Glossary of Technical Terms Used in Project Planning & Scheduling: Percent Complete ("PC")

Percent Complete ("PC")

Understanding Percent Complete (PC) in Project Planning and Scheduling

Percent Complete (PC) is a fundamental metric in project management, representing the progress made on a specific task or a group of tasks. Expressed as a percentage, it offers a clear snapshot of how far along a project is towards its completion.

What does Percent Complete (PC) mean?

In essence, PC is an estimate, a calculated percentage representing the portion of work already completed for a particular activity or a set of activities. It helps project managers and stakeholders understand:

  • The current status of a project: Are tasks on schedule, ahead of schedule, or lagging behind?
  • Progress towards milestones: How close is the team to achieving key milestones?
  • Potential delays and risks: Identifying tasks with low PC can highlight potential delays and areas needing immediate attention.
  • Resource allocation: Based on PC, resources can be adjusted to focus on critical tasks.

How is PC calculated?

The calculation of PC depends on the nature of the task and the available data:

  • For tasks with clear deliverables: PC can be calculated by dividing the number of completed deliverables by the total number of deliverables.
  • For tasks with a time-based progression: PC can be calculated by dividing the time spent on the task by the total estimated time.
  • For tasks with measurable output: PC can be calculated based on the quantity or volume of work completed.

Importance of accurate PC reporting:

Accurate and reliable PC reporting is crucial for effective project management.

  • Informed decision-making: Accurate PC data empowers project managers to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, scheduling, and risk mitigation.
  • Transparent communication: Clear and consistent PC reporting enhances communication between the project team, stakeholders, and clients.
  • Improved project forecasting: Accurate PC data enables more accurate forecasting of project completion timelines and potential cost overruns.

Challenges in PC reporting:

Despite its importance, PC reporting can be challenging due to several factors:

  • Subjective assessments: PC can be subjective, particularly for tasks that are difficult to measure objectively.
  • Time constraints: The pressure to report PC quickly can lead to inaccurate estimations.
  • Lack of clear definitions: Without clear definitions of deliverables and completion criteria, PC reporting can be inconsistent.

Best practices for PC reporting:

  • Establish clear definitions: Clearly define what constitutes "complete" for each task.
  • Utilize consistent reporting methods: Implement a standardized approach for reporting PC across all tasks.
  • Regularly review and adjust: Periodically review PC data and make adjustments as needed.
  • Encourage open communication: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable discussing challenges and uncertainties.


Percent Complete is a vital metric for project management, providing essential insights into project progress and performance. By adopting accurate and consistent PC reporting practices, project teams can improve decision-making, enhance communication, and ultimately, achieve project success.

Test Your Knowledge


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - The comprehensive guide to project management practices, including sections on project planning, scheduling, and performance measurement.
  • Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling by Harold Kerzner - Offers a detailed explanation of various project management techniques, including performance reporting and percent complete.
  • The Complete Guide to Project Management by James P. Lewis - Provides practical advice and strategies for managing projects effectively, including detailed information on performance reporting and percent complete.


  • "Percent Complete: A Guide for Accurate and Consistent Reporting" by [Author Name] (e.g., a published article in a project management journal)
  • "The Importance of Accurate Percent Complete Reporting" by [Author Name] (e.g., a blog post or article from a reputable project management website)
  • "Best Practices for Percent Complete Reporting" by [Author Name] (e.g., an article or white paper from a project management consulting firm)

Online Resources

  • Project Management Institute (PMI): - The PMI website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, webinars, and training materials on project management best practices, including percent complete reporting.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Knowledge Center: - This section on the PMI website contains articles, research papers, and other resources on various project management topics, including performance reporting.
  • - A comprehensive website dedicated to project management, providing resources, articles, and tools for project managers.
  • SmartSheet Project Management Blog: - This blog provides insights and best practices for project management, including articles related to performance reporting and percent complete.

Search Tips

  • "Percent complete reporting project management" - Use this phrase to find articles and resources on the best practices for reporting percent complete in project management.
  • "Percent complete calculation methods" - This search will help you find resources explaining different methods for calculating percent complete based on task types and available data.
  • "Percent complete best practices" - Use this phrase to discover articles and guides on improving the accuracy and consistency of percent complete reporting.
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