معجم المصطلحات الفنية مستعمل في الصحة البيئية والسلامة: dermal exposure

dermal exposure

التعرض الجلدي: تهديد صامت في معالجة البيئة والمياه

غالبًا ما يواجه خبراء معالجة البيئة والمياه مواد خطرة، مما يمثل خطرًا كبيرًا من التعرض الجلدي - وهو التلامس بين مادة كيميائية والجلد. قد يكون هذا التفاعل البسيط ظاهريًا له عواقب وخيمة، تتراوح من تهيج خفيف إلى مشاكل صحية مزمنة.

**فهم التعرض الجلدي:**

يحدث التعرض الجلدي عندما تتلامس المواد الكيميائية مع الجلد، متجاوزة طرق الاستنشاق أو البلع التقليدية. قد يحدث هذا من خلال:

  • **التلامس المباشر:** التعامل مع المواد الملوثة، أو التسربات، أو التناثر، أو ارتداء معدات الحماية بشكل غير كافٍ.
  • **التلامس غير المباشر:** لمس الأسطح أو المعدات أو الملابس الملوثة.

**لماذا يشكل التعرض الجلدي مصدر قلق؟**

يعمل الجلد كحاجز واقٍ، ولكنه ليس غير قابل للاختراق. يمكن للمواد الكيميائية اختراق الجلد والدخول إلى مجرى الدم، مما يؤدي إلى:

  • **الآثار الفورية:** تهيج الجلد، والحروق، والحساسية، والطفح الجلدي، والفقاعات.
  • **الآثار المتأخرة:** مشاكل صحية مزمنة مثل السرطان، ومشاكل الإنجاب، وتلف الأعضاء.

**العوامل المؤثرة على التعرض الجلدي:**

  • **الخصائص الكيميائية:** تخترق المواد الكيميائية القابلة للذوبان بسهولة الجلد.
  • **التركيز:** تزيد التركيزات العالية من خطر الامتصاص.
  • **مدة التلامس:** يزيد التعرض لفترة طويلة من احتمال حدوث آثار صحية.
  • **حالة الجلد:** يمكن أن يعزز الامتصاص الجروح، والكدمات، والإكزيما.

**التخفيف من مخاطر التعرض الجلدي:**

  • **معدات الحماية الشخصية (PPE):** القفازات، والملابس الواقية، ونظارات الحماية، وأجهزة التنفس ضرورية.
  • **التحكمات الهندسية:** إغلاق العمليات، ونظم التهوية، وشاشات التناثر تقلل من التعرض.
  • **التحكمات الإدارية:** الحد من وقت التعرض، والتدريب، وتنفيذ ممارسات العمل الآمنة.
  • **الاستعداد للطوارئ:** امتلاك حقائب الإسعافات الأولية، ومحطات غسل العين، وإجراءات الطوارئ.
  • **المراقبة والاختبار المنتظم:** مراقبة مستويات التعرض للعمال وضمان ممارسات التعامل الكيميائي المناسبة.

**عواقب إهمال التعرض الجلدي:**

  • **المخاطر الصحية على العمال:** زيادة خطر الإصابة بأمراض وإصابات العمل.
  • **المسؤوليات القانونية:** يمكن أن يؤدي عدم الامتثال للوائح السلامة إلى الغرامات والمقاضاة.
  • **تلوث البيئة:** يمكن أن يشكل التخلص غير السليم من المواد الملوثة مخاطر على البيئة.


يشكل التعرض الجلدي مصدر قلق خطير في معالجة البيئة والمياه. إن فهم المخاطر، وتنفيذ تدابير السلامة المناسبة، والحفاظ على اليقظة ضروري لحماية صحة العمال وتقليل التأثير البيئي. من خلال إعطاء الأولوية للسلامة والوعي، يمكننا ضمان مستقبل أكثر صحة واستدامة للجميع.

Test Your Knowledge

Dermal Exposure Quiz:

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a way dermal exposure can occur? (a) Handling contaminated materials (b) Inhaling chemical fumes (c) Touching contaminated surfaces (d) Wearing protective gear inadequately


(b) Inhaling chemical fumes

2. What can happen when chemicals penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream? (a) Immediate effects like skin irritation and burns (b) Delayed effects like cancer and reproductive problems (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above


(c) Both (a) and (b)

3. Which of the following factors DOES NOT influence dermal exposure? (a) Chemical properties (b) Concentration (c) Air temperature (d) Duration of contact


(c) Air temperature

4. What is the most effective way to mitigate dermal exposure risks? (a) Engineering controls (b) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (c) Administrative controls (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

5. What are the potential consequences of neglecting dermal exposure? (a) Health risks for workers (b) Legal liabilities (c) Environmental contamination (d) All of the above


(d) All of the above

Dermal Exposure Exercise:

Scenario: You are working at a water treatment plant and need to handle a chemical solution that poses a risk of dermal exposure.

Task: Create a step-by-step plan for safely handling this chemical, addressing the following:

  1. PPE: What specific PPE should you wear and why?
  2. Engineering controls: Are there any engineering controls in place to minimize exposure? If so, how will you utilize them?
  3. Administrative controls: What administrative controls will you implement to ensure safety?
  4. Emergency preparedness: What emergency procedures will you be prepared to follow in case of an incident?

Exercice Correction

A sample solution:

1. PPE: * Gloves: Chemical-resistant gloves that are compatible with the specific chemical solution should be worn. * Protective clothing: A lab coat or apron made of a material that resists the chemical should be worn to protect the skin. * Eye protection: Goggles or face shield should be worn to protect the eyes from splashes or fumes. * Respirator: If the chemical can be inhaled, an appropriate respirator should be used.

2. Engineering controls: * Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of fumes. * Splash guards: Utilize splash guards on equipment to minimize the risk of accidental splashes. * Enclosed processes: Consider using enclosed systems to minimize direct contact with the chemical.

3. Administrative controls: * Training: Ensure all personnel handling the chemical are properly trained in safe handling procedures. * Exposure time: Minimize the amount of time spent handling the chemical. * Rotation: Rotate personnel handling the chemical to minimize individual exposure. * Safe work practices: Implement safe work practices, such as proper disposal of contaminated materials and regular cleaning of work surfaces.

4. Emergency preparedness: * Emergency procedures: Establish and communicate clear emergency procedures for dealing with spills, splashes, or other incidents. * First aid: Ensure first aid kits are readily available and personnel are trained in basic first aid. * Emergency contact: Have emergency contact information readily available.

Note: The specific PPE and procedures required will depend on the specific chemical being handled. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the chemical to determine the appropriate safety measures.


  • Occupational Safety and Health Handbook: This comprehensive handbook covers a wide range of topics, including dermal exposure, with detailed information on hazards, prevention, and control measures.
  • Industrial Hygiene for Engineers: This book provides a practical guide for engineers working in industrial settings, focusing on risk assessment, exposure control, and personal protective equipment.
  • Patty's Industrial Hygiene: This multi-volume reference work offers in-depth coverage of various aspects of industrial hygiene, including chapters dedicated to dermal exposure, skin penetration, and toxicology.
  • The Toxicology of Metals: An Overview: This book explores the toxicological effects of various metals, including their absorption through the skin and potential health risks.
  • Skin Toxicity: This book delves into the mechanisms of skin toxicity, focusing on different types of skin reactions, chemical penetration, and risk assessment.


  • Dermal Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace: This article published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene provides an overview of dermal exposure, risk factors, and control measures.
  • The Role of Personal Protective Equipment in Preventing Dermal Exposure: This article discusses the importance of PPE and the selection of appropriate gear for different work situations.
  • A Review of Dermal Exposure Assessment Methods for Occupational Settings: This article reviews various methods for assessing dermal exposure, including passive dosimeters, biomonitoring, and simulation models.
  • The Impact of Dermal Exposure to Pesticides on Human Health: This article explores the health consequences of pesticide exposure through the skin, including acute and chronic effects.
  • The Importance of Skin Integrity in Preventing Dermal Exposure: This article emphasizes the role of skin integrity in preventing chemical absorption and highlights the importance of skin protection and hygiene.

Online Resources

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): NIOSH provides comprehensive information on dermal exposure, including hazard identification, control measures, and safety recommendations. (https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/)
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): OSHA offers regulations, guidelines, and training materials related to workplace safety, including dermal exposure. (https://www.osha.gov/)
  • American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH): ACGIH publishes toxicological guidelines, exposure limits, and recommendations for occupational health, including dermal exposure. (https://www.acgih.org/)
  • The Chemical Safety Board (CSB): CSB investigates chemical accidents and provides reports and recommendations for preventing similar incidents, often involving dermal exposure. (https://www.csb.gov/)
  • World Health Organization (WHO): WHO provides information on the health effects of various chemicals and offers guidelines for safe handling and management of hazardous substances. (https://www.who.int/)

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords: Combine terms like "dermal exposure," "skin absorption," "chemical penetration," and "water treatment" or "environmental hazards" to narrow your search.
  • Include relevant industry terms: Add terms like "occupational hygiene," "industrial hygiene," or "safety engineering" to find more relevant resources.
  • Specify the chemical or substance: If you are researching dermal exposure to a specific chemical, include its name in your search query.
  • Use quotation marks: Enclosing keywords in quotation marks will ensure that Google searches for the exact phrase, increasing accuracy.
  • Filter by file type: Restrict your search to PDFs, articles, or academic resources by using the "filetype" operator in Google Search.
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