Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Precedence Diagramming

Precedence Diagramming

Precedence Diagramming: A Powerful Tool for Project Planning & Scheduling

Effective project planning requires a clear understanding of task dependencies and timelines. This is where precedence diagramming shines. This method, a staple in project management, offers a visual representation of project activities and their relationships, enabling efficient planning and scheduling.

Understanding the Basics

Precedence diagramming, sometimes referred to as activity-on-node (AON) diagrams, uses a series of interconnected boxes to represent project activities. Each box contains key information like:

  • Activity Number: A unique identifier for each task.
  • Activity Name: A concise description of the task.
  • Duration: The estimated time required to complete the task.
  • Start and Finish Dates: Expected dates for the activity's commencement and completion.

Visualizing Dependencies

The true power of precedence diagramming lies in its ability to illustrate logical relationships between activities. These relationships, represented by connector lines, indicate the order in which activities must be performed. Common relationship types include:

  • Finish-to-Start (FS): An activity cannot begin until the preceding activity is finished (e.g., "Build the foundation" must be completed before "Erect the walls").
  • Start-to-Start (SS): Two activities can start simultaneously (e.g., "Order materials" and "Secure permits" can start at the same time).
  • Finish-to-Finish (FF): Two activities must finish at the same time (e.g., "Install plumbing" and "Install electrical wiring" must be completed concurrently).
  • Start-to-Finish (SF): A rare relationship where an activity cannot finish until a preceding activity is started (e.g., "Training" must be ongoing while "Project implementation" commences).

Flexibility and Adaptability

Precedence diagramming offers several advantages over traditional arrow diagramming (AON):

  • Clarity and Conciseness: The box-based representation provides a cleaner and more intuitive visual.
  • Easy Revision and Updates: Changes to activity durations, dependencies, or dates can be made easily without disrupting the diagram's structure.
  • Computer-Friendliness: Precedence diagrams are readily adaptable for computer-based project management software, facilitating automated scheduling and analysis.

Integration with CPM and PERT

Precedence diagramming works seamlessly with critical path method (CPM) and program evaluation and review technique (PERT) methodologies. These techniques help identify the critical path—the longest sequence of activities determining the project's overall duration. By analyzing critical activities, project managers can prioritize resource allocation and optimize project timelines.

In Conclusion

Precedence diagramming stands as a valuable tool in project planning and scheduling. Its visual clarity, flexibility, and compatibility with industry-standard techniques make it a powerful solution for managing complex projects and achieving successful outcomes.

Test Your Knowledge

Precedence Diagramming Quiz

Instructions: Choose the best answer for each question.

1. What is the primary purpose of precedence diagramming?

(a) To visually represent the sequence of project tasks. (b) To track project budget and expenses. (c) To monitor team members' performance. (d) To manage communication within the project team.


(a) To visually represent the sequence of project tasks.

2. What does "AON" stand for in the context of precedence diagramming?

(a) Activity-on-Network (b) Activity-on-Node (c) Arrow-on-Node (d) Arrow-on-Network


(b) Activity-on-Node

3. Which of the following is NOT a common dependency relationship in precedence diagramming?

(a) Finish-to-Start (b) Start-to-Start (c) Finish-to-Finish (d) Start-to-End


(d) Start-to-End

4. What is the advantage of precedence diagramming over traditional arrow diagramming?

(a) Easier to revise and update. (b) More efficient for tracking individual team member tasks. (c) Better for managing project budgets. (d) Requires less technical expertise to create.


(a) Easier to revise and update.

5. What is the critical path in a project?

(a) The shortest sequence of activities in a project. (b) The sequence of activities that requires the most resources. (c) The longest sequence of activities in a project. (d) The sequence of activities with the highest risk.


(c) The longest sequence of activities in a project.

Precedence Diagramming Exercise

Scenario: You are managing the development of a new mobile app. The following tasks need to be completed:

  1. Market Research: (Duration: 2 weeks)
  2. App Design: (Duration: 4 weeks)
  3. Development: (Duration: 6 weeks)
  4. Testing: (Duration: 2 weeks)
  5. Launch: (Duration: 1 week)


  • App Design must be completed before Development.
  • Development must be completed before Testing.
  • Testing must be completed before Launch.
  • Market Research can be done concurrently with App Design.


Create a precedence diagram for this project, illustrating the dependencies between tasks.

Exercice Correction

Precedence Diagram:

+-----------------+ | Market Research | 2 weeks +-----------------+ ^ | | SS +-----------------+ | App Design | 4 weeks +-----------------+ ^ | | FS +-----------------+ | Development | 6 weeks +-----------------+ ^ | | FS +-----------------+ | Testing | 2 weeks +-----------------+ ^ | | FS +-----------------+ | Launch | 1 week +-----------------+


  • The diagram uses boxes to represent each task, with their names and durations.
  • Arrows represent the dependencies between tasks.
  • The "SS" relationship (Start-to-Start) is shown between Market Research and App Design, as they can be done simultaneously.
  • The "FS" relationship (Finish-to-Start) is shown between other tasks, indicating that a task cannot begin until the preceding task is complete.


  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner: This comprehensive text covers various project management concepts, including precedence diagramming, in detail.
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) by Project Management Institute (PMI): The PMBOK Guide provides a standardized framework for project management, including sections on scheduling and precedence diagramming.
  • Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid Approaches by Kathy Schwalbe: This book offers a practical approach to project management, exploring precedence diagramming within the context of different project methodologies.


  • Precedence Diagramming Method by This article provides a clear overview of precedence diagramming, explaining its benefits, key elements, and how to create such diagrams.
  • Precedence Diagramming vs. Arrow Diagramming by PM Hut: This article compares precedence diagramming with arrow diagramming, highlighting their differences and strengths.
  • Critical Path Method (CPM) by Wikipedia: This Wikipedia article delves into the critical path method, which often uses precedence diagramming as a core tool.

Online Resources

  • Precedence Diagramming by Lucidchart: This online resource offers interactive examples and tutorials on creating precedence diagrams using Lucidchart software.
  • Precedence Diagramming Tutorial by This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on creating precedence diagrams, covering different relationship types and critical path analysis.
  • Precedence Diagramming Template by Smartsheet: This template allows you to create precedence diagrams using Smartsheet software, offering customizable features and collaboration capabilities.

Search Tips

  • Use specific keywords like "precedence diagramming," "activity-on-node," "project management tools," and "critical path method."
  • Combine keywords with "tutorial," "examples," or "template" for more focused results.
  • Add "PDF" to your search query to find downloadable resources like guides and articles.
  • Use quotation marks around specific phrases like "Finish-to-Start" to find exact matches.
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