Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Human Resources Management: Quality System Review

Quality System Review

The Crucial Role of Quality System Reviews in QA/QC

In the ever-evolving world of manufacturing and service industries, ensuring consistent quality is paramount. This is where Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) play a critical role. However, achieving and maintaining high quality standards requires more than just routine checks and inspections. A key element is the Quality System Review, a formal evaluation that ensures the entire system is aligned with organizational goals and adapts to changing needs.

What is a Quality System Review?

A Quality System Review is a comprehensive assessment of the organization's quality management system. It's not just a tick-box exercise; it's a strategic process involving top management, QA/QC experts, and representatives from different departments. The review delves into the effectiveness and efficiency of the existing quality system, evaluating its adequacy in meeting the company's quality policy and objectives.

Key Objectives of a Quality System Review:

  • Alignment with Quality Policy: The review ensures that the quality system aligns with the organization's overall quality policy and strategic goals. This includes examining the effectiveness of procedures, processes, and resources in achieving desired quality outcomes.
  • Adapting to Changing Circumstances: Businesses operate in dynamic environments. New technologies, customer demands, and regulatory requirements necessitate adapting the quality system. The review identifies areas requiring adjustments to remain relevant and effective.
  • Identifying Improvement Opportunities: The review aims to uncover potential areas for improvement within the quality system. This includes identifying inefficiencies, redundancies, or weaknesses that can be addressed to enhance overall quality performance.
  • Promoting Continuous Improvement: By analyzing data, feedback, and performance metrics, the review provides a valuable platform for initiating continuous improvement initiatives. It helps identify specific areas for optimization, leading to more efficient and effective quality processes.
  • Demonstrating Commitment to Quality: Conducting regular quality system reviews demonstrates the organization's commitment to maintaining high quality standards. This builds trust with customers, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies.

The Process of Conducting a Quality System Review:

A successful Quality System Review typically involves the following steps:

  1. Planning: Defining the scope of the review, objectives, and criteria for evaluation.
  2. Data Gathering: Collecting relevant data through audits, interviews, reviews of documentation, and analysis of performance indicators.
  3. Evaluation: Assessing the collected data against defined criteria to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  4. Reporting: Preparing a comprehensive report summarizing the findings, recommendations for corrective actions, and a plan for implementation.
  5. Follow-up: Implementing corrective actions, tracking progress, and documenting the outcomes to ensure continuous improvement.

Benefits of a Robust Quality System Review:

  • Improved product and service quality
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Reduced costs through efficient processes
  • Enhanced regulatory compliance
  • Improved organizational efficiency
  • Enhanced employee engagement and empowerment


Quality System Reviews are not optional; they are a critical component of any successful quality management system. By regularly evaluating and refining their quality systems, organizations can stay ahead of the curve, ensure consistent quality, and achieve sustained success in a competitive market. The effort invested in a thorough review process pays dividends in the long run by fostering a culture of continuous improvement and ensuring that quality remains at the heart of all operations.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: The Crucial Role of Quality System Reviews in QA/QC

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of a Quality System Review? (a) To identify and address individual product defects. (b) To ensure the quality system aligns with organizational goals and adapts to changing needs. (c) To train employees on new quality procedures. (d) To assess the performance of individual employees.


The correct answer is (b). A Quality System Review is a comprehensive assessment of the organization's quality management system, focusing on its effectiveness and alignment with goals.

2. Which of the following is NOT a key objective of a Quality System Review? (a) Identifying improvement opportunities. (b) Promoting continuous improvement. (c) Assessing the effectiveness of individual employees. (d) Adapting to changing circumstances.


The correct answer is (c). While employee performance is important, the focus of a Quality System Review is on the overall system, not individual employees.

3. What is the first step in conducting a Quality System Review? (a) Data gathering (b) Evaluation (c) Planning (d) Reporting


The correct answer is (c). Planning is essential to define the scope, objectives, and evaluation criteria for the review.

4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a robust Quality System Review? (a) Increased customer satisfaction (b) Improved product and service quality (c) Reduced employee turnover (d) Enhanced regulatory compliance


The correct answer is (c). While a good quality system can contribute to a positive work environment, it doesn't directly impact employee turnover.

5. Why are Quality System Reviews crucial for organizations in today's business environment? (a) They help to reduce the cost of manufacturing. (b) They ensure that the organization is meeting all legal requirements. (c) They help to maintain high quality standards and adapt to changing needs. (d) They provide a framework for employee training.


The correct answer is (c). Quality System Reviews are crucial for ensuring consistent quality and adaptability in a dynamic marketplace.

Exercise: Applying Quality System Review Principles

Scenario: Imagine you work for a company that manufactures custom-designed furniture. The company has recently experienced a rise in customer complaints about late deliveries and incorrect orders.

Task: Using the principles of Quality System Review, suggest three key areas to focus on for improvement. Briefly describe how you would investigate each area.

Exercice Correction

Here are three key areas to focus on for improvement, along with suggestions for investigation:

  1. **Order Processing:** * Investigate the current process for receiving, processing, and fulfilling customer orders. This could involve examining documentation, interviewing staff, and analyzing order data. * Look for potential bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or errors in data entry. * Consider implementing a new order management system or streamlining existing processes.
  2. **Production Planning and Scheduling:** * Assess the accuracy and reliability of production schedules. * Determine if lead times for components are sufficient to meet customer deadlines. * Analyze production capacity and resource allocation to identify potential overloads or underutilization.
  3. **Communication and Feedback:** * Evaluate the effectiveness of communication channels between departments (e.g., sales, production, shipping). * Investigate how customer feedback is collected, analyzed, and used to improve processes. * Consider establishing clear protocols for handling customer complaints and providing updates on order status.


  • Quality Management Systems Handbook (ISO 9001:2015): A comprehensive guide to implementing and maintaining an effective quality management system.
  • The Quality Handbook (5th Edition) by Joseph Juran & A. Blanton Godfrey: A classic resource for quality professionals, covering a wide range of topics including quality system reviews.
  • Quality Auditing for Dummies by Kevin K. MacNamee: A practical guide to conducting quality audits, including quality system reviews, for beginners.
  • Quality Management for Business Success by John Oakland: A practical guide to implementing and managing quality systems, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and reviews.
  • The Lean Six Sigma Handbook by Michael L. George: A comprehensive guide to Lean Six Sigma methodologies, which often incorporate quality system reviews as part of their improvement process.


  • "Quality System Reviews: A Key to Effective Quality Management" (Journal of Quality Management): An in-depth article discussing the importance of quality system reviews and best practices for conducting them.
  • "The Essential Guide to Quality System Reviews" (ASQ): A practical guide to conducting quality system reviews, outlining the process, benefits, and key considerations.
  • "Quality System Review: A Strategic Tool for Continuous Improvement" (Quality Digest): An article emphasizing the strategic importance of quality system reviews in driving continuous improvement efforts.

Online Resources

  • ISO 9001:2015 Standards: The official website of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provides access to the ISO 9001:2015 standards, which include guidelines for quality system reviews.
  • American Society for Quality (ASQ): ASQ offers a wealth of resources on quality management, including articles, webinars, and training materials on quality system reviews.
  • Quality Management Forum: A forum for professionals to discuss and share knowledge about quality management practices, including quality system reviews.
  • Quality Gurus: This website offers a collection of articles and resources from various quality experts, including information on quality system reviews.

Search Tips

  • "Quality System Review" + "ISO 9001": Refine your search to find resources specific to ISO 9001 standards and quality system reviews.
  • "Quality System Review" + "[Industry]": Replace "[Industry]" with your specific industry to find relevant information for your sector.
  • "Quality System Review" + "Best Practices": Find resources on best practices for conducting quality system reviews.
  • "Quality System Review" + "Case Studies": Search for real-world examples of successful quality system reviews.
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