معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في Drilling & Well Completion: bottomhole assembly

bottomhole assembly

الغوص في الأعماق: فهم تركيب قاع البئر (BHA)

يُعد تركيب قاع البئر (BHA) عنصرًا أساسيًا في عالم الحفر وإكمال الآبار. فهو يمثل جزءًا من تركيب الحفر الذي يقع أسفل أنبوب الحفر، ويتلامس مع تشكيلات الأرض. بينما تكون وظيفته الأساسية بسيطة - توصيل مثقاب الحفر إلى منطقة الهدف - فإن تصميم BHA يمكن أن يكون معقدًا بشكل لا يصدق، مصممًا خصيصًا للتحديات المحددة لكل بئر.

العناصر الأساسية للبناء:

في جوهره، يتكون BHA من عنصرين أساسيين:

  • مثقاب الحفر: وهو الأداة الحادة الدوارة التي تقطع الصخور، مما يخلق بئرًا. يختلف تصميمه ومادته اعتمادًا على خصائص التشكيل.
  • أعناق الحفر: وهي أقسام فولاذية ثقيلة ذات جدران سميكة توفر الوزن لتركيب الحفر، مما يضغط على مثقاب الحفر لقطع فعّال. كما تساهم في تثبيت سلسلة الحفر ونقل عزم الدوران من السطح إلى المثقاب.

ما وراء الأساسيات: مكونات متخصصة:

يمكن أن يصبح BHA أكثر تعقيدًا بشكل كبير، حيث يدمج مجموعة من المكونات المتخصصة المصممة لتحديات الحفر المحددة:

  • المثبتات: وهي مكونات ثابتة أو قابلة للتعديل تساعد على الحفاظ على اتجاه البئر ومنع سلسلة الحفر من التيه.
  • الموسع: يوسع هذا المكون قطر البئر، مما يضمن سلاسة تقدم الحفر ويمنع تلف المثقاب.
  • المحرك: في الحفر الاتجاهي، يوفر المحرك قوة الدوران للمثقاب، مما يسمح بالتحكم الدقيق في مسار البئر.
  • أدوات القياس أثناء الحفر (MWD): تنقل هذه الأدوات البيانات في الوقت الفعلي من قاع البئر إلى السطح، مما يوفر معلومات مهمة حول معلمات الحفر وخصائص التشكيل.
  • أدوات التسجيل أثناء الحفر (LWD): على غرار MWD، تجمع أدوات LWD بيانات التشكيل، لكنها توفر معلومات جيولوجية أكثر تفصيلاً.

مصمم للنجاح:

يتم اختيار التكوين المحدد لـ BHA بعناية بناءً على عوامل مثل:

  • نوع التشكيل: تتطلب الصخور الصلبة الكاشطة تصميمات مثقاب ووزنًا مختلفًا عن التشكيلات الأقل صلابة.
  • مسار البئر: يتطلب الحفر الاتجاهي مكونات متخصصة لتوجيه سلسلة الحفر وتثبيتها.
  • عمق الحفر: تتطلب الآبار الأعمق أعناق حفر أقوى ومكونات إضافية لتحمل الضغط العالي.


يُعد تركيب قاع البئر عنصرًا أساسيًا في عمليات الحفر، حيث يلعب دورًا مهمًا في إكمال البئر بكفاءة وأمان ونجاح. فهم مكوناته والعوامل التي تؤثر على تصميمه ضروري لنجاح مشاريع الحفر، مما يسمح بالاستكشاف والإنتاج واستخراج الموارد.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Delving into the Depths: Understanding the Bottomhole Assembly (BHA)

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary function of the Bottomhole Assembly (BHA)? a) To connect the drill pipe to the surface equipment. b) To provide weight and stability to the drilling assembly. c) To deliver the drill bit to the target zone and facilitate drilling. d) To measure formation properties and transmit data to the surface.


c) To deliver the drill bit to the target zone and facilitate drilling.

2. Which of the following is NOT a component of a basic Bottomhole Assembly (BHA)? a) Drill bit b) Drill collar c) Stabilizer d) Reamer


c) Stabilizer

3. What is the purpose of drill collars in a BHA? a) To stabilize the drill string and prevent it from wandering. b) To provide weight to the assembly, applying pressure on the bit. c) To expand the wellbore diameter and prevent bit damage. d) To transmit real-time data from the bottom of the wellbore to the surface.


b) To provide weight to the assembly, applying pressure on the bit.

4. What type of component is used to steer and stabilize the drill string in directional drilling? a) Motor b) Stabilizer c) Reamer d) Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Tools


b) Stabilizer

5. Which factor is LEAST likely to influence the specific configuration of a Bottomhole Assembly (BHA)? a) Formation type b) Wellbore trajectory c) Drilling depth d) Weather conditions


d) Weather conditions

Exercise: Designing a BHA

Scenario: You are tasked with designing a BHA for a new well. The target formation is a hard, abrasive sandstone at a depth of 3,000 meters. The well will be drilled vertically.


  1. List the essential components you would include in your BHA design.
  2. Explain your reasoning for choosing these components.
  3. Describe the specific design considerations for each component based on the given scenario.

Exercice Correction

**1. Essential Components:** * **Drill Bit:** A PDC (Polycrystalline Diamond Compact) bit would be ideal for hard, abrasive sandstone formations. * **Drill Collars:** A sufficient number of heavy-duty drill collars would be required to provide the necessary weight to the BHA for effective penetration of the sandstone. * **Stabilizers:** Fixed stabilizers would be incorporated at strategic locations along the drill string to maintain wellbore direction and prevent excessive deviation. * **Reamer:** A reamer would be necessary to expand the wellbore diameter and ensure smooth drilling progress, particularly in the hard formation. **2. Reasoning for Component Selection:** * **Drill Bit:** PDC bits are known for their durability and cutting efficiency in abrasive formations, minimizing bit wear and maximizing drilling performance. * **Drill Collars:** Adequate weight is crucial for effectively penetrating hard rock, and drill collars provide the necessary weight to the assembly. * **Stabilizers:** They are essential for maintaining a vertical wellbore trajectory, particularly when drilling through hard formations that can cause the drill string to deviate. * **Reamer:** A reamer helps to enlarge the wellbore, preventing bit damage and ensuring smooth drilling progress in the hard, abrasive sandstone. **3. Specific Design Considerations:** * **Drill Bit:** The PDC bit's size and tooth configuration would be carefully chosen based on the expected rock hardness and drilling conditions. * **Drill Collars:** The number and size of drill collars would be calculated to provide the optimal weight on bit for the specific formation and drilling depth. * **Stabilizers:** The placement and diameter of stabilizers would be strategically determined to ensure stability and prevent deviations in the wellbore. * **Reamer:** The size and cutting features of the reamer would be selected to match the desired wellbore diameter and prevent damage to the drill bit during enlargement.


  • "Drilling Engineering" by John A. M. Henderson: A comprehensive resource covering various aspects of drilling, including a dedicated chapter on the Bottomhole Assembly.
  • "Petroleum Engineering Handbook" by Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): This multi-volume handbook provides extensive information on drilling and well completion, including details on BHA design and selection.
  • "Drilling Engineering: A Comprehensive Handbook" by Gary A. Pope: This handbook focuses on the practical aspects of drilling engineering, offering insights into BHA configurations and their functions.


  • "Bottomhole Assembly (BHA) Design and Selection" by Schlumberger: This article discusses various BHA components and their selection criteria, based on Schlumberger's expertise in drilling technology.
  • "Optimization of Bottomhole Assembly Design for Efficient Drilling" by SPE: This article focuses on the latest advancements and optimization techniques used in BHA design for maximizing drilling efficiency.
  • "The Role of Bottomhole Assembly in Directional Drilling" by Halliburton: This article explores the specialized components and considerations involved in designing BHAs for directional and horizontal drilling operations.

Online Resources

  • Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE): The SPE website offers a wealth of technical resources, including articles, research papers, and training materials related to drilling and BHA technology.
  • Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: This glossary provides definitions and explanations for various drilling terms, including a detailed entry on Bottomhole Assembly.
  • Halliburton Drilling & Completion: Halliburton's website offers information about their drilling and completion services, including insights into BHA design and implementation.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: "Bottomhole assembly design," "BHA components," "drilling assembly," "BHA selection criteria," "directional drilling BHA."
  • Combine keywords with company names: "Schlumberger BHA," "Halliburton BHA," "Baker Hughes BHA" for specific vendor resources.
  • Include date restrictions: Add "2023" or "past year" to your search to prioritize recent information and advancements in BHA technology.
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