Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Functional Testing: Quality


Quality: The Foundation of QA/QC

In the realm of Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC), quality is not simply a buzzword. It's the bedrock upon which entire processes are built, ensuring products and services consistently meet customer expectations. But what exactly does "quality" encompass?

Beyond Perfection: Defining Quality in QA/QC

Quality, in the context of QA/QC, is not about achieving absolute perfection. It's about meeting a defined set of standards, both explicit and implicit. These standards can be:

  • Explicit: Clearly stated requirements in specifications, contracts, or user manuals.
  • Implicit: Expectations based on customer needs, industry best practices, or general perceptions of what constitutes a good product or service.

Therefore, quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy these stated or implied needs. This means quality is:

  • Customer-centric: It's about delivering what the customer expects and values.
  • Multi-faceted: It involves various aspects, from functionality and performance to aesthetics and reliability.
  • Contextual: It depends on the specific product, service, and target market.

Quality: A Dynamic Concept

Quality is not a static concept. It evolves with customer needs, technological advancements, and industry shifts.

For example:

  • The quality standards for a mobile app in 2008 would be drastically different from those for a mobile app in 2023.
  • The quality of a car in the 1960s focused on basic functionality. Today, quality also encompasses features like safety, fuel efficiency, and advanced technology.

Quality's Role in QA/QC

QA/QC processes are designed to ensure quality is maintained throughout the product or service lifecycle.

QA (Quality Assurance) focuses on preventing defects and ensuring quality is built into every stage of the process. This involves:

  • Defining clear quality standards.
  • Establishing procedures and systems to ensure adherence to these standards.
  • Regularly reviewing and improving processes.

QC (Quality Control) focuses on identifying defects and ensuring they are corrected before products or services reach the customer. This involves:

  • Inspecting products and processes.
  • Testing for compliance with quality standards.
  • Implementing corrective actions.

The Bottom Line

Quality is the lifeblood of any successful product or service. By understanding its definition and its dynamic nature, businesses can effectively leverage QA/QC processes to deliver consistently excellent products and services that meet customer expectations and drive business success.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Quality in QA/QC

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of quality in QA/QC? a. Customer-centric b. Static and unchanging c. Multi-faceted d. Contextual


b. Static and unchanging

2. What is the primary goal of Quality Assurance (QA)? a. Identifying defects after a product is finished. b. Preventing defects from occurring during production. c. Testing products for compliance with regulations. d. Implementing corrective actions after defects are found.


b. Preventing defects from occurring during production.

3. What type of quality standards are explicitly stated in documents like specifications or contracts? a. Implicit standards b. Explicit standards c. Customer expectations d. Industry best practices


b. Explicit standards

4. Which of the following is an example of how quality evolves over time? a. A mobile app in 2008 having similar quality standards to a mobile app in 2023. b. A car in the 1960s offering similar features to a car today. c. The quality of a product staying the same regardless of technological advancements. d. The quality standards for a mobile app in 2008 being different from those for a mobile app in 2023.


d. The quality standards for a mobile app in 2008 being different from those for a mobile app in 2023.

5. Which of these is a key function of Quality Control (QC)? a. Defining quality standards for a product. b. Implementing corrective actions for identified defects. c. Establishing procedures to prevent defects from occurring. d. Reviewing and improving quality processes regularly.


b. Implementing corrective actions for identified defects.

Exercise: Quality Assessment

Scenario: You are a QA manager for a company that produces bicycles. Your company has recently released a new model with a built-in GPS system.

Task: Identify at least three potential quality issues that could arise with this new model, considering both explicit and implicit quality standards. For each issue, explain:

  • How it could affect the customer's experience.
  • What explicit or implicit quality standards are being violated.

Example: Issue: The GPS system is inaccurate and frequently provides incorrect directions. Customer experience: Frustration, wasted time, possible safety risks. Violated standards: Explicit: Accuracy and reliability requirements stated in the product specifications. Implicit: Customer expectation of a functional and reliable GPS system.

Your Turn: Write your own three quality issues and explanations for the new bicycle model.

Exercice Correction

Here are some potential quality issues, but there are many other possibilities. The important thing is to show an understanding of explicit and implicit standards and how they relate to customer experience.

  • **Issue:** The GPS system's battery life is very short, requiring frequent recharging. **Customer experience:** Frustration, inconvenience, limited usage of the GPS feature on longer rides. **Violated standards:** Implicit: Customer expectation of a reasonable battery life for a GPS system used in a bicycle.
  • **Issue:** The GPS system is difficult to use and the interface is not intuitive. **Customer experience:** Confusion, frustration, inability to use the system effectively. **Violated standards:** Explicit: User-friendliness and ease of use requirements in the product specifications. Implicit: Customer expectation of a straightforward and easy-to-use GPS system.
  • **Issue:** The GPS system is not waterproof, making it unusable in rain or other wet conditions. **Customer experience:** Limited usability, potential damage to the system. **Violated standards:** Implicit: Customer expectation of a product suitable for outdoor use and exposure to the elements.


  • Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain by Philip Crosby: A classic text advocating for a quality management philosophy centered around prevention rather than detection of defects.
  • Juran on Quality by Joseph M. Juran: This book outlines the Juran Trilogy, a framework for quality management that emphasizes planning, control, and improvement.
  • The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt: A novel focusing on the Theory of Constraints, a management philosophy that emphasizes identifying and removing bottlenecks to improve overall system performance.
  • Quality Management for Dummies by Richard Chase & D. Michael Apte: A comprehensive guide to quality management concepts and practices presented in a user-friendly format.
  • The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer by Jeffrey K. Liker: A detailed exploration of the Toyota Production System, renowned for its focus on continuous improvement and quality.


Online Resources

  • American Society for Quality (ASQ): A professional organization dedicated to promoting quality excellence.
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO): A global standards body that develops and publishes quality management standards, including ISO 9001.
  • The Lean Enterprise Institute: A non-profit organization promoting lean manufacturing and quality improvement principles.
  • Six Sigma Institute: A resource for learning about Six Sigma methodology, a data-driven approach to quality improvement.

Search Tips

  • Combine keywords: Use terms like "quality management," "QA/QC," "quality assurance," "quality control," "quality standards," "quality principles," and specific industry terms related to your area of interest.
  • Include industry or product type: Specify the industry you're interested in (e.g., "quality management in software development").
  • Explore different website types: Search for "quality management articles," "quality management books," or "quality management blog posts."
  • Use quotation marks: Enclose specific phrases in quotation marks to find exact matches (e.g., "quality is free").
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