معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في الإدارة المستدامة للمياه: entrainment


الاستدراج: سيف ذو حدين في إدارة المياه المستدامة

الاستدراج، وهو مصطلح له معانٍ مختلفة حسب السياق، يلعب دورًا حاسمًا في إدارة المياه المستدامة، وغالبًا ما يطرح فرصًا وتحديات في الوقت نفسه.

1. استدراج الكائنات الحية: موازنة بين إمدادات المياه وصحة النظام البيئي

في سياق البنية التحتية للمياه، يشير الاستدراج إلى دمج الكائنات الحية الصغيرة، بما في ذلك بيض وأسماك ورخويات، في نظام السحب. يمكن أن تحدث هذه الظاهرة خلال عمليات استخلاص المياه، حيث يتم سحب المياه من الأنهار والبحيرات أو المحيطات لاستخدامات مختلفة، بما في ذلك مياه الشرب والري وتوليد الطاقة.

على الرغم من أهميته لإمدادات المياه، يمكن أن يكون للاستدراج تأثيرات ضارة على النظم البيئية المائية. يمكن أن يؤدي إزالة الكائنات الحية الحيوية إلى تعطيل سلاسل الغذاء، وتأثير ديناميكيات السكان، بل وحتى إلى انخفاض الأنواع ذات الأهمية التجارية.

تتطلب إدارة المياه المستدامة التوازن. يمكن أن تقلل التدابير مثل مداخل الشاشة وهياكل السحب القابلة للتعديل من استدراج الكائنات الحية، مما يحفظ التنوع البيولوجي مع ضمان إمدادات المياه الكافية.

2. استدراج بخار الماء: فائدة محتملة لحفظ المياه

يشمل نوع آخر من الاستدراج حمل قطرات من الماء مع بخار يتم إنتاجه أثناء التبخر. هذه الظاهرة، التي تحدث في البيئات الطبيعية وكذلك في العمليات الصناعية، توفر إمكانات لحفظ المياه.

على سبيل المثال، جمع الضباب يستخدم الاستدراج لجمع قطرات الماء التي تحملها الضباب عن طريق تركيب شبكات متخصصة. يمكن أن تكون هذه الطريقة مفيدة بشكل خاص في المناطق القاحلة، حيث توفر مصدرًا مستدامًا للمياه العذبة. وبالمثل، محطات تحلية المياه يمكنها استخدام الاستدراج للحد من فقدان المياه أثناء التبخر.

ومع ذلك، يمكن أن يؤدي الاستدراج غير المنضبط أيضًا إلى فقدان المياه واستخدام الطاقة غير الفعال، خاصة في الصناعات مثل توليد الطاقة. يمكن أن يؤدي تحسين تصميم المعدات وتشغيلها إلى تقليل خسائر الاستدراج بشكل كبير، مما يساهم في جهود حفظ المياه العامة.


يقدم الاستدراج في إدارة المياه المستدامة تفاعلًا معقدًا للفرص والتحديات. إن فهم جوانب الاستدراج المميزة وتنفيذ استراتيجيات التخفيف والاستخدام المناسبة أمر بالغ الأهمية لتحقيق أمن المياه مع الحفاظ على النظم البيئية. من خلال إدارة استدراج كل من الكائنات الحية وبخار الماء بعناية، يمكننا التقدم نحو مستقبل يتم فيه استخدام الموارد المائية بشكل مسؤول ومستدام.

Test Your Knowledge

Entrainment Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What does "entrainment" refer to in the context of water infrastructure? a) The release of pollutants into water bodies. b) The incorporation of small organisms into an intake system. c) The purification of water using filtration methods. d) The diversion of water flow using dams and canals.


b) The incorporation of small organisms into an intake system.

2. How can entrainment of organisms affect aquatic ecosystems? a) It can improve water quality by removing harmful bacteria. b) It can increase the diversity of species by introducing new organisms. c) It can disrupt food webs and impact population dynamics. d) It has no significant impact on aquatic ecosystems.


c) It can disrupt food webs and impact population dynamics.

3. What is a potential benefit of entrainment of water vapor? a) It can reduce the amount of water available for human consumption. b) It can contribute to the formation of harmful acid rain. c) It can be used for water conservation through methods like fog harvesting. d) It can increase the efficiency of power generation plants.


c) It can be used for water conservation through methods like fog harvesting.

4. What is a potential drawback of uncontrolled entrainment of water vapor in industrial processes? a) It can lead to the creation of new and valuable resources. b) It can contribute to the depletion of water resources. c) It can enhance the efficiency of power plants. d) It has no significant negative impact on water conservation.


b) It can contribute to the depletion of water resources.

5. Which of the following is NOT a strategy to minimize organism entrainment during water abstraction? a) Using screened intakes b) Adjusting intake structures c) Increasing the flow rate of water d) Implementing habitat restoration programs


c) Increasing the flow rate of water.

Entrainment Exercise:

Scenario: A coastal community relies heavily on a nearby estuary for fishing and recreation. A new power plant is being built nearby, and the proposed intake system for cooling water is raising concerns about the potential for entrainment of fish larvae.


  1. Research different technologies and techniques used to minimize entrainment of organisms in water intake systems.
  2. Design a plan for the power plant intake system that incorporates these measures to mitigate the potential impact on the estuary ecosystem.
  3. Consider the trade-offs between water supply needs for the power plant and the need to protect the estuarine ecosystem.


  1. Investigate how the entrainment of water vapor could potentially benefit this community (e.g., through desalination, fog harvesting, etc.).

Exercice Correction

The correction for this exercise will vary depending on the specific research and design choices made by the student. However, here are some general guidelines:


  • Technologies to minimize entrainment include screened intakes with different mesh sizes, adjustable intake structures to avoid high-density areas of fish larvae, and the use of bypass systems to divert water away from sensitive areas.
  • Techniques like fish-friendly screens and behavioral barriers can also be considered.

Design Plan:

  • The intake system should be designed to minimize the capture of fish larvae, with appropriate screens and intake locations.
  • The plan should include regular monitoring and adjustments to optimize the intake system and minimize negative impacts.
  • Consider alternative cooling methods that minimize water intake, like air-cooled condensers.


  • The power plant's water needs must be balanced against the need to protect the estuary ecosystem.
  • The community should be involved in decision-making to ensure their interests are considered.


  • The community could explore the potential for fog harvesting or desalination to supplement water resources, reducing dependence on the estuary.
  • Research into water vapor entrainment in desalination plants should focus on optimizing the process to minimize water loss.


  • "Water Quality: An Introduction" by Andrew J. Ward - This textbook provides an overview of water quality issues, including the effects of entrainment on aquatic ecosystems.
  • "Sustainable Water Management: A Global Perspective" by Peter H. Gleick - This book covers various aspects of water management and highlights the importance of sustainable practices, including minimizing entrainment.
  • "The Ecology of Fishes" by Peter B. Moyle and Joseph J. Cech Jr. - This book delves into the biological aspects of fish and their interactions with their environment, including the impact of entrainment on fish populations.


  • "Entrainment and Impingement of Aquatic Organisms at Power Plants: A Review" by John S. C. Whiting (Environmental Management, 1984) - This article explores the impacts of entrainment and impingement at power plants, highlighting mitigation strategies.
  • "The Effects of Water Withdrawal on Aquatic Ecosystems" by Daniel P. C. C. Wong (International Journal of Environmental Studies, 2002) - This article discusses the ecological consequences of water withdrawal, including entrainment, and suggests ways to minimize harm to ecosystems.
  • "Fog Harvesting: A Promising Approach to Water Conservation in Arid Regions" by J. M. G. Gómez (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015) - This article explores the potential of fog harvesting as a sustainable water source, highlighting the role of entrainment in the process.

Online Resources

  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - "Water Quality Criteria" - This EPA resource provides guidelines and information on water quality standards, including those relevant to entrainment.
  • The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) - "Entrainment and Impingement of Marine Organisms at Power Plants" - This report from ICCAT provides insights into the effects of entrainment on marine organisms, particularly in relation to the fishing industry.
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - "Fish and Wildlife Service" - NOAA's Fish and Wildlife Service provides information on the impact of various human activities, including water withdrawal and entrainment, on aquatic ecosystems.

Search Tips

  • "entrainment AND sustainable water management" - This search combines the keywords to find articles and research related to the specific topic.
  • "entrainment AND water intake structures" - This search helps locate information about techniques used to minimize entrainment during water abstraction.
  • "entrainment AND fog harvesting" - This search provides resources on the use of entrainment for water collection in fog harvesting.
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