Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Pipeline Construction: Target Plan

Target Plan

Navigating Project Delays: The Power of Target Plans and Critical Float

In the dynamic world of project management, unforeseen challenges and delays are inevitable. This is where a Target Plan comes into play, providing a proactive strategy to mitigate risks and maintain project momentum.

What is a Target Plan?

A Target Plan is a revised schedule that focuses on achieving specific project goals, even in the face of existing delays. It represents a deviation from the original plan, acknowledging the current reality while aiming for a new, achievable finish date.

Prioritizing Critical Total Float:

A key component of developing a Target Plan is prioritizing tasks based on their Critical Total Float. This value represents the amount of time a task can be delayed without impacting the overall project deadline. By focusing on tasks with the least critical total float (meaning they have the least room for delay), the Target Plan prioritizes activities that are most crucial to maintaining the project's schedule.

How Does a Target Plan Work?

  1. Identify Delays: Analyze the current schedule and identify the root causes of existing delays.
  2. Calculate Critical Total Float: Determine the total float for each task, prioritizing those with the least amount of wiggle room.
  3. Develop a Revised Schedule: Create a new schedule focused on completing critical tasks within the shortest timeframe. This may involve:
    • Re-allocating resources to high-priority tasks.
    • Adjusting task durations based on realistic assessments.
    • Exploring alternative strategies for completing tasks.
  4. Communicate and Monitor: Clearly communicate the Target Plan to all stakeholders. Regularly monitor progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure the revised schedule remains achievable.

Benefits of Using a Target Plan:

  • Increased Transparency: Provides a clear picture of the current project status and the path to recovery.
  • Improved Focus: Directs efforts towards the most critical tasks for timely completion.
  • Reduced Risk of Further Delays: By addressing critical activities first, it mitigates the risk of cascading delays.
  • Enhanced Project Control: Offers a structured framework for managing and responding to delays.


Consider a construction project where a delay in obtaining permits impacts the foundation laying phase. A Target Plan would prioritize the remaining critical tasks related to the foundation, while exploring alternative solutions for obtaining the permits.


Implementing a Target Plan, prioritized by Critical Total Float, empowers project managers to navigate delays effectively. It provides a structured approach to re-evaluate the schedule, prioritize efforts, and ultimately achieve project objectives despite unforeseen challenges. By embracing the power of Target Plans, projects can regain control and reach their goals, even when faced with unexpected obstacles.

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