Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Stakeholder Management: Stakeholder


Stakeholder Management


An individual, group, or organization that has a vested interest in the project's success or failure. They can influence or be influenced by the project's outcome.

Stakeholder Management

The process of identifying, analyzing, planning, and engaging stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle to ensure their needs and expectations are met.

Key Elements of Stakeholder Management

  • Identification: Identifying all relevant stakeholders and their level of influence and interest.
  • Analysis: Understanding stakeholders' needs, expectations, and potential impact on the project.
  • Planning: Developing strategies to engage and manage each stakeholder group.
  • Engagement: Implementing communication and collaboration plans to keep stakeholders informed and involved.
  • Monitoring: Continuously tracking and evaluating stakeholder engagement and impact.

Benefits of Effective Stakeholder Management

  • Increased Project Success: Addressing stakeholder concerns and meeting their needs leads to higher project support and buy-in.
  • Reduced Risk: Identifying and mitigating potential conflicts and challenges early on.
  • Improved Communication and Collaboration: Facilitating open communication and collaboration between stakeholders and the project team.
  • Enhanced Project Outcomes: Ensuring the project delivers value to all stakeholders.

Stakeholder Management Techniques

  • Stakeholder Mapping: Visualizing stakeholder relationships and their level of interest and power.
  • Communication Plans: Establishing clear communication channels and strategies to keep stakeholders informed.
  • Stakeholder Workshops: Engaging stakeholders in discussions to gather feedback and build consensus.
  • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution: Developing effective techniques to manage disagreements and find mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Project Management Tools: Utilizing software tools to manage stakeholder data, communication, and engagement activities.

Test Your Knowledge

Stakeholder Management Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a key element of stakeholder management? (a) Identification


The correct answer is (d) Negotiation. While negotiation is a crucial technique used in stakeholder management, it's not a fundamental element of the process.

(b) Analysis (c) Planning (d) Negotiation

2. What is the main benefit of effective stakeholder management? (a) Increased project budget


The correct answer is (c) Increased project success. Effective stakeholder management leads to greater project support, buy-in, and ultimately, a higher chance of success.

(b) Reduced project timeline (c) Increased project success (d) Improved employee morale

3. Which stakeholder management technique helps visualize stakeholder relationships and their influence? (a) Communication Plans


The correct answer is (a) Stakeholder Mapping. Stakeholder mapping provides a visual representation of stakeholders and their power/interest levels, aiding in understanding their influence.

(b) Stakeholder Workshops (c) Stakeholder Mapping (d) Project Management Tools

4. What is the primary purpose of engaging stakeholders in a project? (a) To ensure they are aware of the project's progress.


The correct answer is (d) To ensure their needs and expectations are met. Stakeholder engagement aims to understand and address their needs, leading to greater project support and success.

(b) To collect their feedback on the project's design. (c) To delegate tasks to them. (d) To ensure their needs and expectations are met.

5. Which of the following is NOT a potential risk associated with poor stakeholder management? (a) Increased project costs


The correct answer is (d) Improved employee morale. Poor stakeholder management often leads to conflicts, delays, and decreased support, negatively impacting morale.

(b) Project delays (c) Project failure (d) Improved employee morale

Stakeholder Management Exercise

Scenario: You are the project manager for the development of a new online learning platform for a university. Identify the key stakeholders involved in this project and their potential interests. Then, create a stakeholder matrix that visually represents their level of interest and power.


  1. Identify Stakeholders: List all relevant stakeholders for the project (e.g., students, faculty, IT staff, administrators).
  2. Define Interests: For each stakeholder, describe their potential interests in the project (e.g., access to learning materials, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, etc.).
  3. Create a Stakeholder Matrix: Draw a matrix with "Interest" on one axis and "Power" on the other. Plot each stakeholder on the matrix based on their level of interest and power.

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

The following is an example of potential stakeholders and their interests for this project:

  • Students: Easy access to learning materials, user-friendly platform, engaging learning experience, affordability.
  • Faculty: Ability to upload content, integrate existing materials, track student progress, support for diverse learning styles.
  • IT Staff: Secure and reliable platform, seamless integration with existing systems, technical support for users, efficient maintenance.
  • Administrators: Cost-effective solution, data analytics and reporting, compliance with university regulations, marketing and promotion of the platform.
  • University Board: Alignment with strategic goals, financial sustainability, brand image, student satisfaction.

The stakeholder matrix would visually represent each stakeholder's level of interest and power. For instance, students might have high interest but low power, while administrators might have high power and moderate interest. This matrix helps in understanding stakeholder influence and developing targeted engagement strategies.


  • Strategic Stakeholder Management: A Step-by-Step Guide by Jeffrey D. Grycner and J. Gregory Dees
  • Managing Stakeholder Expectations: The Definitive Guide to Stakeholder Management by Paul H. Schoemaker
  • Stakeholder Management: A Practical Guide for Project Success by John G. W. Millar and Adrian Broadbent
  • Stakeholder Engagement: A Practical Guide to Collaboration by David C. Rowles
  • The Power of Stakeholder Engagement: A Guide to Building Relationships and Achieving Business Success by Brian A. C. Soderlund


  • Stakeholder Engagement: A Framework for Effective Project Management by David C. Rowles (PMI Journal)
  • The Importance of Stakeholder Management in Project Success by David C. Rowles (Project Management Institute)
  • Building Successful Relationships with Stakeholders: A Guide for Project Managers by David C. Rowles (Project Management Institute)
  • Stakeholder Management for Project Success: A Practical Guide by John G. W. Millar and Adrian Broadbent (Project Management Institute)
  • Stakeholder Engagement: A Key to Project Success by Jeffrey D. Grycner (Project Management Institute)

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): - Provides comprehensive resources on stakeholder management, including articles, webinars, and certification programs.
  • Stakeholder Management Society: - A global professional organization dedicated to promoting best practices in stakeholder management.
  • Harvard Business Review: - Offers articles and insights on stakeholder management, including best practices and case studies.
  • Stanford Social Innovation Review: - Provides articles and resources on stakeholder engagement in the context of social impact organizations.
  • The Stakeholder Management Institute: - A resource for professionals and students interested in learning more about stakeholder management.

Search Tips

  • "Stakeholder Management" + "Best Practices"
  • "Stakeholder Engagement" + "Project Success"
  • "Stakeholder Mapping" + "Tool"
  • "Stakeholder Communication" + "Plan Template"
  • "Stakeholder Analysis" + "Framework"
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