficial in challenging conditions or for less experienced personnel.

Troubleshooting Common Problems: Failed throws often result from poor aim, inadequate force, or incorrect timing. Drills may need to adjust chain tension, check for obstructions, or refine their throwing motion. Recognizing the cause of a missed throw is crucial for rapid correction.

Safety Considerations: Safety glasses and gloves are essential. Avoid throwing the chain too forcefully, as this could lead to equipment damage or injury. Clear communication with the drilling crew is also vital to ensure safety during the procedure.

Chapter 2: Models

While there isn't a formal mathematical model for the chain throw itself, understanding the physics involved is key to a successful throw. This chapter explores the relevant principles.

Projectile Motion: The chain’s trajectory can be approximated using principles of projectile motion. Factors such as launch angle, initial velocity, and air resistance influence the chain's path. Optimizing these factors is crucial for a successful connection.

Angular Momentum: The spinning motion of the chain adds complexity. Understanding angular momentum allows drillers to better predict the chain's movement and adjust the throw accordingly.

Chain Dynamics: The flexibility and weight of the chain itself impact its behaviour. A stiffer chain might require a more direct throw, while a more flexible chain may require a broader arc.

Future Modeling: Advanced simulations could potentially incorporate detailed chain dynamics, wind effects, and other environmental factors to create predictive models for optimizing the chain throw. Such models could assist in training and help prevent accidents.

Chapter 3: Software

Currently, there is no dedicated software specifically designed for simulating or analyzing the chain-throwing process. However, existing software can be adapted to address aspects of it.

Simulation Software: General-purpose physics simulation software could potentially model the chain's movement, taking into account its flexibility, weight, and the influence of external forces. Such simulations could be used for training purposes.

Data Acquisition Systems: Modern drilling rigs often incorporate data acquisition systems that record various parameters during the drilling process. This data could indirectly provide insights into the effectiveness of the chain-throwing process by correlating it to connection times and other metrics.

Future Developments: As drilling technology advances, specialized software could be developed to analyze and optimize chain throwing techniques, potentially incorporating real-time data feedback and predictive analytics.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

This chapter highlights the critical safety and efficiency considerations for a successful and safe chain throwing operation.

Pre-Throw Checklist: Before attempting the throw, it is crucial to ensure:

  • The chain is correctly secured to the cathead.
  • The pipe connection is properly aligned.
  • The chain is free of kinks and damage.
  • The area is clear of personnel and obstructions.

Proper Technique and Training: Regular training sessions are crucial to ensure consistent and safe execution. Drillers should practice different throws under varying conditions to develop proficiency and build muscle memory.

Maintenance and Inspection: Regular inspection of the chain and the associated equipment is paramount to ensure its integrity and functionality. A damaged or worn chain poses a serious safety risk.

Emergency Procedures: A clear plan for handling unexpected situations, such as chain entanglement or failed connections, must be established and practiced regularly.

Communication and Teamwork: Effective communication between the driller, the derrick hand, and other crew members is essential to prevent accidents and ensure efficient operations.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

This section would present real-world examples demonstrating successful and unsuccessful chain-throwing scenarios, highlighting the lessons learned. (Note: Since specific details regarding real-world accidents might be confidential, generalized hypothetical examples are given below).

Case Study 1: Successful Chain Throw in Challenging Conditions: A driller successfully executes a chain throw in high winds and rain. The driller's experience and precise technique are key to the successful connection. Analysis might reveal the adjustment of throwing angle and force used to compensate for the adverse weather.

Case Study 2: Near Miss Due to Equipment Failure: A malfunctioning cathead almost results in a failed chain throw, highlighting the importance of regular equipment maintenance and pre-operation checks.

Case Study 3: Improved Efficiency Through Training: A training program focusing on chain-throwing techniques results in a significant reduction in connection times and an increase in operational efficiency across the drilling team.

These case studies would highlight the importance of proper technique, equipment maintenance, and the role of training in preventing accidents and improving operational efficiency. Real-world case studies (with appropriate anonymization to protect confidentiality) would significantly enhance this chapter.

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