معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: kelly drive bushing

kelly drive bushing

مُقبس كيلي: حلقة وصل أساسية في عمليات الحفر

مُقبس كيلي، وهو مكون يبدو بسيطًا، يلعب دورًا حاسمًا في آليات الحفر المعقدة لآبار النفط والغاز. يعمل كجسر بين كيلي الدوار (شريط فولاذي مربع أو سداسي الشكل يربط سلسلة الحفر بجدول الدوران) ونظام القيادة العلوي، مما يضمن حفرًا سلسًا وكفاءة.

الوظيفة والأهمية:

يؤدي مُقبس كيلي العديد من الوظائف الحيوية:

  • نقل عزم الدوران: ينقل القوة الدورانية من جدول الدوران إلى كيلي، مما يدير سلسلة الحفر بشكل فعال. هذا ضروري للحفر في الأرض.
  • التحالف والدعم: يوفر مُقبس كيلي اتصالًا مستقرًا ودقيقًا بين كيلي ونظام القيادة العلوي، مما يضمن محاذاة سلسلة الحفر بشكل صحيح. هذا يمنع التآكل والتلف على المعدات ويضمن الحفر بكفاءة.
  • ختم ضد السوائل: يعمل مُقبس كيلي كختم، يمنع هروب سوائل الحفر من بئر الآبار ويحافظ على الضغط داخل النظام. يساعد ذلك على تشحيم مثقاب الحفر وإزالة القطع.
  • آلية السلامة: من خلال تثبيت كيلي بأمان، يساعد مُقبس كيلي في منع الحوادث الكارثية مثل فك كيلي أثناء عمليات الحفر.

أنواع مُقبس كيلي:

  • مُقبس كيلي القياسي: هذا هو النوع الأكثر شيوعًا، مصنوع عادةً من الفولاذ عالي القوة ومصمم لأحجام كيلي محددة.
  • مُقبس كيلي عالي الضغط: مصمم للاستخدام في البيئات ذات الضغط العالي، تُصنع هذه المقابس من مواد متخصصة مثل إينكونيل أو مونيل ويمكنها تحمل ضغوط شديدة.
  • مُقبس كيلي الوحدوي: تتكون هذه المقابس من مكونات قابلة للتبادل، مما يسمح بالتكيف مع أحجام كيلي المختلفة وظروف الحفر.

الصيانة والتفتيش:

الصيانة والتفتيش المنتظم لمُقبس كيلي ضروريان لضمان الأداء الأمثل والسلامة. يشمل هذا:

  • التفتيش البصري: التحقق من وجود علامات التآكل أو الشقوق أو التلف.
  • اختبار الضغط: التأكد من أن المقبس يمكنه تحمل الضغط الضروري.
  • التشحيم: الحفاظ على التشحيم لتقليل الاحتكاك والتآكل.
  • الاستبدال: استبدال المقبس عندما يتم اكتشاف التآكل أو التلف المفرط.


مُقبس كيلي، على الرغم من صغر حجمه، يلعب دورًا حيويًا في عمليات الحفر. وظيفته في نقل عزم الدوران وتوفير المحاذاة وختم السوائل وضمان السلامة ضرورية لعمليات الحفر الفعالة والآمنة. إن فهم عمل هذا المكون الأساسي وصيانته ضروري لأي شخص يعمل في مجال النفط والغاز.

Test Your Knowledge

Kelly Bushing Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Kelly Bushing?

a) To connect the drill string to the top drive system. b) To prevent the drill bit from spinning. c) To lubricate the drill string. d) To remove drill cuttings from the wellbore.


a) To connect the drill string to the top drive system.

2. Which of the following is NOT a type of Kelly Bushing?

a) Standard Kelly Bushing b) High-Pressure Kelly Bushing c) Modular Kelly Bushing d) Rotary Kelly Bushing


d) Rotary Kelly Bushing

3. What is the importance of the Kelly Bushing in terms of safety?

a) It prevents the drill string from breaking. b) It helps to keep the drilling platform stable. c) It secures the Kelly, preventing it from coming loose during drilling. d) It protects workers from potential drill string malfunctions.


c) It secures the Kelly, preventing it from coming loose during drilling.

4. What is the purpose of pressure testing a Kelly Bushing?

a) To ensure its resistance to high pressure environments. b) To determine the amount of torque it can handle. c) To check the lubrication levels. d) To detect any wear and tear on the bushing.


a) To ensure its resistance to high pressure environments.

5. Which of the following is a key aspect of Kelly Bushing maintenance?

a) Regularly cleaning the drill string. b) Replacing the drill bit every few hours. c) Performing visual inspections for signs of damage. d) Checking the hydraulic pressure of the top drive system.


c) Performing visual inspections for signs of damage.

Kelly Bushing Exercise

Scenario: You are a drilling supervisor responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of your drilling rig. During a routine inspection, you notice a small crack on the surface of the Kelly Bushing.

Task: 1. Explain the potential consequences of ignoring this crack. 2. Describe the immediate actions you should take in this situation. 3. Outline the steps you need to take to address the issue properly.

Exercise Correction

1. **Potential Consequences:** - **Failure of the Kelly Bushing:** The crack could worsen under pressure and lead to a complete failure of the Kelly Bushing. This would result in a loss of torque transfer, leading to a stalled drill string and potential damage to the wellbore. - **Kelly Coming Loose:** The compromised Kelly Bushing could lead to the Kelly coming loose from the top drive system during drilling operations, creating a serious safety hazard. - **Drilling Fluid Leak:** A cracked bushing could allow drilling fluids to leak out of the wellbore, resulting in environmental damage and potentially compromising the integrity of the drilling operation. 2. **Immediate Actions:** - **Stop Drilling Operations:** Immediately halt the drilling operation to prevent further damage or accidents. - **Isolate the Problem Area:** Securely isolate the Kelly Bushing to prevent any accidental movement or further damage. - **Notify Relevant Personnel:** Inform your superiors and any necessary personnel about the issue and the actions you have taken. 3. **Addressing the Issue:** - **Thorough Inspection:** Conduct a thorough visual inspection and possibly a pressure test to evaluate the extent of the crack and determine its impact on the bushing's integrity. - **Replacement:** If the crack is significant or the bushing is deemed compromised, it should be immediately replaced with a new, functional Kelly Bushing. - **Record Keeping:** Document the entire incident, including the inspection findings, corrective actions taken, and any relevant data, for future reference and to ensure compliance with industry safety standards.


  • Drilling Engineering: Principles and Practices by Robert E. Bassett - This comprehensive text covers all aspects of drilling operations, including detailed explanations of drilling equipment like Kelly bushings.
  • Petroleum Engineering Handbook by Tarek Ahmed - This handbook provides in-depth information on various aspects of the oil and gas industry, including equipment and technologies like Kelly bushings.
  • Drilling and Completion Fundamentals by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) - This textbook offers a thorough understanding of drilling operations, covering topics related to Kelly bushings and other critical components.


  • Kelly Bushing: Design, Function, and Maintenance - You can find articles with this specific title or similar variations by searching academic databases like ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, or JSTOR.
  • Top Drive Systems: Design, Operation, and Maintenance - Articles focusing on top drive systems often discuss Kelly bushings, their integration, and their role in the overall operation.
  • Drill String Mechanics and Performance - Articles discussing drill string mechanics frequently delve into the connection between the Kelly and the rotary table, highlighting the importance of the Kelly bushing.

Online Resources

  • API (American Petroleum Institute) Standards: Search API's website for relevant standards related to drilling equipment, including those specifically addressing Kelly bushings.
  • Manufacturer Websites: Websites of top drilling equipment manufacturers (like National Oilwell Varco, Baker Hughes, Halliburton) often provide technical information on their products, including Kelly bushings.
  • Drilling Engineering Journals: Browse online journals like SPE Drilling & Completion, Journal of Petroleum Technology, and Petroleum Technology Quarterly for articles related to Kelly bushings.

Search Tips

  • Use Specific Keywords: Include terms like "Kelly bushing," "drilling equipment," "top drive system," "drilling operations," and "oil and gas."
  • Combine Terms: Try combining keywords like "Kelly bushing design," "Kelly bushing maintenance," or "Kelly bushing types."
  • Use Quotation Marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks for exact matches (e.g. "Kelly bushing function").
  • Add File Type: Specify "pdf" or "doc" to limit your search to specific file types (e.g. "Kelly bushing pdf").
  • Search Specific Sites: Use the "site:" operator to search within specific websites like API, manufacturers, or journal databases.
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