Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Mechanical Engineering: Pumps Optimum Geometry Versus Specific Speed

Pumps Optimum Geometry Versus Specific Speed

Understanding Pump Optimum Geometry: The Role of Specific Speed

In the world of mechanical engineering, pumps play a crucial role in moving fluids. To design efficient and effective pumps, engineers rely on various parameters, one of which is specific speed (NS or S). This dimensionless group plays a key role in determining the optimum geometry of pump rotors – the heart of the pump's operation.

What is Specific Speed?

Specific speed, a dimensionless parameter, emerges from an analysis of the pump's complete physical equation. This equation relates several factors, including:

  • Flow rate (Q): The volume of fluid pumped per unit time.
  • Head (H): The total energy added to the fluid by the pump.
  • Rotative speed (N): The speed at which the pump rotor spins.
  • Rotor diameter (D): The size of the pump rotor.
  • Viscosity: The fluid's resistance to flow.
  • NPSHA: Net Positive Suction Head Available, indicating the pressure head available at the pump's suction.

Optimum Geometry and Specific Speed

The specific speed (NS) acts as a crucial indicator for determining the optimum geometry of a pump rotor. By analyzing the relationship between specific speed and the head coefficient (cg), we can optimize the pump's efficiency for a given set of operating conditions.

  • Lower specific speed: Lower NS values favor rotary positive displacement pumps (vane pumps, gear pumps, screw pumps).
  • Higher specific speed: Higher NS values are suited for rotodynamic pumps (impeller pumps), with increasing optimum impeller diameter for higher specific speeds.

Universal Nature of Specific Speed

Specific speed, being dimensionless, remains constant regardless of the units used for its components. This universality makes it a powerful tool for comparing different pump designs and ensuring consistent performance across diverse applications.


Specific speed is a vital parameter for pump design, directly impacting the rotor's geometry and overall efficiency. By understanding its influence, engineers can select the optimal pump type and design for a given application, resulting in efficient fluid handling and minimizing energy consumption.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Pump Optimum Geometry: The Role of Specific Speed

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the specific speed of a pump primarily used for?

a) Determining the size of the pump casing. b) Optimizing the geometry of the pump rotor. c) Calculating the efficiency of the pump motor. d) Measuring the viscosity of the fluid being pumped.


b) Optimizing the geometry of the pump rotor.

2. Which type of pump is typically associated with lower specific speed values?

a) Centrifugal pumps b) Axial pumps c) Rotary positive displacement pumps d) Turbine pumps


c) Rotary positive displacement pumps

3. Which of the following factors is NOT directly included in the calculation of specific speed?

a) Flow rate (Q) b) Head (H) c) Rotative speed (N) d) Pump casing material


d) Pump casing material

4. What makes specific speed a universal parameter?

a) It is always measured in SI units. b) It is a dimensionless quantity. c) It is independent of fluid density. d) It is directly proportional to pump efficiency.


b) It is a dimensionless quantity.

5. A higher specific speed value typically indicates which of the following?

a) A smaller impeller diameter b) A lower flow rate c) A higher head d) A lower efficiency


a) A smaller impeller diameter

Exercise: Pump Selection

Scenario: You are tasked with selecting a pump for a water treatment facility. The required flow rate is 1000 m³/h, and the total head is 50 m. You have two options:

  • Pump A: Rotary positive displacement pump with a specific speed of 100
  • Pump B: Centrifugal pump with a specific speed of 300


  1. Analyze the specific speed of each pump and determine which type of pump is better suited for this application. Explain your reasoning.
  2. Discuss potential advantages and disadvantages of each pump type in this context.

Exercice Correction

**1. Pump Selection:** * Pump A (Rotary positive displacement pump) has a lower specific speed (100), indicating it is better suited for high head, low flow applications. * Pump B (Centrifugal pump) has a higher specific speed (300), suggesting it is more suitable for lower head, higher flow applications. Given the required flow rate (1000 m³/h) and total head (50 m), **Pump B (Centrifugal pump) would be a better choice** for this water treatment facility as it aligns better with the required operating conditions. **2. Advantages and Disadvantages:** **Pump B (Centrifugal pump):** * **Advantages:** * Higher efficiency at the required flow rate. * Lower operating costs. * Generally more compact and require less space. * **Disadvantages:** * Potential for cavitation issues if the suction head is insufficient. * Less robust for handling viscous fluids or fluids with solids. **Pump A (Rotary positive displacement pump):** * **Advantages:** * More robust for handling viscous fluids or fluids with solids. * Constant flow rate regardless of pressure changes. * **Disadvantages:** * Lower efficiency at the required flow rate. * Higher operating costs. * Typically larger and require more space. **Conclusion:** In this scenario, the higher specific speed centrifugal pump (Pump B) appears to be the more appropriate choice due to its greater efficiency and suitability for the required flow rate and head. However, if the application involved handling viscous fluids or fluids with solids, the rotary positive displacement pump (Pump A) might be a better option despite its lower efficiency.


  • "Pump Handbook" by Igor J. Karassik, William C. Krutzsch, Joseph P. Fraser, and Joseph Messina: This comprehensive book delves into various aspects of pump design, including specific speed and its impact on pump geometry.
  • "Centrifugal Pumps: Design and Application" by A.J. Stepanoff: This classic textbook offers detailed explanations of centrifugal pumps, covering topics like specific speed, impeller design, and pump performance.
  • "Fluid Mechanics" by Frank M. White: This textbook provides a solid foundation in fluid mechanics, essential for understanding the principles behind pump operation and specific speed.


  • "Specific Speed and Pump Design" by The Hydraulic Institute: This article provides a practical overview of specific speed and its role in selecting appropriate pumps for various applications.
  • "Optimizing Pump Performance by Understanding Specific Speed" by Pumps & Systems Magazine: This article explores the relationship between specific speed and pump efficiency, highlighting its importance in design and selection.
  • "The Importance of Specific Speed in Pump Selection" by Fluid Handling Magazine: This article discusses the significance of specific speed in ensuring optimal pump performance and minimizing operating costs.

Online Resources

  • Hydraulic Institute: This organization offers comprehensive resources on pumps and pumping systems, including articles, standards, and educational materials.
  • Pump Industry Association: This association provides information on pumps and pumping systems, including technical resources and industry news.
  • Pumping Machinery Research Association (PMRA): This organization focuses on research and development related to pumping systems, offering valuable insights into pump design and performance.

Search Tips

  • "specific speed pump design"
  • "optimum geometry pump impeller"
  • "pump performance specific speed"
  • "centrifugal pump selection specific speed"
  • "pump efficiency specific speed"
  • "hydraulic institute specific speed"
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