Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Predecessor Activity

Predecessor Activity

Understanding Predecessor Activities in Project Planning & Scheduling

In the realm of project management, successfully planning and scheduling activities is paramount. One key concept that underpins this process is predecessor activity. This simple yet crucial term plays a vital role in ensuring smooth project execution and meeting deadlines.

What are Predecessor Activities?

A predecessor activity, as the name suggests, is an activity that must be completed before another activity can begin. It establishes a logical dependency between tasks, creating a structured flow for the project. In the widely used precedence diagramming method, it's referred to as the "from activity."

Why are Predecessor Activities Important?

Understanding and identifying predecessor activities is crucial for several reasons:

  • Logical Project Sequencing: Predecessor activities define the order in which tasks should be performed, ensuring a logical and efficient workflow.
  • Resource Allocation: Identifying predecessors helps project managers allocate resources effectively, as they can anticipate which resources will be needed at specific stages.
  • Dependency Management: Precedence relationships highlight potential bottlenecks or dependencies that might delay the project.
  • Risk Mitigation: Recognizing predecessor activities allows for proactive risk management by addressing potential issues before they arise.
  • Schedule Accuracy: Defining predecessor activities forms the foundation for building an accurate project schedule, enabling realistic time estimates and deadline projections.

Examples of Predecessor Activities:

  • Building a house: Before you can paint the walls (successor activity), you must first complete the drywall installation (predecessor activity).
  • Developing a website: Before you can upload the website (successor activity), you need to design and code it (predecessor activity).
  • Organizing a conference: Before you can register attendees (successor activity), you must finalize the venue and speaker lineup (predecessor activity).

Identifying Predecessor Activities:

The process of identifying predecessor activities can be achieved through several methods:

  • Project team brainstorming: Engage the project team to discuss the logical flow of tasks and identify dependencies.
  • Project documentation review: Examine existing project documentation, such as work breakdown structures (WBS) and project requirements, to identify predecessor relationships.
  • Project management software: Specialized software tools can help visualize and manage predecessor relationships, ensuring accurate scheduling and resource allocation.


Predecessor activities are an essential element of project planning and scheduling. By understanding and correctly identifying these dependencies, project managers can optimize workflows, manage resources effectively, mitigate risks, and ultimately ensure successful project delivery within deadlines.

Test Your Knowledge

Quiz: Understanding Predecessor Activities

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is a predecessor activity? a) An activity that follows another activity. b) An activity that must be completed before another activity can begin. c) An activity that can be performed simultaneously with another activity. d) An activity that is not important for the project.


b) An activity that must be completed before another activity can begin.

2. Why are predecessor activities important in project planning? a) They help to create a logical flow for the project. b) They help to allocate resources effectively. c) They help to identify potential bottlenecks. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

3. Which of the following is NOT a method for identifying predecessor activities? a) Project team brainstorming. b) Project documentation review. c) Project management software. d) Asking your boss for advice.


d) Asking your boss for advice.

4. In the precedence diagramming method, what is the term used for a predecessor activity? a) Successor activity b) Dependent activity c) From activity d) To activity


c) From activity

5. What is the benefit of understanding predecessor activities in risk mitigation? a) It allows for proactive risk management by addressing potential issues before they arise. b) It helps to identify potential risks that could delay the project. c) It allows for better resource allocation to mitigate risks. d) All of the above.


d) All of the above.

Exercise: Identifying Predecessor Activities

Scenario: You are planning a company picnic. Identify the predecessor activities for the following tasks:


  1. Send out invitations.
  2. Book a location.
  3. Plan the menu.
  4. Organize activities.
  5. Purchase supplies.
  6. Set up the location.
  7. Clean up after the picnic.


  1. Analyze each task and determine which tasks must be completed before it can begin.
  2. Create a list of predecessor activities for each task.


Task: Send out invitations

Predecessor Activities: Book a location (You need to know where the picnic will be before sending out invitations)

Exercise Correction:

Exercice Correction

1. Send out invitations: - Predecessor Activities: Book a location, Plan the menu, Organize activities

2. Book a location: - Predecessor Activities: None

3. Plan the menu: - Predecessor Activities: None

4. Organize activities: - Predecessor Activities: None

5. Purchase supplies: - Predecessor Activities: Plan the menu, Organize activities

6. Set up the location: - Predecessor Activities: Book a location, Purchase supplies

7. Clean up after the picnic: - Predecessor Activities: Set up the location (The location must be set up before it can be cleaned)


  • Project Management Institute (PMI). (2021). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) (7th ed.). PMI. - This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of project management, including predecessor activities and their role in scheduling and planning.
  • Harold Kerzner. (2017). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling (12th ed.). Wiley. - This classic textbook provides a thorough explanation of project scheduling, including the concept of predecessor activities.
  • Jeffrey Pinto. (2021). Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage (6th ed.). Pearson. - This book emphasizes the practical application of project management techniques, including the use of predecessor activities for creating efficient workflows.


  • "Predecessor Activities: A Critical Element of Project Management." - This article provides a clear and concise explanation of predecessor activities and their importance in project planning.
  • "How to Identify and Manage Predecessor Activities." Smartsheet. - This article focuses on practical tips for identifying and managing predecessor activities in a project environment.
  • "The Importance of Predecessor Activities in Project Scheduling." - This article discusses the benefits of understanding predecessor activities for successful project delivery.

Online Resources

  • - This website offers a wealth of resources for project managers, including articles, tutorials, and templates related to predecessor activities and scheduling.
  • Smartsheet. - This platform provides tools and resources for project management, including templates and guides for defining predecessor activities.
  • - This website offers a variety of project management tools, including Gantt charts and other visualization methods for managing predecessor relationships.

Search Tips

  • "Predecessor Activity project management" - This search will provide resources related to the concept of predecessor activities within project management.
  • "Identify predecessor activities" - This search will return articles and guides on methods for identifying predecessor relationships in projects.
  • "Gantt chart predecessor activities" - This search will help you find resources that explain how to use Gantt charts to visualize and manage predecessor relationships.
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