معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي

Block & Hong process

عملية بلوك وهونغ: لاعب رئيسي في إزالة الفوسفور البيولوجية

عملية بلوك وهونغ هي طريقة راسخة لإزالة الفوسفور البيولوجية (BPR) في معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي. تم تطويرها في السبعينيات من قبل الباحثين الدكتور بلوك والدكتور هونغ، وهي تستفيد من قدرات الأيض الفريدة لبكتيريا معينة لإزالة الفوسفور من مياه الصرف الصحي بفعالية.

المبادئ الأساسية:

تعتمد عملية بلوك وهونغ على التفاعل بين مجموعتين مختلفتين من البكتيريا:

  • الكائنات الحية التي تجمع الفوسفور في الظروف اللاهوائية (PAOs): هذه البكتيريا تستخدم بوليفوسفات كمصدر للطاقة في الظروف اللاهوائية (غياب الأكسجين). تمتص الفوسفور من مياه الصرف الصحي وتخزنه داخل خلاياها كبوليفوسفات.
  • البكتيريا غير المتجانسة الهوائية: هذه البكتيريا تستهلك المواد العضوية في وجود الأكسجين.

عملية العملية:

تعمل عملية بلوك وهونغ عادةً في نظام متعدد المراحل، باستخدام مزيج من الظروف اللاهوائية والهوائية:

  1. المنطقة اللاهوائية: يتم إدخال مياه الصرف الصحي أولاً إلى مفاعل لا هوائي. هنا، تزدهر PAOs وتستهلك المواد العضوية وتمتص الفوسفور من مياه الصرف الصحي.
  2. المنطقة الهوائية: ثم تدخل مياه الصرف الصحي إلى مفاعل هوائي. هنا، تستهلك البكتيريا الهوائية المواد العضوية المتبقية. تطلق PAOs الفوسفور المخزن لديها على شكل فوسفات عضوي، والذي تتم إزالته لاحقًا من خلال الترسيب الكيميائي.

فوائد عملية بلوك وهونغ:

  • كفاءة عالية في إزالة الفوسفور: يمكن أن تحقق العملية معدلات إزالة فوسفور كبيرة، وغالبًا ما تصل إلى أكثر من 90٪.
  • فعالية من حيث التكلفة: مقارنةً بطرق إزالة الفوسفور الكيميائية، توفر عملية بلوك وهونغ حلاً أكثر استدامة وفعالية من حيث التكلفة.
  • تقليل إنتاج الطين: نظرًا لإزالة الفوسفور بيولوجيًا، يتم تقليل كمية الطين المنتجة، مما يبسط إدارة الطين.

مساهمة USFilter/Krüger:

لعبت USFilter، التي تم الاستحواذ عليها لاحقًا بواسطة Krüger، دورًا مهمًا في تطوير عملية بلوك وهونغ وتنقيحها. لقد قدموا تقنيات وتصاميم مبتكرة، مثل:

  • Krüger BioPACT: هذه العملية الحاصلة على براءة اختراع تجمع بين إزالة الفوسفور البيولوجية المتقدمة وتصميم مفاعل مضغوط، مما يحسن استخدام المساحة وكفاءة التشغيل.
  • الحلول المتكاملة: تقدم USFilter/Krüger حلولًا متكاملة، تضم عملية بلوك وهونغ ضمن أنظمة معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي الشاملة، المصممة لتلبية الاحتياجات المحددة.

نظرة إلى المستقبل:

تظل عملية بلوك وهونغ حجر الزاوية في إزالة الفوسفور البيولوجية. تركز الأبحاث المستمرة على تحسين معلمات العملية، وتحسين الكفاءة بشكل أكبر، وتوسيع نطاق تطبيقها على تيارات مياه الصرف الصحي المتنوعة.


تُعد عملية بلوك وهونغ شهادة على قوة معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي البيولوجية. إن قدرتها على إزالة الفوسفور بفعالية، إلى جانب فعاليتها من حيث التكلفة وفوائدها البيئية، تجعلها عنصرًا أساسيًا في تحقيق إدارة مياه الصرف الصحي المستدامة. لقد حسنت مساهمات USFilter/Krüger من ملاءمتها، مما يجعلها أداة موثوقة وقيمة لمرافق معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي في جميع أنحاء العالم.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Block & Hong Process

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary mechanism for phosphorus removal in the Block & Hong process? a) Chemical precipitation b) Biological uptake by bacteria c) Filtration through membranes d) Adsorption onto activated carbon


b) Biological uptake by bacteria

2. Which type of bacteria is responsible for storing phosphorus during anaerobic conditions? a) Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria b) Anaerobic phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) c) Nitrifying bacteria d) Denitrifying bacteria


b) Anaerobic phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs)

3. What is the main benefit of using the Block & Hong process over traditional chemical phosphorus removal methods? a) Higher removal efficiency b) Lower operating costs c) Reduced sludge production d) All of the above


d) All of the above

4. Which company has played a significant role in developing and refining the Block & Hong process? a) Siemens b) Veolia c) USFilter/Krüger d) GE Water


c) USFilter/Krüger

5. What is a key innovation introduced by USFilter/Krüger for the Block & Hong process? a) Development of the first anaerobic reactor b) Patented Krüger BioPACT process c) Use of activated carbon for phosphorus removal d) Introduction of membrane filtration technology


b) Patented Krüger BioPACT process


Scenario: A wastewater treatment plant is considering implementing the Block & Hong process for phosphorus removal. They have a daily influent flow of 10,000 m3 with a phosphorus concentration of 5 mg/L. They want to achieve a phosphorus effluent concentration of 1 mg/L.

1. Calculate the daily phosphorus load entering the plant (in kg). 2. Calculate the amount of phosphorus removed daily (in kg). 3. What is the overall phosphorus removal efficiency (%) for this scenario?

Exercice Correction

1. Daily Phosphorus Load: * Convert flow to liters: 10,000 m3 * 1,000 L/m3 = 10,000,000 L * Daily phosphorus load: 10,000,000 L * 5 mg/L = 50,000,000 mg = 50 kg

**2.  Amount of Phosphorus Removed Daily:**
    * Phosphorus removed: 50 kg - (10,000,000 L * 1 mg/L = 10 kg) = 40 kg

**3.  Overall Phosphorus Removal Efficiency:**
    * Efficiency: (40 kg / 50 kg) * 100% = 80%



  • Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse by Metcalf & Eddy (This comprehensive textbook covers the Block & Hong process within its discussions on biological phosphorus removal.)
  • Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modeling and Design by Henze et al. (This book offers a detailed explanation of the process, including its mechanisms and optimization.)


  • "Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal: Principles and Processes" by Grady et al. (Water Science and Technology, 2003) - Discusses the principles and practical applications of the Block & Hong process.
  • "The Role of Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) in Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal" by M.C.M. van Loosdrecht et al. (Water Research, 1997) - Focuses on the key microbial actors involved in the process.
  • "The Block & Hong Process: A Review" by R. H. Metcalf (Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 1982) - Provides an in-depth review of the process and its early development.

Online Resources

  • Krüger BioPACT website: This website offers information about Krüger's specific implementations of the Block & Hong process, including case studies and technical details.
  • WEF (Water Environment Federation) website: Search for "biological phosphorus removal" or "Block & Hong process" to find relevant publications, research reports, and educational materials.
  • EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) website: The EPA provides information on wastewater treatment technologies, including biological phosphorus removal.

Search Tips

  • "Block & Hong process" + "wastewater treatment": This will return results specifically related to the process in the context of wastewater treatment.
  • "Biological phosphorus removal" + "PAOs": This search will uncover resources focusing on the microbial aspects of the process.
  • "Krüger BioPACT" + "case studies": This will lead you to real-world examples of the technology's implementation.


Chapter 1: Techniques

The Block & Hong Process: Techniques for Biological Phosphorus Removal

The Block & Hong process is a biological phosphorus removal (BPR) technique that utilizes the metabolic capabilities of specific bacteria to remove phosphorus from wastewater. It is based on the principle of alternating anaerobic and aerobic conditions to drive the phosphorus removal process.

Key Techniques:

  • Anaerobic Phosphorous Accumulation:
    • Wastewater is introduced into an anaerobic reactor where oxygen is limited.
    • Anaerobic Phosphorous Accumulating Organisms (PAOs) utilize polyphosphate as an energy source, absorbing phosphorus from the wastewater and storing it internally.
  • Aerobic Phosphorus Release:
    • Wastewater is then transferred to an aerobic reactor with sufficient oxygen.
    • Aerobic heterotrophic bacteria consume organic matter, while PAOs release their stored phosphorus as orthophosphate.
  • Chemical Precipitation:
    • Orthophosphate released by PAOs is precipitated out of solution using chemicals like ferric chloride or aluminum sulfate, forming a solid that can be removed.

Process Variations:

  • Single-Stage Process: A single reactor is used, alternating between anaerobic and aerobic conditions through aeration cycles.
  • Two-Stage Process: Separate anaerobic and aerobic reactors are used, with wastewater flowing sequentially through each stage.
  • Modified Processes: Modifications include the use of different reactor configurations, alternative nutrient sources, and tailored operating strategies.

Advantages of Block & Hong Process:

  • High Removal Efficiency: Typically achieves over 90% phosphorus removal.
  • Cost-Effective: Lower operational costs compared to chemical removal methods.
  • Sustainable: Reduces sludge production, minimizing environmental impact.


  • Sensitivity to Operating Conditions: Optimal performance requires careful control of various parameters, including dissolved oxygen levels, pH, and nutrient availability.
  • Potential for Sludge Bulking: Uncontrolled growth of certain bacteria can cause sludge thickening and operational problems.
  • Requirement for Specialized Expertise: Effective implementation requires specialized knowledge and experience in BPR technology.

Chapter 2: Models

Mathematical Models for Optimizing the Block & Hong Process

Mathematical models play a crucial role in understanding and optimizing the Block & Hong process. These models simulate the complex interactions between bacteria, nutrients, and environmental factors within the reactor system.

Types of Models:

  • Stoichiometric Models: Focus on the chemical reactions and mass balances involved in the process.
  • Kinetic Models: Describe the rate of reactions and microbial growth based on specific parameters.
  • Dynamic Models: Simulate the process behavior over time, considering changes in environmental conditions and biological populations.

Model Applications:

  • Process Design: Help engineers design and size reactors, optimize aeration and mixing strategies, and predict phosphorus removal efficiency.
  • Operational Optimization: Guide operators in adjusting process parameters to achieve maximum performance.
  • Troubleshooting: Identify potential issues and predict the impact of operational changes.

Limitations of Models:

  • Simplifications: Models often simplify complex biological interactions, potentially impacting accuracy.
  • Data Requirements: Accurate models require extensive data on specific wastewater characteristics and microbial activity.
  • Validation: Model predictions must be validated against actual process performance data.

Advances in Modeling:

  • Data-driven Models: Employ machine learning techniques to analyze large datasets and predict process performance.
  • Multi-scale Models: Combine different scales of modeling, from microscopic to reactor-level, to capture detailed interactions.


Mathematical models are valuable tools for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the Block & Hong process. Continuous advancements in modeling techniques and increasing data availability will further contribute to optimizing this crucial wastewater treatment technology.

Chapter 3: Software

Software Tools for Block & Hong Process Design and Operation

The implementation of the Block & Hong process relies on specialized software tools for design, optimization, and operational management. These tools leverage mathematical models and data analysis to provide insights and support decision-making.

Software Categories:

  • Process Simulation Software:
    • Simulates the performance of the Block & Hong process under various scenarios.
    • Assists in reactor design, process optimization, and troubleshooting.
    • Examples: BioWin, GPS-X, WEAP
  • Data Acquisition and Monitoring Software:
    • Collects and analyzes real-time process data, including flow rates, dissolved oxygen levels, and nutrient concentrations.
    • Generates alerts and reports for operational adjustments.
    • Examples: SCADA systems, PlantWeb
  • Control Systems:
    • Automate process control parameters, such as aeration rates and chemical dosing.
    • Optimize performance based on real-time data and pre-defined setpoints.
    • Examples: PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers), DCS (Distributed Control Systems)

Software Benefits:

  • Enhanced Design and Optimization: Improves reactor design, minimizes energy consumption, and maximizes phosphorus removal efficiency.
  • Real-time Monitoring and Control: Enables proactive adjustments to maintain optimal process performance and prevent operational issues.
  • Data-driven Decision-making: Provides insights for informed decision-making based on comprehensive process data analysis.

Software Considerations:

  • Compatibility: Ensure compatibility with existing infrastructure and data management systems.
  • User Friendliness: Select software with intuitive interfaces and comprehensive training resources.
  • Customization: Evaluate software flexibility for adapting to specific process requirements and future needs.


Software tools are essential for implementing and managing the Block & Hong process effectively. By leveraging sophisticated models and data analysis, they contribute to optimizing performance, minimizing costs, and ensuring sustainable wastewater treatment.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Best Practices for Implementing and Optimizing the Block & Hong Process

Successful implementation and optimization of the Block & Hong process require adherence to best practices that ensure consistent performance and minimize operational challenges.

Design Considerations:

  • Reactor Selection: Choose appropriate reactor configurations (single-stage, two-stage, or modified) based on wastewater characteristics and site constraints.
  • Aeration System: Optimize aeration strategies for efficient oxygen transfer and maintain optimal dissolved oxygen levels.
  • Nutrient Balance: Ensure proper nutrient ratios (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) for optimal microbial activity and phosphorus removal.

Operational Management:

  • Process Control: Monitor and adjust process parameters (flow rate, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, etc.) regularly to ensure optimal performance.
  • Sludge Management: Implement proper sludge removal and disposal procedures to prevent sludge bulking and maintain reactor stability.
  • Regular Monitoring: Perform routine water quality analyses (COD, BOD, phosphorus, nitrogen) to track process efficiency and identify any deviations.


  • Performance Issues: Identify and address factors causing decreased phosphorus removal efficiency, such as changes in wastewater composition, reactor clogging, or microbial imbalances.
  • Sludge Problems: Develop strategies for resolving sludge bulking, including optimizing aeration, adding coagulants, or adjusting nutrient ratios.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Data Analysis: Analyze process data to identify areas for improvement and optimize operational parameters.
  • Research and Development: Stay updated on advancements in BPR technology and consider implementing new techniques for enhanced performance.


Following best practices in design, operation, and troubleshooting is crucial for achieving consistent and optimal performance with the Block & Hong process. A commitment to continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making ensures long-term success in biological phosphorus removal.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Real-World Applications of the Block & Hong Process: Success Stories and Lessons Learned

The Block & Hong process has been successfully implemented in various wastewater treatment facilities worldwide, demonstrating its effectiveness in achieving high phosphorus removal rates and contributing to sustainable wastewater management.

Case Study 1: Wastewater Treatment Plant, City X

  • Challenge: High phosphorus levels in wastewater exceeding discharge limits.
  • Solution: Implemented a two-stage Block & Hong process with a combination of anaerobic and aerobic reactors.
  • Outcome: Achieved over 95% phosphorus removal, meeting regulatory requirements and significantly reducing environmental impact.

Case Study 2: Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant, Company Y

  • Challenge: High organic load and variable phosphorus levels in industrial wastewater.
  • Solution: Developed a customized Block & Hong process with a modified reactor design and optimized nutrient addition strategies.
  • Outcome: Successfully treated industrial wastewater with high phosphorus removal efficiency, minimizing environmental impact and reducing treatment costs.

Case Study 3: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, City Z

  • Challenge: Significant sludge bulking issues in the existing activated sludge process.
  • Solution: Integrated a Block & Hong process into the existing system to enhance phosphorus removal and address sludge bulking problems.
  • Outcome: Improved overall process performance, reduced sludge production, and achieved sustainable phosphorus removal.

Lessons Learned:

  • Customization is Key: The Block & Hong process can be tailored to specific wastewater characteristics and site conditions.
  • Proper Design is Essential: Careful design considerations, including reactor type, aeration system, and nutrient balance, are critical for optimal performance.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Optimization: Regular process monitoring, data analysis, and adjustments are crucial for achieving long-term efficiency.


These case studies illustrate the versatility and effectiveness of the Block & Hong process in addressing diverse wastewater treatment challenges. Sharing best practices and lessons learned from real-world applications contributes to the ongoing optimization and wider adoption of this vital technology.

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