قادة الصناعة


أشبروك - سايمون - هارتلي: إرث في معالجة البيئة والمياه

اسم أشبروك - سايمون - هارتلي (ASH) يتردد بقوة في صناعة معالجة البيئة والمياه. تحمل هذه الشركة المرموقة، المعروفة الآن باسم شركة أشبروك، إرثًا من الابتكار والخبرة يمتد لأكثر من قرن، مما أسهم بشكل كبير في تطوير وتنفيذ حلول حيوية لمعالجة المياه والصرف الصحي.

نشأة الإرث:

تتبع جذور أشبروك - سايمون - هارتلي إلى أوائل القرن العشرين، حيث تشكلت من خلال سلسلة من عمليات الاندماج والاستحواذ. يرتبط تاريخ الشركة ارتباطًا وثيقًا بالتقدم الرائد في هذا المجال، بدءًا من خبرة مؤسسيها:

  • أشبروك: شركة هندسية بارزة تركز على معالجة المياه والصرف الصحي.
  • سايمون: شركة رائدة متخصصة في تقنيات معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي البلدية.
  • هارتلي: مشهورة بخبرتها في معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي الصناعية والعمليات الكيميائية.

أدى اندماج هذه الكيانات في عام 1968 إلى ولادة أشبروك - سايمون - هارتلي، مما أدى إلى توحيد خبراتهم وتوسيع نطاقهم لتقديم حلول شاملة لمعالجة البيئة والمياه.

إرث الابتكار:

سرعان ما أصبحت ASH رائدة في هذه الصناعة، حيث اشتهرت بمساهماتها المبتكرة:

  • تقنيات المعالجة المتقدمة: كانت ASH رائدة في استخدام عمليات المعالجة المتقدمة، بما في ذلك امتصاص الكربون المنشط، وترشيح الأغشية، وطرق المعالجة البيولوجية، لمواجهة التحديات البيئية المتزايدة التعقيد.
  • التسليم الشامل للمشروع: قدمت الشركة نهجًا شاملًا لتطوير المشروع، يشمل التصميم والهندسة والبناء والتشغيل والصيانة، مما يوفر للعملاء حلًا متكاملًا.
  • الوصول العالمي: امتدت خبرة ASH إلى ما هو أبعد من الحدود الوطنية، مع مشاريع تم تنفيذها في جميع أنحاء العالم، مما ساهم في تطوير البنية التحتية المستدامة لمعالجة المياه والصرف الصحي في مناطق متنوعة.

التطور والإرث:

في عام 2010، تم الاستحواذ على أشبروك - سايمون - هارتلي من قبل AECOM، وهي شركة عالمية للاستشارات في مجال البنية التحتية. على الرغم من تغيير الملكية، فإن إرث الابتكار والخبرة الذي بنته ASH لا يزال يؤثر على هذه الصناعة.

اليوم، تستمر شركة أشبروك، وهي شركة تابعة لـ AECOM، في العمل كمزود رائد لحلول معالجة البيئة والمياه، مع الحفاظ على القيم والالتزام بالتميز الذي وضعه أسلافها. لا تزال خبرتهم وإرثهم يدفعون هذه الصناعة نحو حلول مستدامة ومبتكرة لإدارة المياه والصرف الصحي.

قد يكون اسم أشبروك - سايمون - هارتلي بقايا من الماضي، لكن المبادئ وإرث هذه الشركة المرموقة لا يزالان محفورين في تاريخ معالجة البيئة والمياه، مما يلهم الأجيال القادمة لمواجهة تحديات حماية مواردنا المائية.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley: A Legacy in Environmental & Water Treatment

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. When was Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley (ASH) officially formed?

a) 1900 b) 1945 c) 1968 d) 2010


c) 1968

2. What was Hartley known for?

a) Water treatment and sanitation b) Municipal wastewater treatment technologies c) Industrial wastewater treatment and chemical processing d) Advanced treatment processes


c) Industrial wastewater treatment and chemical processing

3. Which of these is NOT a pioneering contribution of ASH?

a) Development of new water desalination techniques b) Advanced treatment technologies c) Comprehensive project delivery d) Global reach


a) Development of new water desalination techniques

4. What company acquired Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley in 2010?

a) AECOM b) GE c) Veolia d) Suez



5. What is the name of the company that currently carries on the legacy of ASH?

a) AECOM b) Ashbrook Corp. c) Simon-Hartley d) Ashbrook-Simon


b) Ashbrook Corp.

Exercise: The Legacy of Innovation

Instructions: Imagine you are a young engineer working for Ashbrook Corp. You are tasked with researching a specific water treatment technology and presenting its potential impact on the industry. Choose one of the following technologies and explain its potential impact:

  • Membrane Filtration: How can membrane filtration revolutionize water treatment in developing countries?
  • Activated Carbon Adsorption: Explain how activated carbon adsorption can address emerging contaminants in drinking water.
  • Biological Treatment: Discuss the role of biological treatment in wastewater management and its potential for resource recovery.

Write a brief presentation (2-3 paragraphs) outlining the technology, its benefits, and its significance in the context of ASH's legacy of innovation.

Exercice Correction

The chosen technology and its impact will vary depending on the student's selection. A good presentation should include: * A clear explanation of the technology and how it works. * Specific examples of its potential applications and benefits (e.g., improved water quality, reduced energy consumption, resource recovery). * A connection to the legacy of Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley and its focus on innovation and sustainable solutions.


  • AECOM History: While AECOM's history may not specifically detail ASH's story, it will provide context for the company's growth and acquisition of ASH.
  • Water Treatment Textbooks: Many textbooks on water treatment engineering and technology might mention ASH's pioneering contributions, especially those published before 2010.


  • Industry Publications: Look for articles in journals like Water Environment & Technology, Water Technology, Environmental Engineering Science, and similar publications from the period 1968-2010.
  • Historical Archives: Search archives of engineering societies like the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) or the Water Environment Federation (WEF) for articles or presentations related to ASH.
  • News Archives: Search online newspaper archives, particularly from the 1960s-2010s, for articles about ASH's projects, mergers, and key milestones.

Online Resources

  • AECOM Website: While the website may not detail ASH's history extensively, it will likely contain information on Ashbrook Corp., its current services, and perhaps some archival materials.
  • Water Industry Websites: Websites of organizations like the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) may have information on ASH's contributions.
  • Google Scholar: Use Google Scholar to search for academic publications related to ASH's projects or specific technologies they pioneered.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords and phrases:
    • "Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley"
    • "Ashbrook Corp."
    • "Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley history"
    • "Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley projects"
    • "Water treatment technology history"
  • Combine keywords with years:
    • "Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley 1970s"
    • "Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley 1980s"
  • Use quotation marks for specific phrases:
    • "activated carbon adsorption Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley"
  • Explore related terms:
    • "Water treatment pioneers"
    • "Environmental engineering history"
    • "Wastewater treatment innovations"


Chapter 1: Techniques

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley's Pioneering Techniques in Environmental & Water Treatment

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley (ASH) revolutionized the environmental and water treatment industry with its pioneering use of advanced techniques. Their commitment to innovation and efficiency led to the development and widespread adoption of various methods, each tailored to address specific challenges:

1. Advanced Treatment Processes:

  • Activated Carbon Adsorption: ASH embraced activated carbon adsorption, a process that effectively removes contaminants from water, including organic compounds, heavy metals, and taste and odor compounds.
  • Membrane Filtration: ASH pioneered the application of membrane filtration technologies, such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and reverse osmosis, for advanced treatment of water and wastewater. These technologies effectively remove suspended solids, pathogens, and dissolved contaminants.
  • Biological Treatment Methods: Recognizing the importance of biological processes, ASH integrated biological treatment methods, such as activated sludge, trickling filters, and anaerobic digestion, to remove organic matter and nutrients from wastewater.

2. Holistic Project Delivery:

  • Integrated Design and Engineering: ASH embraced a holistic approach to project delivery, integrating design, engineering, construction, and operation & maintenance services. This comprehensive approach streamlined projects and ensured efficient and sustainable outcomes.

3. Innovative Applications:

  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment: ASH developed innovative solutions for industrial wastewater treatment, addressing the unique challenges posed by various industries. These solutions focused on contaminant removal, resource recovery, and pollution prevention.
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment: ASH played a key role in advancing municipal wastewater treatment technologies, contributing to the development of sustainable and efficient treatment plants for communities worldwide.

4. Beyond Traditional Methods:

  • Pilot Testing and Research: ASH actively engaged in pilot testing and research, constantly pushing the boundaries of existing techniques and exploring new approaches for water and wastewater treatment. This commitment to continuous improvement ensured that their solutions remained cutting-edge.

These pioneering techniques not only addressed the environmental challenges of the time but also laid the foundation for future developments in the water and wastewater treatment industry.

Chapter 2: Models

ASH's Model Approaches to Sustainable Water Management

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley (ASH) developed and implemented model approaches to sustainable water management, shaping the industry's understanding of responsible water resource utilization. Their innovative models focused on:

1. Integrated Water Resource Management:

  • Multi-Sector Collaboration: ASH fostered collaboration between diverse sectors, including municipalities, industries, and regulatory agencies, to create integrated water management plans. This collaborative approach fostered a comprehensive understanding of water needs and facilitated resource optimization.

2. Water Reuse and Reclamation:

  • Advanced Treatment for Reuse: ASH pioneered the use of advanced treatment technologies to reclaim wastewater for beneficial reuse applications, such as irrigation, industrial processes, and groundwater recharge. This approach minimized water consumption and reduced dependence on limited freshwater resources.

3. Water Conservation and Efficiency:

  • Process Optimization: ASH helped industries implement water conservation strategies, optimizing processes to minimize water usage and reduce discharge of pollutants. Their expertise in process engineering led to significant improvements in water efficiency, reducing environmental impact.

4. Sustainable Infrastructure Development:

  • Long-Term Sustainability: ASH designed and implemented water treatment infrastructure projects with a focus on long-term sustainability. This approach emphasized robust designs, energy efficiency, and optimized operational procedures to minimize environmental impact and ensure long-term operational stability.

5. Public Education and Outreach:

  • Raising Awareness: ASH actively engaged in public education and outreach programs to increase awareness about water conservation, wastewater treatment, and sustainable water management practices. This approach fostered community participation and promoted responsible water resource utilization.

These model approaches highlight ASH's commitment to sustainable water management, emphasizing the importance of resource optimization, integrated planning, and public education. They serve as a blueprint for future generations to address the challenges of water scarcity and environmental protection.

Chapter 3: Software

ASH's Software Solutions for Water & Wastewater Management

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley (ASH) recognized the need for robust software solutions to manage complex water and wastewater treatment processes. Their dedication to technological advancement led to the development and implementation of innovative software applications, which played a vital role in optimizing plant performance, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing decision-making capabilities.

1. Plant Operations and Control:

  • SCADA Systems: ASH integrated sophisticated Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems into their projects. These systems provided real-time monitoring and control of plant operations, allowing for efficient process management, early detection of anomalies, and prompt corrective actions.

2. Data Acquisition and Analysis:

  • Data Management Platforms: ASH developed robust data management platforms to capture, store, and analyze vast amounts of operational data. This data-driven approach enabled trend analysis, performance optimization, and informed decision-making for improving plant efficiency.

3. Modeling and Simulation:

  • Process Simulation Software: ASH implemented process simulation software to model and predict the behavior of various treatment processes. This tool allowed for virtual experimentation, process optimization, and design improvements before implementation.

4. Compliance and Reporting:

  • Compliance Monitoring Software: ASH developed software solutions for compliance monitoring, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards and reporting requirements. These tools automated data collection and reporting, simplifying compliance efforts and ensuring accurate record-keeping.

5. Remote Monitoring and Control:

  • Remote Access Software: ASH incorporated remote access software to enable remote monitoring and control of treatment plants. This capability provided real-time visibility into plant operations, allowing for remote troubleshooting and proactive intervention.

These software solutions transformed the way water and wastewater treatment facilities operated, improving efficiency, reducing operational costs, and enhancing environmental performance. Their commitment to technological advancement ensured that ASH remained at the forefront of the industry, providing innovative and impactful solutions.

Chapter 4: Best Practices

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley's Best Practices for Sustainable Water Management

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley (ASH) established a legacy of best practices in water management, promoting sustainable practices that have become industry benchmarks. These best practices encompass various aspects of water treatment and management, emphasizing responsible resource utilization, environmental protection, and community engagement:

1. Design and Engineering for Sustainability:

  • Energy Efficiency: ASH prioritized energy efficiency in the design and construction of water treatment facilities. This approach included incorporating renewable energy sources, optimizing equipment selection, and minimizing energy consumption throughout the treatment process.
  • Resource Recovery: ASH promoted resource recovery initiatives, such as capturing and reusing valuable byproducts like biogas from wastewater treatment processes. This practice minimizes waste, reduces environmental impact, and contributes to a circular economy.
  • Minimizing Environmental Impact: ASH adopted a holistic approach to minimize environmental impact during construction and operation. This involved careful selection of materials, minimizing disturbance to surrounding ecosystems, and implementing measures to reduce air and noise pollution.

2. Operations and Maintenance for Optimal Performance:

  • Predictive Maintenance: ASH emphasized predictive maintenance strategies to optimize equipment lifespan and reduce operational downtime. This involved implementing proactive maintenance schedules based on data analysis and real-time monitoring of equipment performance.
  • Process Optimization: ASH consistently implemented process optimization techniques to improve efficiency and minimize energy consumption. This included fine-tuning operational parameters, exploring alternative treatment methods, and maximizing resource utilization.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: ASH promoted a data-driven approach to decision making, utilizing real-time data collected from plant operations to inform optimization efforts and improve overall performance.

3. Community Engagement and Transparency:

  • Public Education: ASH actively engaged in public education programs to raise awareness about water conservation, wastewater treatment processes, and the importance of responsible water management.
  • Community Involvement: ASH prioritized community involvement in water management decisions. This included regular communication, public forums, and transparency regarding project updates and operational data.
  • Stakeholder Collaboration: ASH fostered collaboration with stakeholders, including regulatory agencies, local communities, and industry partners, to ensure a shared understanding of water management challenges and promote collaborative solutions.

These best practices established by ASH serve as a valuable guide for the industry, promoting sustainable water management, minimizing environmental impact, and maximizing resource utilization. Their emphasis on responsible practices, data-driven decision making, and community engagement continues to shape the future of water management.

Chapter 5: Case Studies

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley's Notable Case Studies: Shaping the Industry

Ashbrook-Simon-Hartley (ASH) left a lasting impact on the water treatment industry through numerous successful projects that demonstrated their innovative solutions and advanced capabilities. Here are a few notable case studies that highlight ASH's contributions:

1. The "Water-to-Wine" Project:

  • Challenge: A winery in California faced severe water scarcity and needed to find a sustainable solution for its water needs.
  • ASH Solution: ASH designed and implemented a comprehensive water reuse system that utilized advanced treatment technologies to reclaim wastewater from the winery's operations. This reclaimed water was used for irrigation and other non-potable uses, significantly reducing the winery's dependence on fresh water resources.
  • Impact: This project demonstrated the effectiveness of advanced treatment technologies for water reuse, showcasing the potential for minimizing water consumption and promoting sustainable practices in resource-intensive industries.

2. The "Urban Water Reclamation" Project:

  • Challenge: A rapidly growing urban center faced increasing challenges in managing its wastewater and finding sustainable sources of water for its growing population.
  • ASH Solution: ASH designed and implemented a large-scale wastewater reclamation facility that incorporated advanced treatment methods, including membrane filtration and advanced biological treatment processes. The reclaimed water was then used for various purposes, including irrigation, industrial processes, and even potable water supply after additional treatment.
  • Impact: This project showcased ASH's expertise in urban water management and demonstrated the potential of wastewater reclamation for meeting the water demands of growing cities, minimizing reliance on limited freshwater resources.

3. The "Industrial Wastewater Treatment" Project:

  • Challenge: A chemical manufacturing plant faced challenges in complying with strict environmental regulations due to the high volume of wastewater generated by its operations.
  • ASH Solution: ASH implemented a comprehensive industrial wastewater treatment system that incorporated advanced treatment technologies to remove pollutants and minimize environmental impact. This solution included chemical precipitation, membrane filtration, and advanced oxidation processes, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and minimizing environmental risk.
  • Impact: This project demonstrated ASH's expertise in industrial wastewater treatment and showcased their commitment to developing sustainable solutions that addressed the unique challenges faced by various industries.

4. The "Remote Water Supply" Project:

  • Challenge: A remote community in a developing country faced challenges in accessing clean drinking water due to limited infrastructure and a lack of reliable water sources.
  • ASH Solution: ASH designed and implemented a sustainable water supply system that utilized solar-powered pumps to draw water from a remote aquifer. The system included a multi-stage treatment plant, ensuring the delivery of safe and potable water to the community.
  • Impact: This project highlighted ASH's commitment to providing access to clean water in underserved communities, showcasing their ability to implement innovative solutions in challenging environments.

These case studies exemplify ASH's ability to develop innovative and sustainable solutions for complex water management challenges. Their work has significantly impacted the industry, inspiring future generations of engineers and water professionals to embrace sustainable practices and address the challenges of water scarcity and environmental protection.


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